AT~h3;G~IhJid~~~3" wk1F' ~F:RhdT"S ~~r'~~~ ~ '=~f-:
<br />lffiC*? ALL ~frt; 9'l HE,SE' PN~F5IEI'S?°~ T+r: L1toy~. L. ;~r!,~~r.:r.. hlalran _. w~3fa~vb: ,,:as::~i-,r1 µ ....
<br />at,..u~ ~¢.~: Rai:~
<br />ff~.p..iw.,.,a``e, Ca!ie „° f;BU`rt + `id "' -
<br />•, "•+ rag Jr'~i 4n Can_ era!i„~:i Gf ii ~ Sl:r' u,
<br />Tl-,:r.-t~_rour Tna~isarsd ixo kurariec a~.d kG/1GC________________._______;}Q;lars(5--3' YvD.vv--
<br />toaned to d„!gagQ.*S. dQ tt?r~y' g(ant. ~a?gad", _.-" a ~: r"!;v?j r:-".tJ GV'~MER%ii.: sE1[QiiL ~r`,'v';'''i1~ A,~~'fj t~r~s"f ~JJ!ii.iA~ivr GI ~~Ti3r'3.
<br />Nebraska, {hereinafter cafled "Gommercia!' j. =ts sucessa.=s and assigns. th> foiiexrrg desGr3eo real Ps"etc. srtuat~d in th? County af.
<br />Hall Sfata of Nebraska. to-wt
<br />Lot figi?:t (;r 7 , it Duck P+ineteen (29) , in Schim>lier ` s
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Zsiand, Hail County,
<br />t.~uh..a¢Sra
<br />TG HALE ?r.fD TC HOLD THE SAME. ~+'t^. !`e -•,r ..xances thereonto te?ong:ng, unto Cc^merc;al. is successcrsandassigns.forever.
<br />Said Mortg ~~rs herby cdvenar.f with said Ccm`nrc:a! its successors and assigns that `,'crtgagors are lawfully seized of said prem+ses. that
<br />tt?ey are freer _,m encumerarces. and that they a!!I `^rever warrant znd def?nd the +,t!e `o w='d premises zgzinst the !av.•ful claims of al! persons
<br />whomsoever.
<br />Prev;ded, nevertheless: these pr~sen!s are upon flte foil~w:r.g co-ndrtiors:
<br />Thai whereas the said f.!crtgagors as memtrers of Cemr:~ercial nave this date exer_uted a nn±a cadencing sbch loan and agreeing to repay said
<br />sum df money, Wibt interest, in payments zs set forth in said note and have agreed to abide m the terms of said note and Charter and BY-Laws df
<br />Commercial.
<br />That ':+hereas this mortgage shall secure any additonaf advances. with inieresf, which may, at the option of Commercial be made 6y Com-
<br />mercial to the undersigned Mortgagors or their suer-errors in mile foi am p~:pose. at any fl- ,,, ,. ,,,.,,^=!!atics ^`: ":is ^:nrtg~ge
<br />twt PRGVIDED. HGWEVER. at no time shall ttte aggregzte principal amount secured by thiswmortgage, being the amount due at any time on said
<br />original note and arty additional advances made. exceed an amount equal to I1C percent of the amount of the original note, thrt in no event shall
<br />said note exceed the maximum amount permitted 6y law, and PRGVIDED, HGYJEVER, that nothing herein contained shall be considered as limiting
<br />the amount that shall be secured hereby when advanced to protect 'J!e security or in accordance with covenants contained in the mortgage.
<br />Naw. if the said h9ortgagers shall pay or cause to he paid the said sums of money when due, as set forth in said note, and any other note for
<br />additional advances made until said debt is fully paid with mte:est, then these presents shall be void; other,vise to be and remain .n ;!I force and
<br />effect: but if default should b? made:
<br />(a~ 'n any of the payments due on said note, and any other note for additional advances made, as therein agreed to be made for three :aor.ths; dr
<br />(b) In keeping the =p~ovements on said premi;es insured against foss by reasmr of fire, lightning, and other hazards included in extended
<br />coverage insurance in an amount not less than the unpaid bal2nce of said mortgage loan, in a company er companies acceptable to Com-
<br />merc:a. the anginal of such policy or policies to be held by Commercial, and with a e:origage clause atf2ched to said policy or policies,
<br />.n favor pf Commercial: ar
<br />ici !n the payment of taxes and assessments levied upon said premises, or on This mortgage, before they are delinquent; or
<br />(dj If there is any change in the ownership of the real estate mortgaged herein, by sate, either outright or by land contract, or by assignment of
<br />any interes± Thereon or otherwise;
<br />any oq me one;~e set-ram ?vents. the whole indebtedness hereby seco-red shall, ai the option c( Commercial, immediately become doe and
<br />payable without further notice, and the amount due under said note and any other note for additional advances made shall, from the date of the exerase
<br />of said option, far interest at the maximum legal rate per annum, and this mortgage may then be foreclosed to satisfy the amount due on said note, and
<br />env other mate for additional advances, together with all sums paid by Commercial for insurance, taxes, assessments and abstract extensron charges,
<br />with interest thereon from the date of payment at the maximum legal rate.
