<br />
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, Cot:nty of ....................................................:
<br />Filed for record on ._ .............................. 19 ........ at ............................ o'olxk ........................ 'tf.
<br />and recorded in the Deed Record ................................. Page ................
<br />................................................................................... Y.~' ..........................................................................................
<br />Register of Deeds De~putl- Register of Deeds
<br />7~- ,~;:~ i~; c;~ SLTR~~II ;TORSI-IIl' VVARRA.1liTI' I3EEI~
<br />JOHN S. EDGAR and E. JUDITH EDGAR, husband and wife,
<br />herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br />in consideration of Forty'-Eight Thousand Dollars ($-18, 000. 00)
<br />received from grantees, does grsnt, bargain, seli conce~' and confirm unto
<br />HAR~`EY L. b1EIER, Jr, and RIARIA lI, liE~'ER,
<br />husband and taife,
<br />as joint tenants with right of survivorship, and not as tenants in common, the fo:lowing cieseribed real
<br />propertc in Hall---._ .................................. Connn-, \ebraska:
<br />........................
<br />Loi Six (&), Block Five (5) in the Jenkinson Subdi~zsion.
<br />~ Y _~
<br />.'~.ini~i:;`i'1 Al'iACHED R~ _-~~
<br />~~, 'y_,~
<br />To save and to bold the above deserited pre:uises tog_ther R-ith ail tenements, hereditamente
<br />and appurtenances thereto belonging tmto tae Bran*.ees and io their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns
<br />of the starvicor c-f them fonrer.
<br />And grantor does hereb~• eocznan- wits the grantees and with their assigns and with Lhe heirs
<br />and assigns of the snrciior of them that grantor i_ ;a1~:t:'.'.}- ~ei:ed of said preen*ses: chat tile. are free from
<br />enenmbranee
<br />fast grants hb, r;,::,i _ -_ .oj .... ......,.. t}' s ... ,_... ... .'... ~ ,..,,., R9rrsnts and will
<br />de#end _.. ~t~:r to s:._ __•- -a.-.,, t _;:x.f- _._.. -. ._. r~..- ~ :....~_~,~..
<br />~It ~ the interstic:, of all harm, i.,~ret~ that _~ t±!e e.ent of the death of either a€ the grantees,
<br />,__ ,.,tie. irt- tae to ih ....- nr . .. .. ... ... .. ..r~~i~, ... bran„ _
<br />Dated 19 ; u % , ,~
<br />i _ /
<br />. ........_ _ 4 - --.. t r`f ~ ~-- ........
<br />Jo~3x~t~~n~ar ,,,~-
<br />. r ~~~ ~~
<br />Y
<br />aT31'E +DF' _..~ J.Y.~r.L»..~^,.S.~S.S.. ................. lC"~ic of ...._..I#Sa..S.~L..__...._................._.......:V
<br />Be#ort n:e, a rotary h.,;bic gnaliued for saia .,.._ e-sanai~_ . a*.ue
<br />John S. Edgar and E. Judith Edgar, hus~:._'_. and wife,
<br />known to mr to be the identical person or }~ers+?us who signed th<~ foregoing instrument and acknowledged
<br />the ezeention thereof io he his, her or their s~oln;~tary„ect and deed.
<br />witness my hand and notarial sea: on ..... ~~) . . m:r-'.t2......._ .................... 13...7.9........
<br />~ ~,.r~~-l....-~.~:..... i~ otary Pu61ic
<br />~j~,y.0~5 °"~~~ 3ir cernmission expires ...._......_.
<br />1111 _ _ - ._..----°..-..-°....._....._., 19 ................
<br />Fnns: d:_' Ta b,P arr,rnved by S<•hr =ka ~r,atr lt:,r _~„r~riasion ee!+.~ t wdt m.. t:.,~m, N,flr.
<br />