<br />THIS INDENTURE, made this 23rd - day ~ Julq 19 79 , },y asL between
<br />Gerald E. l;;urfiwod and Inez P, Stfttaood, htfsbaad f!sd wife, eat:h in h1s sad her ova right
<br />and as spouse of the other,
<br />of Hall County. Nebraska. m mortgagor B -, end Grand !shard Trust Company of Grand IsLnd, a tzgpmation
<br />org raised and esiating vada the laws of Nebraska with its principal cffax and place of bnsiaesa at Grand Islmd, Nebraska, ae nsurtgagee:
<br />WTTNESSETH: That said mortgagor e . for sadm coasiderntim of the sum of
<br />**Fifteea Thousand Seven Hundred Fifteen and NO/100ths** DoUnra(8 15,715.00 l
<br />the mceipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do - by these presents mortgage and warrant unto said mortgagee, its sacceseors end eeaigas.
<br />forever, all the folbwing descnl+ed real estate, situated in the County of Hall
<br />.-end State of Nebraska. to-wit:
<br />Lot Six (fi), Blocic-One (Z}, in West Heights Addition
<br />to the City of Grand !eland, ivebrasica, and Being the
<br />Same as Lot Six (ti) of West Heights Addition as Surveged
<br />and Platted.
<br />l To~ther with all basting, air conditioning, lighting, and plumbing equipment and futures, including screens, awnings. storm windows and
<br />doors, sad window shades or blinds, used m or is correction with saki property, whether the same are mw located am said property or hereafter
<br />- piaze$ iha-won.
<br />TO HAYS AND TO HOLD THE SAIuE, together with tdl and singular the tenemeaLq, 6erc+.t+*A,~ets and appurtenances thereuate he-
<br />'.e, or in any~;~ appertanr,tgai$ fotava, sad warrant tine titk+ to the same. Said morgagor =.hereby cevaneat.-with avid
<br />--.-~srsgagee that ~ ha Y are . at the delivery hereof, the lawful owner ~ of the premises above rm~vaya~ awl '
<br />.~ . earl are -seized of a good sad irrdefeeerbk estate of inheritance therein. free sad clear of all encumbrmcee, and that~he~will
<br />-- w°~..~,t err ; d t~ utde itRret.- fcr~izr a,;sius t:.e c;aims a~ drmxnde of all pessorta whomaaev~.
<br />_- ----- ~ROVfIi£is AiwAYS, a~ this instrument ti ezecuted and delivered to secure the payment otthe sum of
<br />_**Fifteea Thousand Seven Hundred Fifteen and No1100ths** Dollarslg 15 715.00 1,
<br />with interest thereon, together with sue6 cha.gea and advances as may ba due and payable to acid mortgagee under the terms arrd conditions
<br />of the prarnisrtory note of even date herewith and secured hereby, a:ecu:ed by said mortgagor a to said mortgages, payable ea eapresaed
<br />is said rata, sad to secure the performance of all the terms and wnditions contained therein. The terms of said note are heeby iacorpaatad
<br />ha~n by this reference.
<br />[tie the intention sad agreement of the parties hereto that Chia mortgage eh+ill also secure any future advances made to said martgagru~
<br />by said mortgagee, and any and all iadebtedaeas in addition to the amount above stated which said mortgagors, or any of them, rosy own W
<br />said raartgagae, lmwever evidenoad, whether by note, book account or otherwise. This mortgage shall remain in full force and effect between
<br />N.e 9artrea herefa and their 6aire, pereo:.el repreaentetives, aucceasora sad assigns, until eu amounts soeurad hereunder, including future
<br />advana.s, are paid in fuH with iatarest.
<br />The mortgagors hereby assign _ to said mortgagee all rents and income arising et any and all times from said property sad
<br />hereby wthorize said mortgegre or ire agent, at ire option, upon default, to cake charge of said property and m0etk ell rents sad irrrgma
<br />titee~ erd apply the same to tfre payrnsnt of iateraeY, principal, insurance premiums, !saes, saseasmmrta, rapsua or improvanents
<br />ttaaessary to keep said property in tenantable condition, or W other charges or payments provided for homin err in the note hereby secured. This
<br />rra1. aaagnnraat shat! continue in torte until the unpaid balance of said rrote is fully paid. The taking of poasa9sion hareuader shall in m roamer
<br />peevent or retard acid mortgagee in the collection of said sums by tarecloaure or otherwise.
<br />The faifmtr of the mcrtgagse m eseert any of ire rights heJ~•ida- xt am time shsl sot ba tvnatrvad sa x gafug n# its rfg6t ~ asap Eta:
<br />saran at say later time, and to insist upon and erdorce strict complleace with art the terms and provisions of said note end of this mortgage.
<br />f# said arortgagar ti shell cause to be paid W said tmrtgagee the entire amount due it heremdar, end under the terms and proviamne
<br />of acid note hereby encored, including future advances, and any eatensaae or renewals thereof in accordance with Che terms and provisions
<br />thaeot. ass! if aaitt mortgagor B sheN campfy with all the provisions of said note sad uf.this ~rtgega, L6en these pres®ts-shall be void:
<br />ntfi~w®tn rsmsai fn 1'sll ~ and ~fect. swl acid mortgagee shall ba eMitkd fo the poseemion of all of said Prop~tY. and may. et its option,
<br />dedue the ghok ®t aa~-nme star-all -rapreasutsd thereby to be immediately due cad-payable, mtti may foteek~e this vortgage
<br />m take say oLh°.S ~ action to protect its fight. Appraisement:weived. -
<br />E This martfiaae shall ba binding nPm sari shall enrrre to trite benefit o[ the baba, ezaeuta:a, adminiatiators; stitaedaore end assigns of tJre
<br />reapet7ive parties hereto. - -
<br />! - IN WITNh'88 WHEREOF, aakl Mortgagors ten ~$6ereuato set heml~_._the day amf year first above
<br />. wrrttert. ~~ ~l~s~ ~ n
<br />