<br />79-~
<br />a distance of 40.00 feet; thence. south l7° 35' S5" Est a distance of 194.08
<br />feet; thence south a distance irf 123.4.0 feet to the .centerline of the Wood
<br />River channel; thence following the centerline of T+R~od Reber ahalusel south
<br />60° 58' 16" west a distance of 78:29 ft~t; thence mr't.fi 87° 57' 48" west a
<br />distance of 110.00 feet; the3bce mrtti 78° 26' 27" west a distance of 87.96
<br />feet; there north 48° 17' 04" west a distance of 191.55 feet; thence south
<br />79° 58' S5" west a distance of 37.41 feet; thence south 53° 00' S8" hest a
<br />distance of 150.41 fit; ti~nce south 85° 03' 40" west a distance of 130.05
<br />feet; thence south 54° 58' 26" west a distance of 46.72 feet; thence west
<br />leaving the c~lterline of the Whod River Channel a distance of 28.96 feet;
<br />thence north follotaing an existing fencse line a distance of 372.40 feet to
<br />the north line of said NF}t of Section 24; them east along the north line
<br />of said P4~ of Section 24 a distance of 820.00 feet to the point of beginning;
<br />and alp inclvvdd~~..~~ the following described tract of land: The north 40.00 feet
<br />of the east 701.3 feet of the I~ of said Section 24; said tracts opntainirir
<br />6.61 cirxesr m~z~e ox less, eject ~, XQad ore the nq~th t1x:,To.?` ~t
<br />SCIDJIXT 7b a mortgage in favor of First Federal Savings and Loan Association
<br />of Iancoln in the principal sun of $48,000.00.
<br />xagethu with all zighs, interests, easements, hredicameats and appurtenances thereunto belonging, the :rnu, issues, and
<br />profiu thereof and reycnues and income therefrom, all improvemen[s and personal property now or later attached thereto or
<br />zeasonab'ty necessuy to tar use thereof, including, but not limited to, ranges, refrigerators, clothes washers, clothes dryers,
<br />or eargexing purchased or financed in whole or in part with loan funds, all water, weer rights, and watu stack pertaining
<br />thereto, and all pa~-menu at any time owing to Borrower by virtue of ary sale. lust, transfer, conveyance, or mndemnarion
<br />of nay pact thueot or interest therein-all of which ue hutin called "!he properly";
<br />1'O HAVE AND TO HOLD the propxrty unto the Government and its assigns forevu in tee simple.
<br />BORROWER for Borrowtr's self, &rrow•ez's hens, tnecutozs, administrators, successors and assigns WARRANTS THE
<br />TITLE to tae property [o the Govermm~r.[ against all Lwful claims and demands whatsoever except any liens, encumbrances,
<br />tastmtnu, reservations, oz conycyanca specified hecinabovt, and COVENANTS AND AGREES as fall~ws:
<br />;lj To pay promptly whca due any indebtedness to the Gove:nmen[ hereby secured and to indrmni{v and save hum-
<br />less the Government against any loss under its insurance of payment of the Hatt by reason of any default by Borrower.
<br />At all times when the note is held by an insured fielder. Borrower wall con_rirtue to make payments on the rote to the Govern-
<br />ment, as eallection zgenx for the fielder.
<br />~2) To pay to the Govuament such fees and o[her chuges as may now ~ hereafter be required by regtthtions of the
<br />Farmers Home Administration.
<br />(3) if r~,.ircd by the Government, to mzkt additional monthly psymcau of I; 12 of the estimaud annual teats,
<br />assessmenn, insurance premiums and athtr charges cpor. tae mortgaged premixs.
<br />14 Wficthcr err not the noel is insured by =_hc Gostrnn:tnt, the Government may at anp~ time pay any ether amounts
<br />required hernia to be paid by Borrower and not paid by Borrowu when due, as wet! as any casts and expenses for the pre-
<br />servatiar., protection, o: enforumrn[ of [his lien. as advances for the accoun[ of Borrower. All such advances shall bear
<br />ir_eerest u the rate bor:,t by the note which has tae highest in[rre;t rate.
<br />~~; All advances by the Gavr:nmcnt as described in this instrument. with inures[, shall be immediately due and payable
<br />by Borrower to the Government without demand ax [he p!acc designated in the latest nau and shall be secured hereby. No
<br />such advance by the Govenmrnt steal? relieve Harrower from breach of Borrower'; covenant to pa}'. Such advances, with
<br />tat-rest, ;hall be repaid from the fits; evaiabie cal3rctions received from Bonowrr. Otherwise, any pa~~ment made by
<br />Barrawer mere bt appiird an tae nau ~; ant indrbttdness to the Gavcznment secured hrrebe in any ceder the Government
<br />deteraena.
<br />
<br />u
<br />
<br />
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