<br />not extend er postpone the due date of [hc mmithh- imc?llmetrts referra+i to iu ~:ara~raphs 1 and 2 hereof or
<br />change the amount uI such installments.
<br />10. Borrower Not Released. l;xtensiml of the tivic for ~,acmeut or modification of amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Alortgage granted h~- Lender to snd- successor hl interest of Borrotcer shall not operate to release,
<br />,~ in any manner, the lisbilih- of ihr original Borrotcer and Borrower'> :assessors in interest. Lender shall not be
<br />required to commence proceedings aganis* such successor or rciusc to extend time for pa}-meat or othertaise modify
<br />amortizstion of the sums secured by t61; \(crt~aec h}- reason of and demand made b~• the m-iginal Borrotcer and
<br />~ Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />,,, 11. Forbearance by Lender Noi a Waiver. .au~~ iorhearance b}- Lender in exercising anc right or remedy
<br />hereutder, or otherwise at~orded ln- applicable late. shnil not nt- a v:aimr of or preclude the exercise of an}- right
<br />~ or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance or dx' pacmeltt of tapes or arbor Bells or charges by Lender
<br />shall not he a tvuiter of Lender's right to accelet;rte the niaturitr eti the indebtedness secu~d b~- this Alortgage.
<br />12. Remedies Cumulative. III remeracs pnn~idet', in tleis Ainrtgage arc ciistinet anti cunmlatitc to ;tnc other
<br />F< right or remedc under this ~tort,a~,e or afior+ie,l :,. ]:n. u. ^ Waite. and mac h+~ exercised em;cnrrcnti}•, intiepend-
<br />entlr or aucessiteh-.
<br />13. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; ^.aptians. The cotenants and agreements
<br />herein contsined. shall bit?ti, and rile rights hereunder si:ait nn?rc tv. t1r: respec^.it:• successors and assigns of Lender
<br />snd Borrotcer, sub;eet to the pmtisiolls ui psrser:?ph 1: iit'reoi. ail cotenants sn:i a,rcemeut, of Borrower =hall
<br />be ioint alid aeceral. T'ae captions and ile`adings of t..e ~taraersph~ o? tl:i> Atort~a~c a__ ... ..,,+,auience only and
<br />see not to be used to mternret or define the pmti=imi~ hcreot
<br />14. Notice. -env notice ;u Busrotcei nrotidc+i for i:: tht: 'uurr,a_c sit:ui he !ivrn he ;uailtn:; such nutice bt
<br />.errfied uaail , caressed to Burrower at i'le }'roltert. ddtire._ .c~rc.. b_dott, .xcrpt iur au} antic:' requimd under
<br />paragrlpii I£= ilr!'eOf t.? 6r ;itrr: to Ru:'rtxc_r i.. ti-c tnata:cr pre-er?i,C-:1 i~}- :gt~,ht~ablr .att. Anc ::Dries prodded
<br />fnrin tins AIor_ae>iisi: it. tieeme,i to ::=tt- i,c.~u ; _ : m Bnrroser •.t-ua•t: ciccn in tBe w:uumr i est,*nsuci herein.
<br />I5. Uniform Mortgage; Governing Law: Severability. "I'hi< iurnt o nmrt-*a~,c :unihine< unifn•m cotenants
<br />:ornafionat use and :ton-miiiorni cost-nsnts ttiti:::mi*.r,i tar.:tr,un: lit .isdietion to ro:atiute a nnSiorm seeu-
<br />P1L1 IL~I1 ,.... 3 a - i.,,. ~, ~ >.. .f-:.. ...c ..z .. i.. .. -1 aa._a :'h~nh
<br />the Pronern ,_ 'ucatc:,_ ... t,lt i -i ..I,~ t I_.u.. t_ +,a,..t :, t,n-~\Imt _~ncr nr t,:+ Ao*.e roast?lets frith
<br />applicable :aw~ •nch coriilct <;:::i: n - .... sloes os thi. Alor.gaee or :hc Autc which can Le giten
<br />efie,^t trithout'iu ron?icunr. -t..............t ,... +_.. ,.. :.-s;t„_ t; ti;e \lurtgsg .u:d the \ote arc declared
<br />*_a be sev~ble.
