<br />not extend m• postpone the due date of the nrar,thly insutllnrents referred to in psragraph> 1 and '2 hereaf or
<br />change the amount of such instalhnents-
<br />10. Borrower Not Released, lixtensimr of the time for pa}'went or modification of mrrortization oI the sums
<br />secured by this ~~Iortgage granted h}- Lender to am• successor in interest oC $orrv;vcr shall not operate to release,
<br />in any manner, the liability of the original Borrower and Bmro;vors successors in iurerest. Lender shall not be
<br />required to commence proceedings against <uc6 successor or refuse to exteuri time for payment or otherwise modify
<br />amortization of the sums secured by this >lortgage by reason of :uty deuuuxi made it}' the original Borrower and
<br />Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />11. Forbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. Any forbearance bt- Lender in exercising ;tny right or remedy
<br />hereunder, or otherwise at~orded by applicable Isw. shs!i not ix' a wai-,-er of ar urechnie the c:ercise of ang right
<br />or remedy° hereunder. Tire procuremeta of insurance or the psynr~nt c•i taxes or vt-her liens or charges by Lender
<br />shall not be a u-aiyer of Lender's right io acce?crate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this \Iortgsge.
<br />12. Remedies Cumulative. .all remedies vroyided ut this \iortgsge are distinct :md cunndative to env other
<br />right ar remedc tinder this \Ivngsge or affarded by Iat; ar equit}', an,i ntay be exercis,ad concurrently, independ-
<br />ently or suceessi~aly-
<br />13. Successors and Assigns Bound: Joint and Several Liability: Captiors. The rot-en:urts and agreements
<br />herein contained shall bind. a:.9 the rights hereunder shall inure to, tiro reapectiyc atccessors and assigns of Lender
<br />and Borrower, subSect to the uroyisions of paragraph l- herevi..all ea;-enants and sgrrcru•nts of Borrower shall
<br />be joint srd set'ersi. Tito captivn~ and hesdinas ai the p:u'sUraph~ of thi: Aion:~:;ge arc for cm;yenicnce only ar,d
<br />are not to he used io interpret or defim• tl:e proyisinn~ i~c!eo?,
<br />ld. Notice. anc notice to Harrower nm;i<iod for in tl•.i= Alort_sgc ~i:a!I hr i~en 6v nrsihng such notice by
<br />certified mail addressed to Bormtver at r;_ Pmpertr :1dd+m>~ >t;,**-,"i a,`lotc. ,~x,rnt for sin- notice required tinder
<br />;tar graph 7S hcmai to i,e _i~en to Borrow-;ter ;., -..;~ rosr,±:,~. ; ;.crii•;~,s he :y,;,hca'd%~ iatt~..-gym- uotire prodded
<br />for in this IortCSde si;ail be• deemcs'. to i:ayt~ i. _ ,~ Borro;;~: ,;_.... _i;cr:.., tLr tuanncr designated herein.
<br />i5. Uniform Mortgage; Governing Lew: Severability. Tl:i lore. ,, tuart~aCr , ombines unifann covenants
<br />for national use and non-uriiorm coycnsuts tyitl. iimiar.i ~:sr:at:,ns ig~ u.rn=dirnmr to constitute a uniform secu-
<br />rity instrument coyerin~ rea; ;,ropern-. This \io~;ga_ c sa:,::., , .. by t`t+ ;aw of the it:risdictivn in which
<br />the Property Ss fixated In the event that any ~ ,nor- , . ,~lau>;' ~.- ...., AIartgsge or tiu' \otc eonP.icts with
<br />applicable law. such conflict shah rot af'ect oti er }uo',._:oe~ ~. this \IongsYC or the \ete ;yhich can be given
<br />effect. without tiro conflicting proyisimr, and tv urs o..,.... ~o; rsion> of ; hr \Ioriga,c and the Note are declared
<br />to be severable-
<br />I& Borrower's Copy. $orrower shall he i.. tishc,~; :. ~ o<:iorn:rd +c,;w , ; ti;is \Ivrtgs;e at the tune of execu-
<br />tion or after reeartiafivn hereni-
<br />17. Transfer of the Property: Assumption- Ii :~!i ar any }art nt the Prvpert}- or ar: interest therein is soil
<br />vrtransferred b}-BorrowerA-it?taut Leaders 1 r~,:-nrr•=.~•. con>ent exaudin, ~a. tln° erea;ion v: a Tien or eneum-
<br />ersnee suboniinsta to this Mons,e, -i,: tiro e.i»u,n o. . rci,asc inmu-.-~<ccm-r*.y ir;tenst far house'ttold sppli-
<br />ar::cgs. {ct stransfer b~- ae;-ise, algae;-nt t;~ h,- ouerst:.,r +. is;,•, _ ti,:~ ~teatt, t- 'ore tenser .. ,d i the grant of
<br />snr leasehold interest of three sear .;_-not ...a..... t,t,~.,..~ .~, }„ .,.rxst, I ,-, ;way... Lena;.: notion.
