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-..."cF^_•-e----- ___._------ �„ �,1p1 � � � <br /> - ----- -- .^ — —�W iQ�''; <br /> � '}� � t="'.:. ` .. <br /> ,� �'•�*f�q:a�` � �� _ _ __. �. <br /> ° K � ` ._-� ' _ __ . _.�.� __. _ __- _..,�-�a.—_..a.:=. — — _.� _ ' �- <br /> tr- .. ---- - __. <br /> L6,. <br /> �= ftERECORD:,,�2_ 100�46 �. 1077�5 <br /> -,"� Tpp6'1'NBR WI'PH ali tho improvanent�now or tiarafter eroctod on the property:.u�Q1 easern�nta.�PPuAe�wnce�.and <br /> _- fi�tura now or hemafter a p�ut of tt�c prape�tY. AU rcpl�cements and �ddition� shall ulso bc coveral by this Suu�ity <br /> — laotn�ment. All of�hc forc�oin�is refctred ta in Ihis Sccu�ity Inst�umcnt as�he "PropertY•" <br /> -- BOItROWER COVBNANTS Ihat Barn�wer ia lawfully scised of the esWte hcreby canveyod+md Iwa thc�ight to��nt and <br /> - -__-_�'_� comey the PropeAy and t6at �hc Propctty i�uncncumberod.except for encumbrances af rcmrd. Borrowcr warrantr and wii) <br /> -- defetid genemlly the title to the Prapeny�gainsl all claime and deowmis.subject to eny encumbronces af mcord. <br /> ._�_M--_- ?=���`''� TH13 SECURlTY INSTRUMENT a�mbincs unfform covenants for national u�e and non-uniform covenantr with limited _ <br /> - "'-� veriationa by jurisdi�Kion to canstitwc u unifurm socu�fty instn�ment covcring pr�pcny. - <br /> �__� -_:54� �, <br /> � UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bomawer nnd Lcnder covenont and agree as fallows: _ <br /> .�.�., , l. Poymeat ot Prfndpd�nd Int�resti �P�9mait and I.ote ClwrQes. Bomnwer shall prompt�Y PaY when due the <br /> -.---° �' principnl af and interest on the debt evideni:ed by the Note and any prepayment und latc charges due unde�the Note. <br /> -�ar�:`.�- - 2. F�unds tor Tax�pnd Insurana. Subject to appUcabla law or to a writtcn waiver by Lender. Borcower shall pay to � <br /> --_- -���.�x•_�:= : l,ender on the duy manthly paymems are due under the Note. until Ihe Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds`)for:(a)yeuly taxcs � <br /> =.°`,.�..i°"s'�'`� and assessments which mey atlain priority over thic Security Inctrument as a lieo on th�Propeny;(b)yearly leasehold paymentn <br /> ---,�:,,,.a;,.�:`=: <br /> �. or ground rcms an the Propeny,if any;(c)yearly hawrd ar pmpc�ty insurance premiums:(d)yea�ly flaad insurnnce premiums. <br /> - ��;�,�;LL if eny;(c)yuuly mortgage in�urance premiums, if uny;end (�any sums payable by Barrower to l.ender,in accordance vvith ;;_: <br /> �:�,;,1,�•;•"� the provision�of paragrapb licu of U�e payment af mortgage insurnncc premiums.Thesc itcros ure cAlled "Escrow ltems.' - <br /> - -_`�'�.� `� Lemier may, ot any time.collect and hold Funds in an omount nat to excecd the maximum amount a Ir:nder for a federnlly <br /> related mortgage loan tnay nequire for Borrower's escrow account under thc Pederal Real �sta[e Senlement Proaxtures Act of <br /> . ---- -- - �� '"� l974 es arr�ended fmm time to time, t2 U.S.C. Soction 1b01 er seq. ("RESPA").unless aoother low that applies to the Fund� <br /> ��`'�������� scts a lesser amount. If so, l.ender may,ut any time. collect and hold Funds in a� umouM not to eaceed the lesser amount. _ <br /> T*,h:��";.`_, <br /> ,_�,,,, 1,ender may estimate the amount of Funds duc on the basis of current daw and reaso n a b��at�mates o f expen di t u n e a of future - <br /> =�: ���•_'��s-- Escrow Items or otherwfse in ecc�nlance wi�h applicabic law. _ <br /> - y�°�� 1 The Funds shall be held in an institution whose depasits arc inaured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entity - <br /> -�a: �, :�,, <br /> ..•• . <br /> _ -- - ;.:��. _ (including l.ender,if Lender is such an institution)ar in any Federal Homc Loan Benk.l.ender shall apply the Funds to pay the _ <br /> _ R�(" :�' Escrow Items. l.ender may not chargc BoRawer far holding aad applying the Funda� annually anelyzing the escrow Account. or - <br /> ,.