<br />1$. Borrower's Copy. Bonotter?hsii he f~...._..c.. _ ronioni:ec tnpt of t.s Alon2a_e at the time o[ exece-
<br />tl©?' car alter '2 COT33n6:: tt2.'2t~:.
<br />17- Tz.-.~:~r of the Property: Assumption. ii :..... .::~ i^a^ ^,, he Pronrn. or an uueze,t therein is sold
<br />- tranr.--reL of Eo-re.- •aa_.~:.- Lrtrde. ,~. ttr:..~.. tense..., exc...., ~s~ .... .~reatiar, of a Iier. or encum-
<br />~-s^.ce;tiiwr~l-la'c >k : + .r._ sl :.. .,~ y t ..+t .<turit~ L..~.x..:ar'.lousehotd apnli-
<br />..ace= r-----`- ,t ~ietsr. ct, .:.. +_ - _.. -: .. , . _.. .. ..t .irati: ... .t:an? n. the germ of
<br />:eel:.cam _...r ~-t ~, ..,- ~'L.a. .. .. n,.. + : +.. •I t .. - ::. t T c.,... opnur..
<br />ar•- :,
<br />1rclsrc' a. ,.a ~. -.: ~~'~..re .. .-c .a. \',_n,a_ ~ ,o n+ ::.'.: ,:.. '; ,.t .:.:^t '^a~a?,it ... .u..... + nt; led such
<br />optior„oz_a:er>.x .. ........-. _.x._ .. _.._-=-c,. Ler,~ir-: cu:~i'- ._~.. to a .:...... P: ^,t . -oe sold or
<br />+ x
<br />;raW.ferr-- > i.:., ::; ::- c e_ t'. ^I. ''.r ,~^ t Luc.--'. •^er~on !. ,at¢,f.+, to t . t ..., .......,x .;.tern>?
<br />xtsvsbie c, t_.: _ .--. _t _..~ :,t -_... \lorteaex . is: i.r nt ~u, h :.t,t .c~ Lx Initr -.. ... - . is L .:r: sus salted
<br />;hropnei.to~>t,r;rrsto_~ror_, .. _ ~ ]...,.: i; Burrotter'; ~.+. .. ,_. _.- txr.d.u: ~ tt.it-
<br />:r,:3a:,st:.}.:~.•. aCrt :.:lt..: :.tier ~.. .. •`.I3it_ Ull l.t'ndci, I.end1'r ^...t„ R'~t'3x`Bt^: rt~t: x't .t a.. ,.ilt;a:: x1.:. llZ:der
<br />:::^.is liortesee anc t.. \otc•
<br />if Lzroer<xerr'-r- -~.-. ,..- -'- secs. r.nt. Let:,,c ;-....rare.. Bc..owa -- ... ec•.e. ......:.. _.. scraatfsnce
<br />U
<br />-- ,tit :. ~.;-clue r. au? n-- t' :.u 3+~ - .~ ._ ....+ .. •:o;ir+ i~
<br />uiitiec by as.^aersni, 3~ }.c-Tei~*`-
<br />S~,s l'c:r .;«t i'„feces-..P,,,.Itnt. , <:nt I_x',I~lc•r :tit:-- , ..:_..., ..._. .._ , - .. t,
<br />i&_ Rccelerarioa: Remedies. E.+.;, ~,c ,.,~. ,- , - _ . _ , . -, .,,. , . _
<br />t .. -`\Iu^eaer 1. ... - ..,+,..~ ................ .. ^ ;, .t, .. ... , ,_ i i .. ., ~ .
