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<br /> ,` o � 92' __
<br /> ---- 1U0�44
<br /> �v � applicable law mny�pecifY for rcinstatemcntl bcfae s�le of the PrapeAy pursuant to uny power of sale cuntained in this
<br /> Securlty Insnumenh or lb)entry of a Judgment enforcing�his Se�:udty Insdument. Thasc conditiony u+c tfut Borr+ower: (a)
<br /> p�y� I.ender all�unu wi�ich tkn would be due under Ihia Security insuut��ent and �he Note ac if no acceleraa�wt hwd
<br /> - � occurred:lb>cures any defiult oi sny at�er cavenants ar agreements;(c)pays oll expenses incumed in rnfo�ing this Secudty _
<br /> -------':.�� Instrument. Iacludin�,twt not limiced to.reasonabte anomeys'Fees: and(dl Inkes such xtion as l.ender may reawnably —
<br /> �+equirc to av�ure that�he lien of this Securiry Instrumem,Lender�s rights in the Property nnd Bomnwer�obligatlon to pay the
<br /> --- sumx securod by this Secutiry Inswment slwll continue unchanged. Upon reinstatemern by Barower. �his Secudty
<br /> -____�:.;;�� Inspument and 14e abligAtions soeured he�eby�II remain fully eiPective as if no accelenlion had acurrcd. However,this
<br /> " -_ — . - ;�;� ri�ht to m�nstatc:ciwll not apply in tlsc cusc of acc:.lcrution under parngraph 17. �
<br /> �'!��'��■ 19. Sak d Nok; Cb�nQe of 4oan 3ervicer. The Note or a pnrtial ioterest in ihe Note(toge�her with Ihis Security —`
<br /> V ";,.:� I�suumaiq may be suld ane or more�imes without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may resuit in a change in the entity --•
<br /> (known as the"I.oan Servicer")that collect.r monlhly payments due under the Note und this Securily Insuument. There also
<br /> �r --.�_�.-4 °"� may be ate or more changes of�he Lo�n Servicer unrelated to u sAle of the Nae. If there is a change of 1he I.oan Servicer. -_
<br /> - �.;,.:, Bortawer wfll be given wrilten notice of�he change in occordance with parngruph 14 above smd upplicable law. The notice --
<br /> --- - ..-�1+ wfll slate the name and address of tNe new Loan Servicer ond the address to which paymenls should be mude. The notice will �`
<br /> � -�_-�_ -'; ulso conuin any atfat infimnatiW�rxyuired by applkuble law. _�-
<br /> ����'.:� 20. H�xArdow Sobatancee. Borrowe�shall not cnusc ar pern�it thc presence,use.disposul,stomge,or relesrsc of any
<br /> ___,�_u���:� .s H�vardous Substinces on or in�he Propeny. Borrower shall not do,nar ullow unyone else to do.any�hing affecting the �
<br /> -��„�-��.�::_.. Properiy Ihat is in viola[lan of any Envii�anmenwl Luw. The pmceding two semences shull not Apply ro the presence,use,or ��-
<br /> _- --=A:�`-.z storuge on the Property of small quaNilies of Hozurdous Substa�ces that ar+e gencrnity recognized to be appmpriate ta normal _--
<br /> -__ -.�.;�: :,' residemial uses and to maintenance oF the Properry. `�`�
<br /> ,_-�.:--,,�,:,� Borrower shall prumptly give[.ender written notice of any invesUgation.claim,demand.luwsuil or other uction by�ny r._
<br /> -__•�'�.•'• governmental ot reguintory agency or private party involving the Prapetty and Any Hazar�dous Subs�ance or Envimnmentul �e:__
<br /> -��"_"'�`;`:��1� Lpw of which Bortower hus actus►I knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is noti6ed by aay govemmenwl or �+egulatory Fc._:
<br /> r..'��':. .•'n i�15r
<br /> - :�,�;�.� au�hority,that any removal or dher remediation of any Hu7�.ardaus Subswnce affecling the Pm�eny is necessary, Bomower �r�
<br /> �'- �Q'•'<''�'�,���,•��lt• siwll promptly talce all neceswiy remedial actions in uccordance wi�h Environmental Luw. -
<br /> -T As used in�his parag�uph 2U,"Hnzardous Substances"are ihose substances defined as toxic or hamrdou�substunces by �!"
