<br />G'astar ~°aderat Savings and Loan ~Sga~iatdan of Broken Bow, Broken BOW, Nebr.
<br />No_Title I _ X7,000.00
<br />7~-~~~~~~i Reuel E~t~t~ 1~®~tga~e
<br />Thrs Indenture. made this....l:ltb. day of............r].uJ y ................................................... A. D.. 19...4..
<br />between ,Mayne.,.E.,,,Pipal.,.and..ylarcine...nL..PiFalr each in his and her own right
<br />.......... ...............
<br />al`~..as souse of each...other ....................................... of H3~.1..............................,................. County,
<br />ir, the State of Nebraska, the first part, and Custer Federal Savings and Loan Association of Broken
<br />$ow, Broken Bow, Nebraska, a corporation organized under the laws of the United Staten o£ America, of
<br />the second part.
<br />tl'titnesseth: That the said part..i£S. of the first part, in consideration of the sum of.Seven,..._
<br />~'hQ??a~?3d..and„ no/100„----.----,--,---,---,°-.---------------.`Dollars ~~,~.000.00.....
<br />t a receipt o£ which is hereby acknowledged, do............by these presents grant, bargain, sell and convey,
<br />onto said party of the second aart,its successors and assigns, all of the following described real estate
<br />:~tuated in the Ceuntp of.._Hal7 .............................. and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />Lot Eight {$), in Block One-hundred Thirty (130), of
<br />Koenig & Wiebe's Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska
<br />~_ud:::g c::rp2ting, aaut~fic dish asshers. built-in sir conditioners, built-}n cooking unite, bullt-ta refrlgeratfon snd twilt-ln freezer
<br />~,s snz,:tnatic n-asAere asstomati: driers. screens, storm x}.^.dou-0. screen doors, combination storm doors, atrainga stokers, hot taster
<br />;:ewers, gas burners. gas and':cr oil hears. _, pressure patnps and ranks. light firtutry kitchen cabinets, plumbfag nztttrea and all other
<br />.-echa.^^,3.^33 s, pli3nres n-hich are raK~ or stay becose attacho3 to said properly and it is agreed zhat all atrch property shall be cma-
<br />s?de.Rd 35 par: of Lae real 2a:Ate.
<br />is Y31';: _a.\i• TO ACtI ~ TN.E g~]iE. Tebether Wita all an3 ai_ngalar, the tenements, hemd3tameate and appurtenancea th2ze-
<br />~,a helOngtng. UI i-^. fln3- A.4' 9p7'ett2ning, fOr2~2., and trarratti Life Ltle t0 the samC
<br />YRJt"tDED ALSCarS, and :hose presents are ulmn the ezPr25a condition that a the >~~d .I2FZ~'73~..S.t..P?.F.al,_and, ..
<br />?iarcine M. Pipal, each in his and list own right and as spouse of each other
<br />........their
<br />.. .............. weirs, eaecutots, adtninisrratcrs of grantees shall paS or cause to be paid tp Lw stet Federal Savfitgs and
<br />.-aa Assw:e:ion of Erthen Fora. Iuokan Tww, \2braska; its successors or assign, the e.tm of .S2vE,P._,Tl;1,OilS and and
<br />r
<br />n .~.~tt--... _ .............................. .................................... ....................................... Dollars
<br />:rti; s esz the::zn snd ~rh .i~argc~ t~ bc.rm.~ du<~ t sid ;stn- of the serond part, under the terms and conditiots of the conzmrt
<br />- ~' ~inrxa,c '+afe of zh~ pnrtt of th~~^^~~ ywn ~. 2.a to hr: ev.-i th. and herby sc ~ured for m - dvan<~c-d hi• sale issuiatim: x~hic?:
<br />s~ to t><~ ; .- crtizEd io<tallr:;rnr. a- ,~ided i„ s. note. anti! the totals mt of indebtedness to tlte -a~oe-ferian has been paid in fuii.
<br />z: ita3irz_• a - - - e h~ 1;or.~•ag•~r?o th<- n!,agaY,~:. nr his s - n title, fur anl~ purpose, at a i~ time 6etore the release and can-
<br />~~eli~fian a~ ... ~ „arzga, F .?!? r,.,r.3;vnrt. of said cna_- :! -h~i ~: \Sor: ~a cep-'fore am bi• reEoren::e made a uri hereof.
<br />T'-vR2')'LOF FIR.~i` PART h.~:cn~- s>sigr:s. rrant.« a .. sEU o r, the '.ltortgagrx, w be applied<tow-ard t:te paYmeot of :he trots anc?
