~._ _ .
<br />--
<br />53-A-R£AL ESTATE dtORTGAGE- :h Tax Clause (Revised 1962; 21x -as.s t,enersi Supply Hwae, L"mw2n, Si hr.
<br />3effarg L: Fern and Barbara J. Fern, Htlsbarl>3 and Rife
<br />(Mortgagor )
<br />of Hall County, and State of Neb: ds)II , in consideration of the cum of
<br />Forty Thousand and Nof100 ($1t0,000w~JO) - _ ° - - - - - - - ° - - - - - - - - -DOLLARS
<br />is band paid, do }eemby SELL and CONVEF unto
<br />Excharoe Hank
<br />(Mortgagee )
<br />of Buffa'10 County, and State of Nebraska the following described premises
<br />sitlraied in Hall County, and Statq of Nebraska to.wit;
<br />Souther]y Thirty One and Fifty Huntia+edths Pest (31w50t) of Lot Three (3}
<br />and the tdortherly- Thirty and Fifty Hnndredths feet (3ow5ot) of Lot Five (5)
<br />in Block Eight (3} in University Place, and Addition to the City of Grand
<br />Isiarld, HaL County, Nebraska
<br />Thin Mortgage is sub3ect of a first mortgage of record iu the amount of
<br />$23,1i00.C'J to First Federal Savings & Loan Association cf Linct:7a and is
<br />taken as additional collateral far a note in the amount of $110,00(3w00 of
<br />even date.
<br />The intention being w convey hereby an absolute title in fee simple including all the rights of homestead and dower.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises abn~e described, with all the appurtenances thezeunfa belonging onto flee
<br />caul mortgagee and to S.ts heirs and assigns, forever, provided always, and these p:eseata are upon the express
<br />condition that if the a[oresaid mortgagor3 their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns shall pay ar cause to lie
<br />paid to the said aeort, ogee its heirs, ezecutors, administrators or assigns, the sum of
<br />Forty Thousand and No/lO0 ($110,000.00) - - - - - - - - - - - - -Dollars, parable u follows. to-w;t:
<br />~OtiT T)i0'.;s:dpnd Chle Hnndred T411rtyDoitars on the day of 19
<br />~i~t 8t 1t~/ y~Q - - - ° - ° - - Dollars on the 16th aaY otJanuary 1480
<br />?;;`w Thne_nryul ~!?>? Rt3?fdE'F?-d `~32-rt'9I?ollar, on the day of 19
<br />3igi2t Rs ?+3/1f10 ,• ,- - - - - - - -Dollars ar the 16th day o~~„P and Jaatlary until p2CiF81
<br />Dollars on the day ofend accrued interest is ~§d in f
<br />with interest thereon at 10.75 per cent per annum, payable ~~ annually all accordu:g to tlx tenor and effect d
<br />e certain Pmmi~ory note of said Jeffery Lw Fern and Barbara Jw Ferui husband and Wife
<br />_ bearirz=_ even date with these presents. wtd shall oay all toes and assessmeat9 levied upon acid res_I .mate, a_nd stt oti+~r Vim,
<br />levies and assesamenta 3evied upon this mortgage or the note which this mortgage is given to secure, before She same betroxnes
<br />_delinquent, and keep the buildings nn said premises insured for the sum of S ions, ii any, payable- W
<br />the said mortgagee, then these presents tr be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force.
<br />IT 1S FCiRTHER AGREED (1) That if the said mortgagor shall fail to pay such fazes or procure such insurance, tbe
<br />said mortgagee may pay such lases and procure such insurance; and fire sum sa advanced, with interest at }l. per cent
<br />she!! be Pa-sd by said mortgagor, and this mortgage ahatl stand as security for the same. (2) That a failure to pay say o[ said
<br />money, either principal or interest when the same becomes due, or a failure to comply with aqy : i the foregoing agtecmmeata,
<br />aball cause the whole sum et money herein secured to become due and collectible at cnce at the option of the mortgagee.
<br />Sigrred Yhis 16th nay of July , 39 80
<br />In preserve of .X..._...... ~/.. .~-..~.~'~^
<br />4
<br />,~ .STATE OF.. Ide1tX'~G.~......._.._-- ................_._, County nt_. Btlff3lo
<br />. ---$efore me;-a notary public quatf6ed-far-said enimty, persona)IY crone
<br />Jeffery L. Fern and Barbara Jw Fern, Husband and 47ife
<br />... >a :bs
<br />known ~,,.~,,.,,..,...~.;~ or persons who signed 4he foregoing instrument and acknowledged the exectttiaa
<br />1 thereu ".to - act and-deed
<br />--2?y c~mmra ezprr~; ....'. .-...,.. -~-, 19~a.. _..~~.rr_Q.'i@~r~.~trt_.....~~!~Ef~i ,..._./......-• -".`.Hoary Public.
<br />-I _ ~. - -
<br />SrAT~'QF. ...:. -- ...t Entered on namerical index a~ filed for record
<br />C.ganty ._,..._ -._:..._,, ...._ _ ...-°......}as. in the Register of Deeds face of said County the
<br />........:....°:.:.......da-y_ of__..~.....:_..~.-."..."..__.._:_..... 18.:111....._.... ai_....._--.'».."...........o'clock sad..__"._.............._...miautes ....._....._..._._M.,
<br />.{-and racoxled in. Book..... ~....___. ...,...:.of. -_ :..._._.__..~....-.-siPa3@...,_-.._.._...._......__..,...__._.
<br />. .. Reg. of Deeds
<br />
<br />