<br />This Financing Stateme.it is presented to a FlIinA vffiar for filing pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Cad<~ 3. For Filing Oifi<er :C..re, Time, Member
<br />Fling Office):
<br />t. Oebtorlsl Nome and ,Wiling Addrua: 2. Secvrod Pzrt limj Name and Addrevs: j
<br />v:. ~,,~.
<br />(DO na abbreviate) GFH FINANCIAL SERVICES i ~n o is(` ~ C; ~
<br />Duane C. Rieflin & Vada Rieflin CORPORATION
<br />Rural Raute 1, Box 177 p• p• Box 47127
<br />Doniphan, Nebraska 68832 8435 Stenmons Freeway
<br />Dallas, Texas 75247 ~
<br />t. This Frwn<Ing Smhmenf mven the fallowinptypes (or iMm+j et Property. 5. Name and Atldn+ oft Assignee of Secured Part':
<br />i Use fhia +pa<e to dea vibe rollatervl, if needed)
<br />( WARMPMG: If mlfaferal is wpa, f.Nras, timber or minerals read instrvcNons on bah.l
<br />E UIPFiENT DESCRIPTION:One Gifford-Hill 360 eight tower center pivot system with seven
<br />spans 64 feet in length and one span 124 feet in length, forty foot end boom, one
<br />horsepower electric drives, Nelson 100T end gun, automatic end gun, terminating kill
<br />asswnbly, pressure kill assembly including freight and installation serial number ~
<br />27_186 One Lima 10 KW generator with fusable discon t serial number 759~~5 +
<br />500 feet of eight inch Class 80 PVC mainline pipe; one eight inch underground gate valve
<br />500 feet Of_number four quadraplex wire; miscellaneous valves and fittings and pipe.
<br />Le al Oesc:^5 ti on of E ui Location: Southeast. Quarter (SE4,) Section Tweni}'-t4V0 (?2),
<br />Township Ten Nort ON Range Nine West (9W} of 6th Principal Meridian, Hali C~unty,
<br />Namber of addi,mnal ,beer+Pre,en,ed _.-_ Nebraska
<br />a+ett ai.rr a ~ eo-ae
<br />C Thn Pipmxirsp Seatemenf is b Ix fibd for ro<ord in she red estate retards. ' 1 Pradv<t, of collvservl a.e also co eyed. ,_
<br />d. this Stafemewf+ +i9ned by rFe Seca+W Pony in,iead of tFe Deb,o o per Fect v s<c s. i n <ollatera'
<br />;P4eae clsez! s ~ olread avb'ecr b a curtsy . erevr ,v anethe. i r,:dictionv whennir was'brovgh! .n o en.v state a. w e+ the debtor's Ieca,ion wov
<br />appvapriWe bo<, c angrd b thin vtate. or n e +
<br />s filed +
<br />DDANE C. RIEFLIt~<Ye~~ ~,~~It~,-•al ~•t•~rx~nobo:e~i~ w~irF, a ,=t, nr.re,r waa verfetfed. a.
<br />rv wh+-h h i hcg Fvs lapsed, ar I' '
<br />gvired cti -honge of rwme, ident,rv v: .e•POrv.e .rtvc!v f 1Fe deb,o .
<br />Dua e ~e#~in` - ~r~s-~- - --y - -__--
<br />Usx fiwhe. a:gam w I b /~ ,per/
<br />Vada Rt efl i n ~ ~ ar sx°~°, a e F < ~,~ u; CAF ~.c><,eidlpea~fi "~ -Treasurer
<br />~tc~r
<br />L
<br />