<br />- ,. ,_ o t
<br />at Lrndt-- .}rtx,*.. ~et ,:.. !sr-_:. ni '- r,:n ~:- -rr._ ~- : :^t .. - \It-:_-.u ~.: i ._.::,, t ..., ..tah!r
<br />a ,t.1~',it I,,.;t tx•',_'t'1.>, ,, ...::, .. i.t. ':, :. ':-:~ \i.. ..:,: _ - - .. .... . ....... .. -
<br />. .. ..t ,~. ..... :!ea
<br />'1iTLraCt.: and lliir Itpi1R~
<br />19. Boazowar's Rigkt to Reinst¢te. \onnti_-to:liu:e 1.:..ix: ,;rriernno:: ,. u,,. -u?.:- .ur.,i !,v .._
<br />lortgage, $arn'+a-er shall hsve the r:g:: to ist r > ^roce~s ,. ,,t I ..r:a , ..,.., , .- X70 ^ag,' dig.
<br />rontintlerf st snv tizue prior to caret' o ,r.., n:t~c+ \it _ .. ..^ Iiu^.ic; r ;+si t t ,er all
<br />sumsc-h3chLrouldtretfiendueurderthi 11ort,se-. - +~tit,tr .t.:I.~,=.t- t~~ i;a 1•~t'.,:-,- ~,it:+nt~?- is anc leer, ru
<br />rscreleration oerurred: lh~ $orron~er cu,-~ aT! t-rt..,.._- a?rr u.=:rr x~,,,..,ln> u. .._t~t~n;e,nt~ ni Rurratcer oor,-
<br />tained In this \4orcgage: trt $orow er l.a}'s ,li era-ollai:'+~ rv,rr:.r- ;nrt:rr,.,7 in~ i.=n:1~r m ctrl arrm~ the eucrn:,ntn
<br />and sgreemeata of Bormmer eantained m tin, 31un~se ,mi n. cn?t~:rang L,•I„i+r'~ r,~re.easr> .c> 7^rcn;de,i in para-
<br />graph 18 hereof, Ircludtng, fat not Iitaited tu, rea. ~nai,lr s[tanlrr- ;t+--, s;ui ++i ~ 3ic+ra~x-r ?ake> >uch ucuon as
<br />Lender mar m~sonahly ~uirf to s~-sure that Lhe li.^n of tnl.. Ak,rtgsgc- LerclrrS m?ert~st m the Yrnpert} rind
<br />Sorrowerk obligation to pay the was set'urcal by thi> liort:;nr >..nP rnnnnur unuapain•d t-par euci, pa} nient
<br />and surf by $nrrower, this Mortgage and ttlr obligation:- >ecured hereby -::all n-tuaiu in full forte swi efrr~ct sa if
<br />no acceleration itad oerurmd.
<br />~1. Arogammt of RsWr 1lppaintmeat d Receiver. Lender in Posseasian_ .~> xdditiorai -scarify hem-
<br />under,13ariovrer hemby assigaa Lo Lender the rents of the Plnpeny. protide+i that Borrotcer =ilaii, prvr to acceler-
<br />ation under paragraph 18 hereof ar abaadannaent of the Prolx°rt~:. irate tl,c rig}rt to rullttt an,i retain such rents
<br />u they become due and payable.
<br />Upon aereleration under paragraph l$ hereoi or shsndon:?;rnt ui the Yrupelt?. - l.tmdcr. m per>un, ilt• agent
<br />or by judicially appointed zeefiver shall tee entitled to enter aeon, tc,kr pox>e~sum ui ar;d manner the Yronem
<br />and to ral1eet $ae renf~ of the Propert}. secluding thou past duc_ A'! rents collrrtr-r ht Lt-nder or the n•ceiver
<br />shall he applied first to payment ai the costa of management of Lhe Prupcrn and eolh-criun of rt. ,-. iu,~luding. inn
<br />not limited to, receirei g fees, premium: car. receiver's bood~ and era-on;abl+• att+;rn,~c-~ i.-r _- :,?,.f tht-n to t`ie ruu,>
<br />sertrrfd byLlLis ixorigage. lender snd the receiver shsli lx• hshie ?o ari•uunt or.ic rase ti-:u~r r+vu.:,:~waih' rctrin-d-
<br />