<br />PRGVIDED that in no event, either before or after default, shall the interest due under said note and this mortgage and any other note fa ad-
<br />ditional advances made exceatl the maximum lawful interest rate.
<br />PROVIDED, further, that in the event that default occurs in the making of the pzyments due an said note, and on any other note tot additional
<br />ad°vrnces, as therern agreed Io be made. dr in keeping the premises insured, as above provided, or if default ~ made in the payment of the taxes
<br />dr assessments levied upon the premises above described dr upon this mortgage, More they are try law delinquent, Canmercial shad be entitled
<br />td the immediate pessescidn of the premises above described, together with all rer.ks, proceeds and issues arising gut of the premises ~nn,,;ay,
<br />in is discretion use the reps sp far as it d?errs necessary for the purpose cf making repairs upon the premises and "tor the payment of insurance
<br />_ °"`~ ", ` L'ri^' t~sch V ~ ~e5, and f` ,c'C2SSa.i~ "cxpc~95ac iRCUdred iii *ecting said pre• eS and ~^f!ecting rQnt therefr .and
<br />tp apply same an said noie~and any notes evidencing future, advances hereunder until the indebtedness secured is fu!IV4paid: and for such aurodses-
<br />uhe under;ibrieu' does +ieret,~ se,i. assi~i, 'set diet and transfer unto Cammnrcia! ail of said rrnfs. proceeds and incomes including any land contract
<br />p:.yrn° is deg '^arig',.ge o. -er „s a»y cii~er ° . c„~as of any tyjr~ ~ratseevcr frp~~r said arcperty to be applied on fig notes move-described; but said
<br />Commercial shall in no case,~Jhable far the failure to procure tenants, !o collect rents, or to prosecute actions to recover possession of said premises.
<br />The Mortgagors further appoint Commercial of Omaha. Nebraska. their attorney in fact, giving said attorney power irrevocably, either on its awn
<br />name or Mortgagors' names tc take all necessary steps for proceedings m court or otherwise, to cause said premises to be vacated. to collect rentals
<br />or other incomes due, and whin vacant, to reset the same, to make all reasonable repairs and pay lases out of said rents. profits, contract payments or
<br />incomes and tp do all such Things either by its own officers or by other parties duty authorized and appointed 6y il, as its agent for said purpose. and
<br />td charge or pay a reasonable fee for such services. aN of the above to be done at soon times and m such manner and on such terms as td their said
<br />attorney may seam best, with full power of substitution.
<br />The Mortgagors hereby agree that if Commercial either voluntarily or involuntanly becomes or is made a part; to any sort or proceeding relating
<br />to the herein fore described real estate, or to ;his mortgage dr said note cr notes, other than a foreclosure institute] 6y Commerual, Mortgagors will
<br />roim;x;rse Commercial for z!1 reasdrzb!e costs inreirred r,~ rd,nmarcral in said suit cr proceeding. The fgortgagdrs further agreo ttiat !f the hereinbefore
<br />described real estate or any part thereof be condemned under the power of eminent domain. or is otherwise acquired for a public use. me damages
<br />awarded, the proceeds for the taking, and for the consideration for such acgwsition to the extent of the full amount of the remaining unpaid indebted-
<br />ness secured by this mortgage, ~, and they hereby are, assigned to Commerra! and shall bF paid forthwith tc Commercial to he applied an account of
<br />No last mahdring installments pf such indebtedness.
<br />Dated this ___~ day of -TdLy , 19 ;
<br />iN TN£ PRESENCE C 1'__
<br />r, Ea" SS.
<br />-~- -
<br />Lloyd'D. Colfa j
<br />Helen I. Colrack
<br />4G ;?TY OF Hall
<br />' Gn this '2~"~ day of .~L/> 19 .~, before me, a notary public in and for said County, personally came
<br />the above-named
<br />Lloyd D. Colfack and Helen I. Colfack, husband and wife
<br />to me welt known to Ire the identi~t perscz or persons whose name is a names are affixed tc the above mortgage as grantor ,r grantors and they, he
<br />r she, severally acknov~ledgz t`nc`,aid insirurnent and the execution thereof, to be their voiurtary act and deed.
<br />tt~iLtadlpituNl~ ~ ~
<br />~ .~:tSS r t his day and year last above written.
<br />Mgr . ~. Mq. ~. iM4$ _. ~ ------
<br />XX~~ ^±otary Public
<br />My ccmmissidn ex?Tres nn the ~_~~day of i9 1_. 50
<br />