<br />;TGAGE
<br />- - - 510RTGAGE LOAN N0. L 23{87
<br />Ice:~A1.La~NB~Tx~s~gl~s~r.°TS:Tbai Stephen R. Speck za single person)
<br />-- Yrxigapx, w}tetber one or more, at wremdesstion of ~ ~ of
<br />hire Thalt&and and NOIl00------------------------ ------°-----____-- --~~,,~~
<br />loaned !o said mertgagar by Tlu Equitable Bta7ding and Lma AssxSation of Grand Irhnd,?lebraska, Mortgzgee, upon ~~ sham otstreet of
<br />said ASSO(:IATIOA;, Certifiate No. L ~~}}yy~~ , da hereby grant, gamey and nazrigage unto the said ASSOCIATION the folber~g
<br />d:~~sibcvl real eau, si€uated in Hall County2l'4~D'~slca:
<br />The Southerly Seventy-Eight (S78) Feet of Lot One {l; in Block
<br />Six (6) in the Original Town, now City of brand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />together with aP the tenements, hereditantenis and appurtenances thereunto belonging, including aitar3ted floor crtverings, aB wirdow aacens,
<br />wintlow shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air rnnditioning, and plumbing and water equipment and accessories iherem, pumps, stoves,
<br />refrigerators, a.~ed ether fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or ured in connection with said rea! estate.
<br />And wherws 4he said marippgor has agreed and does hereby agrce that the martgagor shall and vvi!! pay aU taxes attd aa+esartteats levied ar
<br />assessed upon said premises astd upon this mortgage and fire band secured there before the sattu shag become delinquent; to furnish approved
<br />insurance upon the buililirtgs on said premises situatedan the sum of E g , OOQ, ~~ pyable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br />AS~ULTION the policies for said insurance; and not to commit or permit any waste an or about xiid premises;
<br />In case of default in the performance of any of the terms and canditirn., of ih~ mo;i~ge a: the band secttrel hsrcJ+y, the mortp.,~. shall,
<br />an demand, be rntitied to irmrsednte posus;ion of [he mortgaged premises and the ator[gagor hereby assigns, transfers sad sets over to the
<br />rnartgagee aB the teats. revrntxs and incottt to be derived from the mort~ged premises during sue:tt time as the mortgage indtbtedn~ shaft manic
<br />unpaid; aitd the ttxtrtgagee shall have the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpox of [spatting said premises and nnti~
<br />its° sartae and collecting ism ants, res~itues and iactxne, and it may pay out of said income all expenses of repairirtg aaxi premises and neotxory
<br />commissions and expenses incurred in renting and managing the suite and of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance =~~~ d any, to be
<br />applgd toward the discharge of said atortgare irtdebtedneffi; these rights of the mortgagee iaay 6e exereased at arty kitae dutisg ih~ exi.~ience of st~h
<br />default, irrespectire of any temporary waiver of the same,
<br />These Presents, however, are upon the Condition, That if the said Mortgagor shall repay said Man on or before itu matuzitp of said shares by
<br />payment; pay rcanukly to said ASSOCtAT10N of the sum specifrecl in the Bond secured hereby as interest and prinapal tm said ban, on or before
<br />_~ Twe?itt?et~. day of e~h a=nd every •~y,ut, ~ sg~d I=_~n is ft~y p"~+; ,.;., all fazes z~ as:.s~.°.nU L.i~t>' aE.a:st said p~~ arw; ern ~ wr#ort
<br />-and the ,Mind se;.ttted Thereby, before delinquency; furnish approved iasuraitrx upan the bt~t~~_ t~r~n i.. ~ 5=•xtt ~ t 6 , ~~!_I , ~?
<br />to saw ASSr~^IATION; repay to said ASSt2CLATItlN upon ts'er,atrtd all tnoney by i{ paid far stub fazes, assexsmsats aid inraance with mteresi at
<br />tl:e ~,..,.. u ~t ate •u~: ~ f vm date .•~ -'_ ~ t 'a.. w wn~.u in'aeY~rr I>c~cby ~ec3 to nay; ~---- nn ~~ ~ ~;e: 'rni'a'.,.i~3- k^'r• ~t rimer
<br />" • ~ L'~° ~;..,.;r~nis a.-ad ~-tdiz'~r.: of ter ,°,c-~.,-` for `a ~ , ~~,, t~ t,~° day g~sven by iha said Mortgagor to said Ace.-.iA t~~V, attd ooatply
<br />with sit the requirements of the Constitution attd BY-Laws of said ASSOCIATION; then these presents shall became null and void, otltetwiae they
<br />shall rentaat in full fora and may 6e foreclosed at the option of the said ASSOCIATION slier failure for throe rimnihs to make say of saw
<br />payments or be three months in arrears in making said monthly payments, or to leap sad comply with the agreements and caaditiooa of said Bond;
<br />sad Mortgagor sgrees io have a receiver appointed forthwith in such foreclosure proceedings.
<br />If there is any change in ownership of the real estate mort~ged herein, by sale or otherwise, then the entire remaining iadebtedtxss httebp
<br />sectored shag, st the option of The Equitable Btrildittg and Loan wsvociation of Grand Istand,Nebraska, becotrx itatttediatedy due and payable vvithwtt
<br />itrrtdur notice, and the nurturer mnnining due under said bond, and atry other bond for any additional advances made theretmder, shall, from the
<br />date of exeretse of said option, bear interest at the maximum legal rote, and this mortg~ troy then be foreclcised to satisfy the amormt dm m said
<br />bond. and any other bond for additional advances, together with aB sorts paid by said The Equitable
<br />Nebraska for insurance, taxes and a~ssments, and abstra extension Hin7ding s>td Luca Asia,ciat~r of Grand lalsad.
<br />leaad rate. cti°g cha+B~. ~~ interest thereon, from date of payrrent at flu metxirtasm
<br />As provideA in the Frond aeaued hereby, while lifts mortgage remains in effect the irarigagee troy hereafter advance additional soma to ttte
<br />makers of saw bond, rhea assigns or suceessors in interest, which sums shag 6e within flu security of this mortgtt~ the sane as the funds ar~ioai(y
<br />aaoarr~ ~reby, the total artrsttnk of priaeia3l debt tort to exceed at any time the original amount of this mortgage,
<br />Zhis Zr3tE'1 //y ~-/, JUIy A. 6., 19 ~~
<br />c'l. ~
<br />~~-r=: en Q£ ~p_ z~ ate- g e person
<br />STATBOFNEBILASKA,~~. Oa this 25th
<br />couNTY clp HALL
<br />Stephen R. Speck
<br />
<br />mo to Ire itu ideatini
<br />person ~~'
<br />~~ *°~~=.,~'j
<br />vvlwse >x
<br />, ~
<br />adtrrocvledged the said iostrimteni W be ~~5:~ '
<br />volaatih~i*q
<br />IYfTNFSS mp hams sad- - Stele stalls
<br />My Commissern expires ~~ ~
<br />? -::
<br /> ~
<br /> u - -- - `-
<br />
<br />
<br />dap of J Ul y 19 7 } , tsefore me,
<br />the tm~rsigned, a Notary PedtBc in and for said Caanty, personalty came
<br />who 1 s personally kHawn to
<br />to the shore itsstrturtent as awrtgagor attd h e ~y
<br />1 deed.
<br />Notary Public
<br />