~9- ~ ~3 =_ ~ `~ ~ 6i11®RTGAGE
<br />THIS INDENTURE, made this _i 3tit day of ,I t,'~~ ___-_ --.. 19!x'., by and between
<br />Alfred I:. ldright and ,roan M. Wrif;ht, husband and wife, each in his and 'rter okm rig'it
<br />and as snause of the other, __ ________ ___
<br />of Ball County, Nebraska, as mortgagors , and Grand Island Tnrst Company of Grand Island, a coctwrstion
<br />•,rganiatd and existing under the laws of Nebraska with its principal office and piece of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as mortgagee;
<br />W ITNESSETH: That said mortgagor s . ,for and in consideration of the sum of
<br />*EiQht Thousand 'Phree Fu-tdred Six[v-live and ;r~,rt~t+l,c:'<* +Dolierali $.~L~-bQ 1.
<br />3.
<br />Lhe receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do - by these pmsents mortgage and warrant unto said mortgagee; its sucers~rs ahd assigns.
<br />forever, alf the following described real estate, situated in the County of _ ~ ~ a 11 _. ___-
<br />and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />The :temt erne Hundre3 Seventy-six {l?6') Beet of Lat `line {4),
<br />in Slock One {l} in .l'eerier Place, an Aciition to the i'ity
<br />of i;raad Island, !-fail Councy, ':ehrasl:a.
<br />TogetL~ with all heating, air cotditioning, lighti~g, and plumbing equipment and futures, including screens, awnings. storm windows and
<br />doors, and window shy or blinds, used oa or is connection w•iih said property, whether [he same are »ow located on said property or heceaher
<br />phxad thereon.
<br />TO HAVE ?t.*TD TO HOLD THE SAf1E, together with all aad sitrgulsr the teaemeats, hereditameats and appurtenentts thecanta be-
<br />krngind, or in anywise appertaining. forever, and warrant the title to the same. Said morgagor s hereby covenant-wits said
<br />that t her are__, , at the ieliven hereof, the lawful ow~r s _ o[ the premise above conveyed and described.
<br />and ire seised ~f a good end i.vteto.<ble estate of inheritance therein. free e~ rlarr of alt eruumbrances, a[d that t hem will
<br />warrant std defend tbe tide thes+ew forever against the claims and detaands of all persons whomsoerrs.
<br />PR0~7DED ALWAYS. and this instrumatt is executed and delivered to severe the payment of the sun of ._- __
<br />*iigist iheus and :!free ?iundred i?:to-five and ':p Ii?': t::s**Dollars iE ~+35~.,,,-~ ..
<br />with intermt thateon. together will such charges and advances as may be due and parabk• to said mortgagee under the ierass and conditions
<br />of the peamiasory note of even dace herewith and secured hereby. e:ecuced by said mortgagor - to said mortgagee. payable as expresad
<br />is avd tare, sad to enure the perfarmeme of all the tin and conditions rnntsFnad tlxrnin. 7'he terms of said note ace hateby incorporated
<br />het by the nom.
<br />It is tie! attmtioa r~ rgteemmi of the parties herein that this awrtgage shad also salute any future advances made to said mortgagor 5
<br />by said taortgagne, and say and aIl iedaass in addition to the amount above stated whirl. said mortgagors. or any of them, may owe to
<br />said mortgagee, however cA•idtmced, whether by note, book account or otherwise. This xmrtgage shall remain in full force and efisct between
<br />the parties hnreta aed their heirsrs, personal represeatetives, successors and assigns, until all amtwnts Beard hereunder. including tuwre
<br />advances, are pa>d in fuL' with intaeat.
<br />The mortgagors herew assign _-- to said mongagee all rents and itKame arising at say and all times from said property a~
<br />bceby aut~o[fte said mortgagee a< its agent. at its optiaa, ups default. to take charge of said propcsty std roflect aH rents and income
<br />therafi® and apply the same w tLe payment of iatareet. principal, irtsurarxe premiums. razes, esaessmmts, repairs or improveu:eats
<br />neuesary to kcep pid pmperiy io tenanzahte tvadition, ar to other charges or payarents prrn-ided for herein w m lire note hereiv secured. Tlu~
<br />rent actigrtmeat shall continue is force uatii the uapad 6-_i+nro of said nose is fu'si.~ paid. 1'he taking of possrssian herr,.ndes shall ir, ra, manner
<br />pe+-mtt ar reseed said mortgagee in tLe coiisction a# said term: by imerlmtue or otharwi+e.
<br />The faslure of the mortgagee to assert say ~ its rights hntunder at any time shall not be tonatnad as a waive of its righc to sasevt. the
<br />same at say iota tame. and [n main upon std enfrrrce strut eompliarge with all the terms and pro+•isioas of said note and n( this tmrtgage.
<br />ll said g sha11 tense io ba paid to acid mortgagte the entire amount due It hereunder, and order the terris end provisions
<br />a# said cote hetdoy ets~ad. £rtmce advances. and env eateaszrns or renewals thetaof m acconfance with the terms and pmviswas
<br />tbeeeot, asd if said rntatgegor.S._ shall ca®pdy with efl the provisions of saw cote affil of this mortgage, then these presenn shall be void:
<br />at]rnaria m remsia is ittE face amt afieE7., ttotf euid ~zgagee.Mil be earitled to the ppsseasioa of all of said property. and may, at its option.
<br />tieetate the wbob of aid rate std ag indeb0a~ar reprESmtad thereby to be immediately due and payable. std may foreckrse this mortgage
<br />ra ~ say et§te ~ ram to psi its right ASzFrau''rmt'.nt waived.
<br />This mortgage sbal! he b®diog upon sad shall enure to the benefit of the heirs, ezeatars, sdmirristtntors, successors and assigns of the
<br />tar4active Raton lraeto_
<br />IN WITNE53 WHEREOF, acid Itlaatgagor~__hs •re hereunto ant their ...hands-ct,e day and year first ebrrve
<br />written. - _ - ~ ~ -s
<br />i
<br />r r.r ,t ~
<br />GC .- _
<br />Jean 'i`.. i; ri. f*ht
<br />