<br />79-- ;;[~~~6~4
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 234? 9
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BYTHFSEPRESENTS:That Greg D. Nahrstedt, a single person
<br />-- Mortgagor, wbether orK or amore, in coresidertion of [be sum of
<br />_ Twenty Five Thousand Two Hundred and No/100--- _ -------------------------- oo[.t.ARs
<br />loaned to said mortgagor by Tt~ Egieitabk Balding sail i,oan Associatbte of Craed lshnd, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 252 shares of atonal of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No_ L 23g7q , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage into the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />desarbed real estate, situated in Nall County, F e raslia:
<br />together with a9 the tecements, hereditamenu and appurtcnanm tbereemto bebngirtg, irtcluding attached floor coverings, all window saran,
<br />windovr shades, blinds, storm windows, aw-oirigs, heating, air cordiiioning, and plumbing and water equipment nail amesmries thereto, pumps, stoves,
<br />refrigerator, and other fa[tuu and equipment teow nr bereafir, attadied to or used u: connection with said real estatr.
<br />Aed whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agrce that the rortgagor sha11 and will pay a!1 taxes and aarsmriu levied or
<br />asnesxd upoe said pmvFxs aril upon this mortgage and itx band se bx fan the same shall beware delinquent: to fiveish approved
<br />irsnaar+m upon tlr buxdugs on aid premises si.vatedi~ the sum of S ~ ~ • = V V • U~ payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the polices for aid insirrance_ and no[ to commit or permit any waste on or about said premixs;
<br />In ale of defailt in the performmce of any of tbe terms zad rnnditrorss of this mortgage or the bond sa-med hereby, the mortgages shag.
<br />m demand, lie entitled to imacdiau possession of the mortgaged premises aril the mortgagor toreby assign, transfers and xu over to the
<br />®atga®ee aH the renu, rcvrnaes and iarnare to be derived from i}x atertgaged p-emixs during such time u the mortgage indebtednea shall rermie:
<br />unpudd; and tbt nwrtyagee shall Gave the power to appoint :oy agrnt or agents it may desire (or tbe purpose of repsiritg aid pmmises and rwterg
<br />the amr and colketitg the rents, revenues nerd ininnm, and it mm pay out oC said iacnine aIf ezpcnxs of repairing said prrmiaes and neaaaary
<br />tommitions and expenss marred io renting aril wnagitg tht satin and of colkNirg rentals therefrom: the balance ntmaioitg, if any. to lie
<br />applied toward the diirharge of said tenrtgage mdebtedn,:y; tlarte rights of tbe mortgagee r®y be ezeroaed at any time dining the existence of arc}r
<br />ddaah, irrespective of any ter~oruy waim of the same-
<br />Ihex Presents, however, arc upon the Condition, Ttut if the aid Mortgagor shaIl repay saw ban oa or brf~rc tlee maturity of saM shun by
<br />pryment; pay monthly to said ASSOC[ATION of the sum speritrd in tbe Bond seared hereby as interut sail principal oe aid fwn, on or before
<br />the Tvratirlh dry of earls and every month. tent] said ban u filly paid; IaY all razes a~ asse^»eents kvcd agtimi said premiss a~ oo this Mortgtse
<br />and the Bond roared thereby, before delinquency: ftunidt approved ~~~+~+• upon the buld'args [bereon in the sum of S?? bk
<br />to aid ASSOCIATION; repay m aid ASSOCIATION upon dematd all money by it paid for such razes, assessmeeu aril 5 nZaD,~ 4wiD'tlt interact at
<br />~ legal rate thereon from date of paymrnt all of which Mortgagor hemby agrees to pay; pttmit rro waste on aid premises' keep and ixtmplV
<br />with sg the agreeaeesu and oorsd<riom of the Bond for 5 25:2DD. OD this day given by the aid Mortgagor to a=nd ASSOCIATION, and comply
<br />wire afl rile requiremenu of rice Crurs[itWwioa and By~rz of rid ASSOC1AT16N; rhea these preaeau shat! became nun? rail void, otherwi= they
<br />>s~ rectum in fib force and racy be ttxrrloxd a[ the aptwn of thr aid ASSOCIATION afatt falure fo: thnx months to make any of aid
<br />payments ar lie tiler roooihs u array m makug aid maarhly paymenu, ar to keep and tvmpiy wirb the agrmnenu and cooditiodt of aid Bored;
<br />and Mortgagor ogees to have a rr[xzver appoinnted farthw~th m nr~ iureclrswre proceedings.
<br />IC shoe a aey ®owees$ip of the real estate vaottgaged ianein, by ale or otherwise, then the entire remaining indebtedn,ea hereby
<br />s+ared ~., at toe option of The Equitable Buldug and Lam Asaoaation of Grand Lsland, Nebraska, btcome immediately due and pyable without
<br />further eotirs, ~d the a9o,rnt remacimg due sender ssid brad, and any other band for any additional advaoxa mods thererasdtt, slat[, frasa the
<br />dati of ezerrae of aid option, bear interea >a tk rotaimr,m legal rate. and this rosy then be (orecbaed to atirfy the amoum due on aid
<br />bosd,aad ay otter bond for adrLaiomi adsances, tagrt4es with ad saL~ paid by said Tae Equitable Bu3ding and t.oan Aaoeiation of Grand island,
<br />Ne6aa$a [or i~anac, tsss and asrea¢reens, and abstraai~ ertenvoa t3targes, with ininea thermn, f ram dare of paymrnt at the netximum
<br />kssd eau.
<br />As prc4ided in the Bond xs7red htteby, wtsilE till mortgsgr :rcaina in effr~ rte mortgagee may htueaftrr advaacr additional wan to the
<br />makers of said Bid, their >~s w a~rr~~ws in interest, which sums shall be within the rxcmitY of this necxtgage the ame u the funds originally
<br />nragred tlsereby, the rotor rmonmt of [e®cipat debt not to czertd zt nay *ime thr ariRinal araaimt of this mangsge.
<br />17th _ d:yaf July A.a..ly ?9
<br />STATE OP NEBRASKA, ~ ax Or tla= l 7th iso-y of Ju 1 y i4 ? g , befrnz me,
<br />the vadasigoed., a Noeary Pedr&c in s~ far aid Cotmty, pertanatty came
<br />Greg D. Nahrstedt, a sin~erry, motto is przrmallpkmwnw
<br />tts ~ lie ~ ideatini [~ 7~tle'gaa9'k ~_~"FS ~^. "~H'ized to the above inurement as mortgagor he x•OOiIXXXXXXxJfNdfd[IQiC
<br />ra ti,
<br />actaawledgA th aid inWr~t to Vie' ~ 3~.5 a1'~ aril deed.
<br />NPINFSS mY hd biot~`,}~„ttl.~', $a~eaid. ;~~ji
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<br />e'-~~,,* ' . - r - .r: per
<br />aa'uat ae ` s,• ~..; -'i= r Notary Public
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