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<br />1 ~52•A-REAL 8 A E MORTGAGE-(With Taz Clause) Rev. 78
<br />-~.I,~~~d - _---
<br />{i;
<br />Huffman antl Felton & Wolf, Walton. Ne 58451
<br />1--
<br />r .J ~ .. _.
<br />Husban~a c~~Vi~esE PRESENTS: That Leonard H. Wiese and Marilyn R. Wiese,
<br />of Hall County, and State of Nebraska , in consideration of the sum of
<br />Six Thousand and No/100 {$6,000.00) DOLLARS
<br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto
<br />Bank of Doniphan, Doniphan, Nebraska
<br />of Hall County-. State of Nebraska the Sellnwing described premises situated
<br />in Hall County, and state o[ Nebraska •to-wft:
<br />The South Fifty {50) Feet of Lot One (1), and the South Fifty (50)
<br />Feet of the East Forty (40) Feet of Lot Two (2), in Block Six (6),
<br />of Doniphan, Hall County, Nebraska. Said Two Tracts forming
<br />together a rectangular piece of ground having an East Frontage of
<br />50 Feet on First Street, and a depth of 115 Feet, and bounded on
<br />the South by the alley in said block.
<br />The intention being to rnrvey hereby an ahc^.Inte title Sn fee simple. including alt the rights of homestead and dower.
<br />TO HAVE A_vD "b HOLD the prt°miws aMn~r da:crih.•cj. aaith all thN appurtenances thereunto belonging, tmto the said
<br />mnrlgageeis) and to his, her or their heir`. and as<i;;n. Corecr r, procid~•d alwa~~s, and these prai,ents are upon the express
<br />~,~r~~ ft,nt if :_Ct~• -~+1 mor~;.~Qr!s1- }tic. her or their heirs ~e~~utors, a.lmini.traturs ~r assi_ti; shall pay or cause to 6e
<br />paid to the said martgageefs), his, her or their heirs-, executors, administrators or assigns, the principal sum of $ 6 f ~'~~ • GO
<br />payable as follows, to wit:
<br />r Promissory note of this date for $6,000 payable plus interest.
<br />Note payable '~ $130.46 each month starting August 10, 1979: payment
<br />first applied to interest balance to principal
<br />j vrith inrere~-t atsording to the tenor and eHx-t of the mortraoors written p;omi3vsory note bearing even date arith these presents
<br />and shall pat all Mazes and asc[•ssments levied u}xn slid real e_~Utte, and all other taxes, len•irs and act-ssments levied upon this
<br />mortgage or the note-which tt:i: marigage is given to secure. before the same becomes detint}uent, and keep the buildings or.
<br />:' said pretn;ses in wed for the sum of : 6 ~~~`'j. 3~? ,loan, if any, payable to the said mortgsgee, Lhen these gteaenta
<br />to he amid, otherwise to be and remain in .ill force.
<br />j I"I" IS FC-RTH£R AGREED (II Thaf if the rid mortgagor shall fail to pay such taxes or ,.r<4ure sus;. insurance, the
<br />said morigsgce may na}' such faze: and procure such insurance; and the sum se advanced, with inter--: t at 11 per
<br />i txKft, snail be repaid by~ said mortgagor, and this ma.rtgae shall stand a: strurity~ far the same. r') That a failure to gay any
<br />~, of said money, e:iher principal or interest. when the same becomes due, or a failure a, comply' with any of the foregoing
<br />agreements, shall cause the whole sum of money herein, seavred io txcome dud mltn.~tihle at once at the option of the
<br />mortgagee. / .
<br />r .,
<br />signed ttr~ lOthaay pt July , I9 7~~ _
<br />f .: f ~/ n
<br />`` ~ / ~ ,
<br />In presence cf ~C' ~ / 4..•C~+~r .........
<br />4 • .....
<br />%~,
<br />7` ~ ._ _.__. _..
<br />____
<br />STATE OF ..... Ke2traska .. - ....... ,Counts of ... Ha11 ... ... .... . ...
<br />The foregoing inctn,ment was acknow°iedged before me ... . r%t1J.y. ZO .......................19.7.9-.
<br />bg ..y#~onar~ . H.. kTi.estr .and :+~a~ ily n R . taliels/z. ,fir
<br />e i9lflfiiif~lte-lYrafliMe Signature o(~'erson Taking Acknowledgment
<br />GEOlKiE t1.5At+di!'SC4iC~
<br />11lh~4 Eta. can E7. tan „
<br />........,4tt-?TAY ..................................
<br />Title
<br />a'TA1E QF__.__...._._.~.__._..__-.___.. .._.___..-.. 1 Entered on numerical indez acd filed for remrd ~ '
<br />1 ~ is the Register of Deeds O!&ce of said Counfy the
<br />..._.._.._..__...day of__~..__....-._.--.----._.~ 19-_-___, at_-.--_.-__-.___...o•dock and.-....--.___..-_..._.miautea _......._...........M.,
<br />anal wrortiad in. Raol~-----'-'----'--oi-----'---~--~--_..at page----~------.-....._.....__........
<br />._......_._.-..--~-~----- _..-~------.-._._.-....----...._.......Reg. of Deeds
<br />i
<br />$y---..-. .--'-----_........__._._._....._............_._---Deputy ~ -
<br />1
<br />