<br />- _ iris: Sr. i ~ t-: ior~:an:-e c the and v,dir,ms ~f t< u \fonga;;e n- the said trek. at}
<br />- - --.z - n., -'-h ~mc a~iii:E ntOri<C,iE?tltnd2bf2:+nE~~ ~ :i t,Si6 L*npaty.
<br />~ itN 4iarzzae h ]I r t - t - ¢ t t• t z j for the P rPa= of re lung :std p. ixs and of rea[mg the
<br />,arise s:ra coL'c-2~; Y~ t .- ya. . t ,,,id i'f alt e>•_nensz, of repaznng satd premises and netrssar5•
<br />:xrr-scx. - .,d rxtYn.e. i -- :rp a - -,nz ihE sa..:< and of .roilrriing rentals therefrom: the haizace xmaining, if any, tc
<br />.r appiici tv.xr,i the c.i,:lra.-qe-oE ~r....,or-;zagr ~ndct:ta3ne-s.
<br />Y.41-;7']' OF T11E 'r IF~f 1',>I?'7~:, rrs z'rar in the e <•nz ~* r: tle ar tht~ proyxrta sa; ured 6p this monga¢e, is sold, transferred o
<br />;;ttnr~r? - te- -. .-:f :< k ~ :-- i 1 r ~ h~~ h t- z - tt-r perbn, the en[ire tmpaid balan_e of the nnt,r
<br />:retest and rm.id.ualnes. ;rc art,. ~ - to - >o.tsaee. az .h: t of z? ~ ho.dr: ,t ~.t.+ in rtgage. and all the indeblrtnESS secured theret.Y sha15
<br />::~v~mE dsr and Pa, able at cx•, of t.a>~nznt: ,vt th,- ~ndrh:<.fncss. x-hich this rzx,rtgage is gn en as sc.~urity shall not c stitut«t
<br />O1' -. er'aare
<br />of tirE :._zacn of the hoicen~~f tt~e n.xe, interes na.3".-due- ortcase sad shall oat ronstirute a r to accelerate payment
<br />~~f At?x e-<n re tmpaid kuavuce of tier near i~~:, ~-.t end indEb:cdeR->._ u.,.r_ss Utr h~,,lder rapc<e.,l. kranu s>.~.-h ~ait~ertinrvz~riung and m x:ch terres
<br />.~ ..r:. ,t..d<-r rna. rtyxi
<br />r \+,a. £{ rhr sstd l~ 1e S: r r3 ~c+lt ,_i:, x- w k._- t:a:d w ute t>3rrr of *,he .~ n7d Paa the amount dse it amdar said cont:at
<br />- th<- .1 ~ l ~ 1.,. n l mid note ,ontained th..n the+x- Presrnle sun
<br />t> _i»;. a h,..^w_x :., f._., -~ :.n,. r:... t,:i :->: x ,~..- - -~ v: a .t._„ r.<t -~.c.,:ded.
<br />- -..it~t ..- ..
<br />tN V:i?NESS WffEREOF, the said part ~-.e~ 01 tM firs! wet ha.~re. hstwnta at .....their s
<br />............... hand...... the
<br />3fy sad yarn first shores written,
<br />Receipt is hereby acknowledged of a copy of this >zortgage.
<br />---- - ~ ---......... i~:~~y..._~ ... _ ....-..... ..._ ........... .....
<br />-- -- -~
<br />----- - -...~'~-~-'-r--z ...
<br />`~ ~ ~ r
<br />arwTE os: NE91tAStCA
<br />Hall
<br />wtsafj os ~f
<br />~ ~~. 1f the ~,,.... July .............. ...... u., ~..b.roar. m. tba una.r.iynea.. Notnrgr Pub;io duly eommlgionsd
<br />Dwayne E. Pipal and Marcine M. Pipal, each
<br />and gwaifiad for and rrridinp is said county. paeaonri)y same ........................
<br />................ ...............................
<br />in his and her own right and as spouse of each other
<br />to eels known to bn the idantceai lurrnas deeeribea in aa6 tshe axaoubd tine toreaoier~ inslrumeert u prantrr... S.. nerd reicerowisdpad
<br />tM sans W M ,tll?,15......... vo/uMsry act and dwd.
<br />WITNESS my hand and Notarial Sal the day sad Year last shoat written. -~ ~ t
<br />_ ~.-
<br />R~ GENERALkGTAAY•SEatsa#Ne6y. ....:_~,C~.u.1:t7?~.:~.'...~.:`.~~`'~..~'.~',t^-i:4«L,~ ,• ...
<br />~°s"- -" -. ~ ^- lCRENNE J. GpRROUTTE ~ I -
<br />t t7y Gomm. Ero. Sept. ~ti. 14T9~ l
<br />~----•
<br />