<br />79--:s i+'~ ~' l 6
<br />MORTGAGE _ _
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23478
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Ronald R. Swanson and Robin L. Swanson, each in his and
<br />her own right and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, ut considendon of the sum of
<br />Forty Thousand Eight Hundred and NO!100-----------_----------------------------------ooLLnxs
<br />barred to said trmrtgagor by The Equitable Buildutg and Loan Association of Cnnd Island, Nebraska, Mort{;aget, upon 4Q6 sltua of stock of
<br />aid ASSOCIATION, Certifpte No. L 23478 , do hereby grant, convey and roortgagc unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />destxrLed real estate, situated it Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />tosetber with a- the tenements, hereditamcnis and appurtenamxs thereunto belorgirtg, including attadted floor mwrmgs, all window uaerns,
<br />a~atdow strides, blinds, storrrt windows, awnings, treating, air cvaditionirtg, and plumbing and w~tcr equipment and accessories thereto, poatps, noses,
<br />rctrigento[s, and other fixtures and equipment new or hereafter attachtd to or used m ronnection with aid real estate.
<br />Atd whereas the said trtortgagor has agreed and does hereby agece that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes sad a~aenis levied ar
<br />assessed upon said premises sad upon this mortgage and the bond senrred thereby before the same sha- become delinquent; to ftrrnisfi approved
<br />ittsmrtcz• upon ibe buddutgs on said premise, situated m the sum ni S d0 Rnn pn payabe to said ASSOCIATION and to defirtr to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said inatrance; and rent to commit o, pe Wdst tin or about said premises;
<br />in ~ of default in the performance of any of the tertas and condiiioru of this rttcvigage or the hood scored hereby, the mortgagee shall,
<br />as demand., 6e rntided w immediate possession of the atargagcd premises and the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers and sea Duet [o the
<br />tnortgga aB the rata, rcrentres and irtaime to be derived from the mortgaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedota shall remain
<br />tmpaid; sad the mortgagee shag haw Lire power to appoint any agent or agents ii ma}• desire for the purpose of repairing aid premises sad renting
<br />tM same and eoilectiag the rents. revenues and income, and it may pay out of aid income all expenxs of repairing aid ptemirs and [ta¢smy
<br />eaarr»issions sad expenses atcarred itt renting and managvtg the sine and of mlkcting rentals therefrom: the balance rcmainiag, if an}', to be
<br />apgikd toward the discharge of aid mortgage htdebte.;.xss; these righu of the rnorigagee may be exerdsed at any bate during the existence of suelt
<br />ddatdt, inespnYiw et any temporary waiver of the erne.
<br />These Presenu, trowcwr, are upon the Condition, That if the aid Mortgagor shall repay said Scan on or S.cfare the maturity of aid shares b}
<br />paymrnt: pay rwnihly to said ASSOCIATION of the sum speafied in tM t3ond secured hereby as interest and prm: rpal an aid loan, on ar before
<br />the Tttrmtietit dap of each rind even awnth, until said kart is fully paid; pay all taxes and assessaxnu levied agxvtst said premises sad ao this Mortrda~e
<br />and the Bond secured thereby, before delinquency; furnish approved insu;aace upo^ the bu3dings thereon in the sum of S 40 , BQQ. OQ payable
<br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand at! mm~ey by it paid for such rues, asseaments and iosrvana with iattrest at
<br />the Imxitrwm kga7 rite thereon from date of payment all of wttidt Mortgagor ioereby agrees to pay; permit rx> waste on said premises; keep std comply
<br />with aB the agreemeau std m^.ditiotts of the Bond far S 4Q ~$L1Q, (}ntttis day given by the aid Morteyagor to said ASSOCIATION, and tn~ty
<br />with afl the rrrquserr,ents of the Cartstittr[iaa and B}•-taw-s of said ASSOCIATION: that thue prrxrtu shaIl become auII and void, otterwise they
<br />sines remains full fora std may be forcek~sed at the option of the aid ASSOCIATION after failure for tttree months to taake any of said
<br />payments or be three months in arrears in makitg aid rttortthly payments, or to keep and rnmpty with the agreements and n~nditions of aid Bond;
<br />and Mortgagor agrees io haw a receiver appointed for[hw•ith in such foreciasme proxedingt.
<br />1( them is avy t3angc in ownership of the real estate ntongagrd herein. by sale ur otherwise, then the entire remaining irAebtedtuss hersby
<br />sertaed :loll, at the aptwin of the Equitable 8ueld3ng and Loan Association of f rand Island, Ncbraskn, 6emme immedutely due utd payable without
<br />funkier notice. and the anrouat rctrtainiae due under said bond, and any other fund for any additiortai advano-s nude thetetut~r, shall, From the
<br />date of exatase of aid optivt, beat interest at the maximum legal me, and this mortgage may then Ix foreclosed to atisfy the amount due on aid
<br />boad,asd my other bond for additioral advances, together w'itlt all sums paid by said The Equ,tabk Btu7diag and loan Association of Grand Islud,
<br />Nebraska far ir>suraaoe, taxes and assessrrxats. and abstracting extenaon charges, with interest thaeoa, from date of payment at the maximum
<br />~~
<br />As paorided k tine Bond secssmd Ixrcby, while itus mortgage remains in effect the mortgagee try hereafter advans additional stain to the
<br />tmaltas of aid Bcud, then assigns ar succeanrs in interest, whicfi suou shall be within the security of ibis rrto.~gage ilrc same as the funds origvtaBy
<br />seemed tlttaeby, the total amount of prissc~al debt riot to ex¢ed at any tLme the original arrrount of this tmngagt.
<br />16th of July A. n., is 79
<br />~~.
<br />Ro swan J
<br />Robin L. Swanson
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, is ~ rites 10th day of JUl y l9 79 .before me,
<br />COUNTYflF13AL1
<br />the urdesssgswd• a Notary Public in and for said County, personally came
<br />Ronald R. Swanson and Robin L. Swanson, each in his and her own right and as spouse of each
<br />other who are pC1a°n'lly known `°
<br />me to be the itlentiral petsom S wM»e mine S dre affixed to the above iiyst.~ttt as mortgagors and they y~,~y
<br />a the aid tiwr,rr.,ryt to De the? r vaittatary act sad deco. / l -
<br />WT1iVESS my hood and Notarial Seal Ste dau a(oreaid. ~.
<br />My Commisoon aspires ,.~~~ ~ ~ if ~ /
<br />~~ v ~~i>~x'J. / y ~ /~ ~ ~ ~_~ Notary Pubhc
<br />~NERAt NOi4Rt' ~ SYato of Nebr.
<br />JAMES `.V. OLSCN
<br />atY Ccar .. q,... 12. iii9
<br />