<br />dec3are ah t-ire sums secured tr thi> \Ionaao;° io 1,+ ::..-._ ~ ii:at-i, ,itte :st.,: ns} a~;i, L~:;;:cr sitaii fur:; o:rc vi such
<br />option io sccreraty :,. erior u, :..~ _3.: or s-. -..:-.. i.: ;r ......,. -.. ,. , , n!-, ....... prep ,. yr sold er
<br />trans?ertterzselraerretr:rnt-._„rt:r.~-'ra ._ .._ .~~.t,. o.. ~rt~- ;,.~, L~_n..- -.... :,rte*frest
<br />pacsbieontire, ~ .. m .t.i~ Vc ,. .. ., - _+ ..- ,.. -..., t S:n=:;. .. stcaired
<br />the option is scce:erate nretra~~:.. „ ..... ~ B,+;.o•cr.. - .. .'ern ::a~ ~~c ra: s ;vrit-
<br />ter a_sunlutiot: sgreE^nent ace ~p :i: ~.- t .~;- t. - :. I : .,., r-~;- $+,r-...,r- :.~ : .: aultgu:rot,~ urtaer
<br />this Mortcsge sud the \ote-
<br />IS Lenaerexerese~ su._: ont.c.:~ ..,. ...._ Ler.ir. _.a::.-. .: ito::on<, ..ot:cr ;. a;+;.:ran:.:::., ac.ardanee
<br />;title isra_ran;~ I3 : .;~.. .... ..,-.,, ;,. i. : ... ... .. ....... o,+ ..... ~ ..+.~ .. r. .:;..;'t~ r>
<br />tvsiled Ai;t. ~~:.;»u~:~~$arr. ~t -.._ ., ... ..~ it:r L Bu- _, -_... ... .o ..,,
<br />ca},iration r. curl t;.- .c .. i.t ..,~. ... .. .... + .. ... , ; .-. _trc . t4:.. c ; ..-.... ... .,. .-
<br />tnittE~a by psrag ~^:: i~ ;;,.~-n;`
<br />1;.-,"s!_ .±_~ t'.-,; a-a:.__ il:,..,,A...+.-,. I-rn,irr iw'thrr rt,r;~aat.- ....,. a a> _; .: ,t,.-
<br />18. Acrelezationr $emedies- -. - ..- - _r;,'` 1 ... ~ .. },.