�.;,, . � - <br /> -_�'=-1°-'•�l:° •• � verifying the Escrow Itema,unless l.ender pays Bnrrower interest on the Funds and applicabk law permits I.ender to make such <br /> ���''`'�"''� a charge. However, L.ender moy require Bortower to pay u one•time charge far an indepenclGU real estate tax repoKing service <br /> -- �_';`,. �'" used by l.ender in connection with this loan, unless epplicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made or _ <br /> ,;. <br /> �;��, � applicable law rcquirec interest to be paid. Lender shell not be required to pay Rorrower any intercst or earni�gs on the un s. __ <br /> - '�`�"'''=h"" Bc�nower and Lender rrwy agrec in w�iting,however, that interest shall bc paid on the Funds. I.ender shall give to Borrower, _ <br /> - "���� '�s.;��;�`���, withaut churge, An annual aceounting aF the Funds,showing credits and debits ro t6e Funds and the purpose for which c�n:l� <br />��., �`•+''`�� �:+,':� debit to the Funds was maJe.The Funds ar+e pledged as addi�ional securiry for all sums secured by this Security Instrument. <br /> "---L�-�`=•-u'���t u;: If the Funds held by Lender excced the art�aunts permitted to be held by applicable law,l.ender shall account to Bonuwer - <br /> -'iiy4r`�iff,"!"• :� 'c� , <br /> :,,,,, r��. ;.'.� �i" for the excess Funds in aceordance with the requirements of applicable lew.If the amount of the Funds held by I.ender�t siny <br /> ��.. ., <br />�_:�•� ,�s•�::?'i�� �` ' time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,I.ender may xo notify Borrower in writing,and,in such case BorroM+er _ <br /> --,;;;����'�.`� �:��'��. shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deflcicncy. Borcawer shall rtwke up the de6ciency in no more than <br /> -,��_,;'. <br />_ � ��••s�+�� twelve monthly payments,at Lcnder's so le discretion. <br />-~���""�ti, .. ��r, Upon payment in full of all sumg Scxured by this Security Instrument. Lendcr shall promptly refund to Borrower any = <br />:_,_;r;---""�'}' � ;r;^ Funds held by I.ender. If,under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire�r scll the Pmperty,l.ender.prfor to the acquisition or sale <br /> '� f,s ir.;.,•. <br />_= �;�.:1.,, of the Property,shali apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition ar sale as a credit ageinst the sums secw'ed by <br /> ��r,,_,.. '�^a'A'�1�;'::�I- thfs Securiry(nstrument. _ <br /> Sit,:!t!.�`r. <br />_�-r _, �,;t�,�. 3.AppllqNoa ot Paymeats.Unlcss applicablc law prc�vidcx othcrwisc,all payments rcccived by l.ender under parographs <br />� �''"' �'+fi''''�"� :ry. I and 2 shall be applied: first,to any prcpayment charges due under thc NWe; sccond,�o amounts payablc under p�mgroph 2; <br /> -..�.� .�,�,.,. <br /> ; �1,,,.,,.,.,.. <br />_� F, ,�f�;�.�;�.;, thib,to intere�t due; principal due;and la�t,�o any late charges due undcr�hc Note. , <br />?- j'''���r-��s:� 4.Cl�arges; Llens. Bonowc�shall pay all taxcs. ossessments,charges, fincs und impositions attdbutable ro the Properry _ <br /> � z ,tix.;:�•• - �. <br /> °�.•�'L ,at;�.,�, Y;.. which tnay attain priority over this Security Instrument,and Ieasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower shall pay <br /> ..'_7.'��C:,' S <br />��=`:&�r y �.:::,t,.: these obligations in the manncr providcd in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner, BoROwcr shall pay them on time directly Q <br />.. .4�1���1 �x�;l.. ' [. <br /> -::,::tt�9� . to the person owed payment. Borrowcr shall promptly fumish to Lendcr ull notices uf nmoums to be paid under this paragraph. - <br /> '�'�'� •� If Borrower makes th�e payments direcQy.Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments. � <br /> _�, . ., �..v�x;,^:=;°..: .. <br />��y f;. �+�;•�:�•:,��� Borrower shall pramptly dischargc any licn which has priority over this Security Insirument unless Borrower: (a)ugrees in _ <br />_ �� ,.,•�.,,i . <br /> ,�:41{,,'k� ' � writing to�he payment of the obligadnn 5ccured by thc licn in a manncr ucceptable to l.ender,(b)cnntcsts in goal faith the lien _ <br /> ��'..;{;,� by. or defends against enforcement af the lien in, legal procec�lings which in thc Lender's upinian operate to prevent the _ <br /> � enforcement of the lien; or(c)secures from Ihc holdcr of thc licn en s�grecment wtisfuctory to l.cndcr subordina►ing the lien to _ <br /> • this Sa.�urity Instrument. If Lendcr determines thut any part of thc Pn�perty is subject tn a lien whi�h may uttuin priority over � <br /> � ' this Security Instrument, Lcndcr muy givc &irrowcr u nulice idcn�ifying�hc licn.Bc�rn�wer xhall uitisfy the lien or take one or - <br /> .:�;1 �• ' s mor�e,of the actions set forth above within 10 duys uf th�:giving ��f nuticc. <br /> . • ' � Fo►m 3028 9/911 �_. <br /> � • Pp�Y ol B - <br /> .i . . <br /> ' y1G3019ddE12 <br /> . • <br /> .� ,� . --- ----— __ . -- �r�-.•�:�r��:K»�s�.�'_' <br /> , , ...� <br /> � � _ - - <br /> y .. . _ .__.... .. <br />