<br /> •`�>�� r •�,�����' Environmental Law And 1he fallowing substunces: ga�oline,kerosene,other flammuble or toxic peuoleum producls, taaic ��.�
<br /> - '�+ � :'`'�.� pesticides and herbicides, volatile solven�s, muterinly containing a5bestos or formaldehyde, and rad'aactive materials. As
<br /> --;,.z:• usod in lhis parugrnph 20,"EnviranmentAl Lnw"menns federal laws and lav►n of Ihe juri�sdiction where Ihe Propedy is Ic�cated� �'N
<br /> ._�•. ��a.�.
<br /> - -_==•�;y,�o_ thot relate to heakh,safety or environmental protcction. �,�,
<br /> `:�.,-�" " NbN-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr nnd l.ender funher covenont and ugree u+fallows:
<br />-=•�e�.r.a...t��:,n�t �
<br /> �-��• . ,,•. 21. Accelerwtfon; Remedles. l.ender shs�ll give�otice to Barower prior to Acceleration following Borrower s �
<br /> ,�_�� ,.;;a�.�.-• breach of pny rnvenont or agreement la t6is Secu�ity Instrument(but no/prbr to acceleratbn under pArngrAph 17 --
<br /> �f',�,,�-,r,..� unless applia�►ble law provtdes otherwlsel. 7'he notice shall specify: la)the dePaulh(bl the action required to cure the �_�
<br /> _ � del'etl1;(c)e de�e,not less than�daye frar�the date tlw nMke is given�o Bor�owe� by which the default muat be .
<br /> ,�,�; ' `;'' � cured;and(d)ths�t failure to cu�e the detAUlt on or before Ihe date speciiied in the notice may result in accelernNon ot
<br /> , �,�_ ,,.�. tlu sua►v secured by thts Security Instwment A�d s�le oP the PiropeHy. The notice shpll further infarm Borrower ot �3
<br />�'�'�! � ;x" '' the right to rei�tate afler acceleralton and the rlght lo bring a court action to assert the aon-existence of A defAUlt or
<br />`"`��.W• . . any other defense of Borrower to accelerAtion and sale. IP the detauit is not cured on or before lhe date apeeitied in
<br />='s�'� ••�. �' . ��." the ndice�Lender ot its option may require immediate payment In i'ull aP all sumg secured by lhic Securlty Instrument
<br /> _;;,�:� � � , ,� wUhout futther demand and may invoke the power oP sale and any other remedies permilted by applicable law. —
<br /> - "=' Lender ahall be enlitled lo callect all expenscw incarred in pursaiog the remedies provlded in this parAgraph 21. --
<br /> `- � � -
<br /> '•���' � "�^�''�"�' including,but not Iimited to,reasonable attorneys'fees and wsts of tltle evidence. _,r
<br />'Fip' ;`••�ur. If the puwer of sale is invoked,7lrustee shall record a nodce of deiault in each county in wbich any part of the
<br />�-� "'�"",""" �•"'' � Properly Is located nnd shall maii rnpies of such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and lo �°
<br /> ' °'' L" �� �� ' the other rsons r�cribed b a licabte law Aiter the time re uired b � licable law.71�ustee shall i�•e ublic
<br />_ 'Y �` • "l� nMice oY sPale to the persons and inh e manner prescribed by applc able law p71pru4tee,withnet dempnd on Borroweq -
<br /> •- ' �����.� �': ���� � shall sell the Property at public AucUon 10 Ihe hEgbest bidde�at the lime and place and under t6e terms designated in ^
<br /> ^R�?ica w. ,.,;.;• . �• �
<br /> � . : • �t:•;;.;,` the notice of sak in one ar more parcelc nnd in any order 7lrustee determinec. 7lrustee m�y pastpone snle o�'pll or any ___
<br /> �"� t;�� parcel oi Ihe Propeny by public announcement nt thc lime and place oP Anv previously scheduled sale. Lender or its �,..
<br />`�``� � desig�ee ms�y purchase the Property at pny sale. �
<br /> Ti�_ _,';�' Upon recelpt of payment of tlie price bid.7�uslee shall deliver to the purchaser 7Fustee's deed conveying the =
<br /> - "`�� , ,. PropeHy. The recilals in the'I�ustee's deed shaN be prima Pacie evidence of the truth of the slatemeals made therein.
<br />�=.�:3 j: "�'�`• r • 71�ustee sball apply the procceds of the sale in the following orde�: IA)to All costs and expensc�s of exerclving the power
<br /> - - `sv. , • _
<br /> to- —
<br /> 4.�.. .�11'�•�.F=�' �4._c
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