<br />~,
<br />to .:F; :..~: ,~ :_, t,-. __ ..• .. ,:. ,~ ~ n:.. ,...~:,. . .... ..., , .. _,.-, t~ .:.r>
<br />\,t. a__ ..,.~ .. .. t'-- iy -. .. - , _-< ! „ ,. ., . , ,... u :. ........ .... ... lancer
<br />19. ~ - a ~PK6 •ltzght t0 Reina3ate. \i,:R, 1'--..».- ...._ l.x ..... ... . . ... •I: ~ ,..r -4111 i.l(.'+. irk Il:l~
<br />?idorZgYge. Bcr..,A-rr ,t:na *:a;e tk:e ..*3e.. .:a , ,!.; ., ce .. _ _ur: `; t? St, . .. .,,c, -; .._ \t..tsgr di. -
<br />cottinut*d st a:,r twee :roar to entr}- ci ., ._.... ,. . ii: r,_ ~..- \r _ _, ., ., Bo ,>:; r ,:,ti Lrr,drr ail
<br />-wens A-hictr xouid I,e t.te; ue u^der ..... \l, ns; : ~1' _':: ; t: ,,-.;. . -n;. I,...,.. ~,r;.,t;c, a..v ha,i no
<br />aCCC3Era1}OP. OCClL-'i2`~Y, !+i HGrrOA-Yr rS':irx. ... ..-c a. ... .. i:l „t ~:r. <,~t, .....--- ., ..ir,-r ... nt. $;,.. i,1t i•r f(r]i-
<br />"-"' in th,s Man~afie: rz i Bc.•-tsF-er t '' r~.t Ana :.:. . ... .... . a-~ ; ;'r. ;, .. .,i r~-:t-_ . ,,,-. t.:,t,t-
<br />and agreements of BvrroA-er r-antsined in rlu• llnns_.~ :,ttri m •a~ar.tr._ I-~~n,i•-r~~ .,.,.:=,iu~ : ~ l,r;~c;,s,, m } .a-
<br />graph i$ iser~f, inoiuding, itut nvt iimitr,i to r<-n?:w:,i,;,~ ::n,:nl.~c'_ n~;_- :an•t ~ - ~ Isorrt,;c;~r tak,~. >aet::,ctr~ ~ as
<br />Leader mar reaeanah}y require to sa+ure ti:::= the i;rn of tL:~ A:,,rt>•^c:~. Lrud,~r~ ir.;..,._t ... ..:,~ Prigknc nr,,i
<br />$orrorer's obligattan tv par the sums xYVred i,v t-,.- Al;,n;;_,e,~ .-.- . .,:-u:rru~ unnnp:..r,-"- t'}„ ., -uci, 1=--.,cu,ent
<br />s~ cure 6r Bterrovicer, this Mortgage sea *.h~= vt?iSgntran~ »1,.rr;: ]rrrrnr -i,a]! rrustn ,n ii:i= :ar.~l~ :rnt ,-n`,~,~! ::> rf
<br />no seoeieration had oecurred-
<br />2f1. Aesigam~t of HwMa: Appointment of Receiver: Leader is Possession. .a> :r~iditiunsi ~;, unty k,en'-
<br />under. Harrower Izereby aseiyns to J.endcr t3;e rent< of the Pm}+eny. l,rc. i::• i t!:st I?"rm;cer <hali. ; ^or *.n accrler-
<br />stion under paragrapi3 I$ hereof or sbsndanvrcnt of the Yra?rett}•. !ct.c !i:r ric!a :n colt:rt at-:d retain xuc(t rent-
<br />as they become due and pays67e.
<br />$pon acseleratiaa ender itaragraph 1$ %•reoi or absndun;nc•nt ni tl:c Prol,r~rty- L;md,~r. it: },er~i n, hr agc•ut
<br />or br Iudicislly appointed receiver shall 3x• gnarled to en: er u;,an. take- },+,-_--u,n o.:: v::,:n rte t+.:~ Yropeny
<br />and to rollcxt the wets of the Pm~m-. including these pa=t dot°- .Y;' i~a+t~ . ,,.. ~. ..... ar +h<~ ., c,•i;~er
<br />shah be. applied first iP payment. vi the costs of tr,anagesu;-nt of tL.: P:rs},sere :,.,,, ~ ....:...... .. .. .. - i::~ :u~i,r.e..,~,u
<br />not limited ta, receiver's tee.: pn•tniunt-+str n-ceiver':. hoed- and n a.; a,ni,l.~ at:-,rt;, ~; t~- .~, :. c•; ,.~,~n :~, the ~um>
<br />.,__rs,ri by ~;~ ~ln,r.gsrr L nape and ih~- n calve. J all }.,~ .-ilt - ., !u ~t - ,_,•:!: ,.,,-, r.. .,, .r Ik r, c,-r:,•d
<br />