79- ~Q'~53 tVt6RTG1i~E
<br />TH15 INDENT€IRE, made this 23rd __ day oP July ~ ~ ig I9 by e~ between
<br />Seraph',.s~ J. !.grilse and.Oiaane J. Agn3lar, httabaad and wife, each in his and her ova
<br /> rig~t and as spouse of the other 3
<br /> _
<br />of $211 County, Nebraska, m milrtgagor s , sad Grand Islmd Truck Company a£ Grand island, a corporation
<br />~ argapised and eaiating wader the-laws of Nebraska with its prindpal office end place of business at Grand Ialaad, Nebraska, u martgngce; --
<br />£F
<br />`` W ITNESSETH: That said rarortgagor $_ ,for end is copsideration of tae sum of `a
<br />#F#F -
<br />~#Four Thoursmd Three Hnndzed Nineteen and 20/IGOthsaR ~Ilarsta,b,319.1O l a~
<br />N
<br />t~jj
<br />xhe .ersiat of which is hare6y acknow[edged, do - by these presents nmrtgege and warrant unto said noortgagee, its streseseore and assigns,
<br />i' forever, ell the following described real estatz, situated in the County of Ba11
<br /> sad State of Nebraska, to-wit: ~;
<br /> ` is
<br /> Lat Oae {1}, in Block Pine (5}, in Evans' Addition to the
<br />
<br /> earn of [:rand Islann, Nall Couatq, Nebraska.
<br />--
<br />3
<br />s
<br />~
<br />r
<br />
<br />S
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br /> Together with alt heating, air w~itionipg, isghting, end plumbing equipment and futures, irxludirrg scrcem, ewainge, storm windows sad
<br />a
<br />- dears. aed window shade or blinds, used on or in connection with said property, whether the same are sow !orated on said property or heteafrs
<br />~~ p tbareon. ~ B ~,
<br />~_
<br />~. - fi0 HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with ell end siagutar the tenements, hereditamenta end appurtenaacev thereunto be-
<br />- ~ tonging, or is anywise appertainipg, Corevar, and warrant the title to the same. Said morgagor ~ hereby covemnt -with said
<br /> gottgagea that ~~ka j are , at the detivery tuueof. the lawful owzrer8_ of the premises shave conveyed and described, rn
<br />
<br />_ ~.,.. °° -~ of a g'c ~ '~'• in,',s~'e3 "cIs ~ to of ~.keritsa:a Oka °: and claa: cf ail 2:s:prT.b.of~, sad that ~ ha~wi3
<br />
<br />V
<br />L[
<br />-' warran4 s~ defend tke title theteto~ forever against the claims and demends
<br />oi all persona whomsoever. ~
<br />~- pROVIDr,D ALWAYS, end this inar.,,m«nt is a:ecuted end delivered to secure the payment of the sum of ~
<br />
<br />F R:Fns 'o~~~and Three nLnArea Nineteen .,na 101400tha~* 1.
<br />Ibllars f8 _ ~ 314 . IO
<br />~;i with interest thereon, together with such charges end advances as may be due and payable to acid mortgagee under the terrors and conditions
<br /> of the proavsaory wore of even date herewith and secured hereby, executed by said mortgagor ~_ to said mortgagee, payable u etpresead 1
<br /> i$ said rota, and to sactrre the performaaoe of all the terms and conditions contained therein. The terms of said note are hereby incorporated
<br />~?
<br />¢ bairns by this reference.
<br />~ It is the intension and agreement of the parties bacato that this mortgage shall also secure any future advances made to said mortgegor_$_
<br /> }ry said mortgagee, and any end all indebtedness N addikion to the amount shave stated wr.;ri said mortgagors, or any of them, may awe to
<br /> said mortgages, Imnever evidenced, whether by rate, teotr account or otherwise. This mortgage shall temsin in full form end effect between
<br />`~
<br />~ the parties herew sad their hairs, peraous3 reprexatatives, successors and assigns, vatil aU amounts secured 6ereu>~a, including future
<br />~s advaaaes, are paid in fuL' with interest. ~~
<br /> ens mortgegrsrg_ hereby assign _~ to said mortgages all rents and income arising at any and alt times from said property and s
<br /> hereby snthorize acid martgagce or its agent, at its option, upon default, to take charge of said property and mllect all rents and income
<br /> therefrom end apply the same to the payment of interest, principal. ipaurance premiums, taxes. sssesaments. repairs or improvements
<br />r~ »ecesaery to keep said property in tenantable wndition, or to other charges or psymeats provided for herein err in [he mote hereby secured. This t;
<br /> rent dastgnrneni aimif contu.r~ -faire uat.l the urra~ 6ala.^.ce of said ^^ta s fully pa.d. The taking of possession hereunder shall in tm menn~
<br />- pevanx er cgtard ~ in the collactiorr of said sums by forerlosare or otherwise.
<br /> The faHure of the mtrrtgegee to assert say of its rights hereunder st any lima shall not be coasWVed ea a waiver of its right to esaeK,, the
<br />i
<br />i ct
<br /> aaox at any
<br />nter t
<br />me, sad to utaist upon and enforce n4ieet compliance with a!1 tks terms and gravisiona at a=-? ~r~+ art of G~ m~*t~~~. A
<br />~f If said mori~gor it shag cause fu be paid to said mortgagee Lha entire amount due it hereunder. and wader the terms and oroviafona ?
<br /> of said note hereby setrued, including [umre advances. and any eatenetona or renewals thereof in aceordaeux with the forms and provisions ;
<br />a theteoi, a~ if aakt n3oi~jegpr B shall wmpty with all the provisions of said ante and of this mortgage, kirea theme peasants- sitali be wid:
<br />'
<br /> otherwise to eetpskt hrCtiil force smi eHeet, sail said morigatgss shall be entit~d to the posaeaeion of all of said yropeety, and may. at its option.
<br /> dadere tLe wt>crk of maid cote sad all indebtedness rspreaented thmroby to be immediasely due ami payabkr, end may foreclose Chia mortgage
<br /> or tsko say. atl~.laga! nation ~ Irrotect itatight. Appraseameat-srufvcd. -
<br />- Thin morRgeBa aka}! be bindkrg upon nail shall emus to the beerefit of the heirs, ezecutora, adminiatretoea, sua>Beaoro and assigns of the
<br />-
<br /> teaAectl+`e peities herew.
<br />WITNE
<br />S WHE
<br />O
<br />s
<br /> ~~
<br />S
<br />RE
<br />F,
<br />aid Mortgagd~ 6a 7L~._herevnto set _
<br />the day and year rust above
<br /> t
<br /> -
<br /> l?~: J 1
<br />!~ l
<br /> Dina J ~B°.t,;3ar
<br />