F i.
<br />h-ii'le.iy i u~ F fi-i r: & IM~Ii r5 ai'~Ir ^n fi~w. aka'
<br />I ~
<br />~ v,w Fi~l' C'C),1.Ji11riERff'Z'dJ.^1 al tFsz paynctnr aj tr'Ae arm names ~nr:r,s, tt
<br />~OL'~II3 NATICk`T.AL B.A OF GRA.*~ i k hereby rcteases the mrntgage Hanle to~.~.
<br />THE OVffci~ NATZ(IbIA[, BATvY, by Larry I). Naha and Jacxi~e ~. Iran, Husband atx
<br />~if~~~.rrp l#~IIga sad t'everly J. He~lka. ~d and fife, T,s J. Mr.Aioon and
<br />N. oon Hsasbaz:d and Wif;E, and Srad Booth, A Siaagle Din
<br />ox the f owang descn~iied read estate, to-s+~it:
<br />rYactitaaal Lot One (i) in Fractional Block Tao (2) is Ashton Flaz;e 3
<br />i an asidition to the City of Grand Island, Hall Cotmty, Nebraska, and
<br />' ! its coa~lement, to-wit: All of Fra,ctior~al Blnek Twenty Eight (~£S)
<br />i.n Baker's Additian to the City of Grand Island, Hall Q~unty,
<br />Nebraska..
<br />af~~ettuna -, , in Township Range of the p, ~., Hall ~
<br />{~ Cminty~ ,State _ . Nebraska which is recorded ~r$andr-------~ Rea( Estate Mortgages, pa3e
<br />' ~-r6smrfs'a §hut~G'owxty. Ibc~t No. 79-t 1104 ' i
<br />.~N- TFSTI.&IONI' t3~HEREGF, the said OVF~NI} NATIONAL BAtYK OF GRANL) ISLANL) has caused
<br />~ td,Nge~ pt'rsexts td be `executed by its president and its Corporate Se he a ed hereto+this ~~
<br />'. i dag_af July , ry 'T9. ~ I
<br />~~ ,- `
<br />Idra&~ x "_. `: i -- .. BAP~_OF-GItATItID- ISLANI2
<br />~ , . ~ OOIERAL1163XRr-•tpsf ttNar. ~ .... .. .. -
<br />----------~ --~ ---------`=--------~......--....~LMNFiME~liIB-.-_--------------- --- --- - -- -- --- - -- ---.. .-, President
<br />__ .
<br />..---------------- -°-...----•--_....--- - --- -- °-•---------..._...._.._-Attest .~~_~ =~`z'-E.---°1- ~-° - ;
<br />f'? ~~` ~'~+~~":{-:., cashier, Seaelary
<br />STATE GF ------------- -----~-------•--...-..------------~
<br />On this.... 24th.....da o -`-Ju13'----------.._..---- • ~
<br />ss. y j- - - ---- `g- -.._---
<br />~ County f before, me, the undersigned, a Notary Pubdie in and for said j
<br />,.~~,,..,.n.. 9dictaael T, Fti ns--.-- - -- --- ------ ------ e
<br />c......,.. _~.ya -----...., Presiddent of the
<br />- , .,.,..~.r, rte ..:.......... .....~.......--- ....°-°-°-------°------ - ---.........- -° ---------- - - °-
<br />? - ---_OVERt:AI+ID NATIONAL, BANK OF f~tAAID ISLAND a Corporation
<br />to me personally known to be the President and identical person whose name ds affixed to the abm,~e release and ,
<br />'~ arknowtedged the exerution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such oj~icer, and the voluntary act and deed
<br />~ of said Corporation.
<br />_:
<br />! Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at.....-.._.._ Grand-,Island------.._ ................... in said County the day and year
<br />last above writte». t
<br />My commsssaox expires __. ~.,,$~-. _.. rq-8.~... ----- --.c~°~3..^ ~.t.3.7.'! ~ ......., E'ilo#ary Puhdic f
<br />_ -- --- ~
<br />! _-
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />