i -
<br />STATE OF NEBRABgA, County of .......................................................:
<br />Filed for record and entered in Numerical Indea
<br />on ............................................................ at ................ o'clock ................ -I.,
<br />and recorded in Deed Record ............................., Page ..............................
<br />......................_.................................... By ............................................................
<br />County Clerk or Deputy County Clerk or
<br />Register of Deeds Deputy Register of Deeds
<br />~~- ~~~~ 1!r ~ 1 ~ ~~~~
<br />itICHr1RTJ 3. la-aT~OV and Cl{Y'~i.1L „31J0^;, husband and iiife, eaci: in his and
<br />her p r n r i gir t and a s s p •~ u s : c :' ~ • a c h n t i; ~ . , herein called the grantor whether one or *svre,
<br />` in consideration of THIR"r~ \3\£ iHOtiS:\\il .,\il \Ojt00I'HS-(a3`?,OOO.Ot?~-DOLL~iI{S
<br />reteiced from grantee, does grant, bargain, sell, convoy and confirm unto GO\\~IE L. wILLIAi~iS,
<br />a si~toie pe=son
<br />herein eaIIed the grantee whether one or mare, the following described real'{¢,{ „",~,_,,\j,~1,
<br />S ~ ~~~'~~ i tiT
<br />Ha ii Ca~IrtY, Nebrask8: [
<br />EMENT ATTACHED ; i i „ rl ` , f
<br />STAT _ ~u ~~~
<br />_y
<br />Lot T:: ;3 t:_'j, Bipcl: Four (-!), s leasant \'i~.~ai -,~~ BY - !
<br />~ddit?o!^. .. th° Git.~- of ':.ran.: Islar;ci, lla Faun }•,
<br />\ebrass:a .
<br />To hate and to hold the above descr~bed premises together with all tenements, hereditame±tta
<br />and appurtenances thereto belonging auto the grantee and to grantee's heirs and assigns forever.
<br />and the grantor does hereby covenant with Lhe grantee and with grantee's heirs and assigns
<br />that grantor is laa-fnily seised of said premises ; that they are free from encumbrance s u b j e r •: *_ p t h e
<br />balance ci' ax; unpaid x<rt,;a~~• t": :h,~ !uitable° nui'_dinb and Loan
<br />~s~_.iatipn of Crvn~ Island, ti2h.~.~i:aL_rt th<~ pri_;ina' a;oun;. c_'
<br />...,,00
<br />than granter has gaol right and lawfrxl authority to canvev the same; and that grantor warrants and will
<br />defend the title to said premises seainst the lawftil claims of all persona whomsoever.
<br />Dated ~~lv ~-:ci_ 14~.
<br />~~ -it_?n
<br />Gr~~~taS ... ..atcor;
<br />.:~„
<br />STATE OF :~`EBR3ES. C'o~tty of .--....---- -
<br />$efore me, a notsrc nubiir q;!„Iined ter said ,~onnt}-, personally came
<br />..~tili-.i{i, .,-.iJlJ'. ...:.-. .:1{Y. 1'.... i:, a.\"~0'. Husband
<br />a n,3 )aim = east; in hip and her o;~r, ri ht ant: as
<br />known to me ;o he ti:e identi~yl person er persons who signed the
<br />foregou:g instrument ar~d sekuowledged the eaecution thereof to be his,
<br />ber or the*.r voluntary art and deed.
<br />~.
<br />,1 j r .~i
<br />3fiitnesa mp hand and nota*ial seal on ......~.,4~4d~'....~.':z.,.._1`{..(.:.1 .................
<br />~~~ ~ ~ .~~ .~jf.ire4.Notary Public
<br />... ..........III~i1~ ~" ~~ r
<br />~ 1-
<br />_ _ missran s~~~..........~ki.k-(;~...:..~ .................. 19 ~~:i..
<br />Farm 22 Approved by Nebraska Stet? Bar Associat. n rdwn t wo!: oa, u~~!~. x.n..
<br />