<br />7g~ ~.:":'~ ~~~ ~f~JRTGAGE
<br />THIS INDENTURE, cede tale 17rh do of .l[rl
<br />Y Y 19 _~._, by and b_.weea
<br />D. Donald Vander Ha>® and LaDonna M. Vander Haffi. husband and wife, each in-his and her
<br />
<br />i
<br />
<br />£•
<br /> own right and as spouse of the other,
<br />- -
<br />Y
<br /> of_,_Hail County. Nebrsekn, as mortgagor s ,and Grand Inland Tmat Company of Grand taland, a a
<br />`~' orgnro+;ed cad eziating user the taws of Nebraska with its principal office and plaie of Isuaiama at Graff Inland. Nebraska, as mort®agae;
<br />#
<br />'~,b. WITNESSETH: That said mortgagor.; ,for and in coaeideratirm of the sum of
<br />
<br />"> .
<br />S.evv.~ Tl~vsand Twa Hctndred Seventy Nine and an/100 - - - ~ ".~5~:°00 :
<br />.~-;.
<br /> the receipt of which is hmaby ackMw:sdged, do-~ by these greaenta mortgage and warrant unto anal ac6 'rtgigee jfa rtu~te_dod aaeigee•
<br />'~ forever. all the following drfficribed:eat estate. situated in the County of _ a 7_ l~l - - y
<br /> and State of Nebreaks, to-wit: f~
<br />
<br />
<br />~
<br />
<br />' ti
<br />~~
<br />} ) of Lot Eight ($}, and the Nor*_herly Thirty-Nine
<br />Southerly Twenty-Seven Feet (27
<br />
<br />' {
<br /> ) of L^r utnc (9), ail in Slock Two (Z), in West Park Addition to the
<br />Feat (3° t=
<br />$ City of Grand Island, Nall County, Nebraska.
<br />
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<br />~, ~'d
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<br />§3 ~
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<br />mg, air conditioning, aghtmg, and iamb i mani and iizluree, iceiu"
<br />TogeUrer with all heat g ing eqa p u,ng scraeas, a~..itcgs, street wirdews a^.¢I
<br />s .doors, end window shades or blinds, used on or in connection with said property, whether the same are now boated on said property or 4ereefter
<br />,~, placed thereon, ri
<br />- TO RAVE ARID TO HOLD THE SAME, together with ell end singular the teaementa, hereditamenta cad appati<rsneacea ihsreur.LO be-
<br />---
<br />- ~_{.
<br /> loagiug. or in anywise appertaining, forever, and warrant the title to the same. Said mocgegor ~_haeby covenant-with mid
<br /> :.-- ~rt888m the! _._t~. he ~ ?rr= _.___, at She deiivary hereof, the lawful owner_~ of the premises above oanvayed and destrc'baei.
<br />~ --_ _-'- ~r~-m+~a or a goad and indef~ible e~+ate of iniarir~nte t~x~r, tine and clcer of a3 ersumbraaces, aril that _t_i~~.wu`
<br /> '-~-_ svarrent and defend the title thereto forever against the claims end demands of ail persons whomsoever. 2
<br />-~ PtTOVIDED ALWAYS, and this instrument ie executed and delivered m secure the payreent of the sum of i~
<br /> Seven Thausaac] Two Hundred Seventy Nine and no/100 - - - -Do`Jars16 7,279.00 I,
<br />with interest thereon, er with each cF and advances as m be due and able to acid cart
<br />Logeth .arges ~ Pay gages under the terms and conditions
<br /> of the promissory note of even date herewith cad aecared hereby, executed by said mortgagor _~-to said mortgagee, payable a9 expressed _I
<br /> in avid note, and to secure the p~fonaance of ail the terms and conditions contained therein. The terms of mid ate are hereby imxaparated
<br />`S
<br /> herein by this reference. az
<br /> It is the icctsntion and egrcemenE of the parties hzreto that this mortgage shell oleo secure any future advances nude to acid awrtgagor.g
<br /> by said mortgagee, and any amt aL' indebtedness ie addition Co the amount above stated whirl, said mortgagors, or any of [hem, may awe to
<br />#
<br />- said mortgagee, however avidencaad, whether by note, book account or otherwise. This mortgage ahsll remain in full force and effect between
<br />~? the patties hereto and their heirs, personal representatives, auccesaora and assigns, until all amounts secured heroundel, including future
<br /> advances, are paid is full with interest. e
<br />
<br />~e The mnYga~.s~ he.~by ssaigr. _±e said mortgagee ill rants and income arising at any and all times from said property and ~'
<br />
<br />f3 YvsrebY authorize said mortgagee or its agent, et its option, upon default, to take charge of said property end collect all cents cad income ##
<br />_ _ ,~.L..L-^.,^..a,•~ e,.p.,,r•, Llr ea` r., riw Iwyment of interest. princiuat. insurance pcamiumn. tez~, aeaesamants. repairs.or impMVemaltta .t
<br /> necesaery to keep said property in tenautebte condition, or to other charges or payments provided for heroin or in the note hereby secured. This t
<br />~+ rent assignment shall continue in force until Lhe unpaid belanre of said note b fully paid. The taking of possession hereunder shall in no manner
<br />r , peevent or retard said mortgagee in the oolleetion of said sums by fororlosure or otheewiaa.
<br />z Tke failure of the mortgagee fo assert any of its rights hereunder et say time shell not 6e construed as t waiver of its right to ssaeK; the
<br />~ came at arty L~ Lima. erg to isai3t upon end eafoxa strict compliance with ell the terms and provisions of said ate and of this mortgage. tt
<br />
<br />_ ~
<br />$; _ I.. saki mortgagor a shall cause to be paid to said mortgagee the entire amount dne it hereunder. and under the farms and provisions
<br />of acid vote hey secured, iachcdiccg fttWre advmces, end ury ex:e~bns or renewals thereof in aaordanee with rtes terms and provisions
<br />
<br />-~ - - tlr~aof. ec~ if s~ mortgagor ~_ shah compfy with aH tin pmvisans of said awe end of this mortgage, than t2>~e gr~erts--shell be void:
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<br />a.d dteet; and eaiii mmfgagee shalt be ~ttlad to t1~ P~~+ion of aB of said pmPta4Y. amt may. st its option.
<br />declare the whole of mkt note and aU icndaebtedome represented thm^eby to he immediately dne and payable, end may forec~oae tiffs aartgage t~
<br />f
<br />~: or take say o4lrer.leget action W-P-'otect its right. AppcsiaemsaG waived.. -
<br />This mortgage attaII be binding upon asd abaR snots W the 6ene6t of the 6ei:a, exewtors, administrators, aucceesors and aeaigtrs of the
<br />re
<br />pective panes beato ~~
<br />1 s
<br />. _ ___ - -
<br /> - -' FN WITN63S WHEREOF, aafd bfottgegor s_}aa ve hetamto sat their
<br />hand s ..the dsY and Yes first above
<br />~
<br />- ~)~
<br />written. , ~mr~aX.t`J ~~~ai t
<br /> r
<br />''~
<br /> a onna an er ~
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