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<br />~ MORTGAGE _.:~,., ~. ~ ,
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<br />~Psrticipateon) ~' a o ~ c `~
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<br />This mortgage made and entered into this 12th day of July - a x O ~ ;
<br />,1979 , by and between Douglas Bookkeeping Service, Inc e r Grand Is~nd, Negska
<br />~:,; ~,,,rX:
<br />(hereinafter referred to m mortgagor) and Fire Points Bank, Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />i hereinafter referred to es
<br />mortgagee}, who maintains as once and glare oC business at 2015 North Broadtaell, Gran3 Island,
<br />Nebraska
<br />~4tr~ttsstira, that for the eotteideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the
<br />mortgagor does hereby mortgage, sell, grant, aeeiga, and convey unto the mortgagee, bin aucceeeor3 and assigns, all
<br />of tbs fvllOwittg deaeribed property situated and being in the County of Hall
<br />State of Nebraka
<br />The masterly twenty-Nine (29) feet of Lot Three (3),
<br />and all of Lot Four (4), in Block One Hundred Eight
<br />(1C8), in Railroad Addition to the City v€ Gland Islar:u,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska
<br />This mortgage is given by the ntertgagor to ratify and
<br />confirm a tttortgage dated Jana 25, 1979, by the mortgagor
<br />to mortgagee recorded as Doou?nent Nttmhar 79-004113 in
<br />order to correct an itnnroper acknowledgement by martgagor.
<br />'fogethrr with and iadadiag ail leaildiags, al} Pictures iaclnding but sot limitt-d to all plumbing, heating, lighting,
<br />veatilatiag, refrigerating, iaeiarrating, air conditiouiag a}v~amtas, and elevawn (the mortgagor heml,v d.--daring that
<br />it is iateaded that the itrtas hreetn tsamrratrd shall be decreed to Gave bees prrmaoratly installyd a_s pan of the reaityl,
<br />sad all i>•ptsa-resets sow ar hereafter resisting thrm,n the hereditaments and appurteaant~~ and ell other rights thet-e-
<br />sto belaegiag, or is an•wi4e appertaining, asd the revr rsioa asd revrn.ioas, mmaiadrr aad remaiadrn, all right. of
<br />redrraptios, and thr mats, issars, sad profits of thr abo 1r described property t pmvided, h,...r~-er, that the mortgagor
<br />shall 6e tWitled to the possession of said proprnv and w collect and rr tale the rents, issues, sad parfits until default
<br />brreaader}, To havr and to bold ihr samr saw thr mart gages and the sucrrn~aas io in trrest of the morlgag.-.- forever
<br />ra Peg :mile or sash >3der enta¢e, if say-. ss is ~tsted herein.
<br />The mott rl,+gttr cavratmts Shat 6e is lawfu'cly arixd and pneseaeed oC and has the right to erll and convey said
<br />property; that the ome ~ fnee item all rnettmhnrten etteept ae hereinabove reeited; and that he hereby binds
<br />b®.el! sad }tie stteaasaors in intrrese to warrant sad defend the title aforesaid thereto and even' part thtreof against
<br />tba r~aits of all persons whomseevtr.
<br />i yin l~mrat is g1VEn tR irtl(Fe tllE tral'RfERt of 3 ptRmicbon nose rfaterl JtltiB 25, 1979
<br />int}erprneigalatmoiS170,000w00 ,sigaedbt Dewayne T. Douglas
<br />in behalf of Douglas HOOkkeeginq Service, Inc.
<br />56A FpgM 929 i2•r3) PREVIOUS Er~iT IGtuS ARE GBSGLETE
<br />