<br />rant extend or po;tpoue the due date al rho monthly ius[alhuents referred to in paragrsphs 1 and 2 hereof or
<br />change the amount of such installments.
<br />10. Borrower Not Released. lxiensimt of 'the iiute for pa}•ment, or modification of amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Vfortgage granted by bender to auy -uccessor iu interest of Borrower shall not operate to release.
<br />in any manner, the lisbility of the m-iginsl Borrower ;md Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shsll not. be
<br />required to commence proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time for payment. or otherwise modify
<br />smortizatior. of the sums secured t?y this \Iortgagc by reason of anv deutand made by the original Borrower and
<br />Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />11. Forbearance by tender Not a Waiver. :1uy forbcarancc be Lender in exercising anv right. or remedy
<br />hereunder. or otltenvise afforded by applicable laic. shall not he a Waiter of or larecludc rite exercise of any right
<br />or remedy hereunder. The proeuretneut of insutsnce or the l:aytnrnt of lases or other liens or charges by Lender
<br />shall not be a tt:iiver of Lendei s right to aocelaratc the tnahirity of the imlebtedoess secured by lids 1lartgage.
<br />~.. 12. Remedies Cumulative. 311 remedies pmtided in thin Mortgage aro distinct. and eunvtlative to stn- other
<br />right or reined}' under this Mortgage or affordcai by !aw ur squire, and men' be exercised ttutetu'rently, intiepend-
<br />`_ enth• or successively.
<br />i.3. Successors and Assigns }lotmd; Joint and Several Liability: Captions. The cotenants and agreements
<br />~ herein contained shall bind, and the rights itereender shah inure to, chc resnerticc stccessors and assigns of bender
<br />"' and Borrower, subject to the protisions of paragraph 17 hereof. A11 cocrnau[s and agrecnutus of Borrower shall
<br />~' be joint and seteral. The captions and hradines ai t?tc para2ruphs of this Alort>.a,r arc fm' convenience mil}- and
<br />are not• to be used to interpret or define the proa'isions itemof.
<br />j~ 14. Nofice. dn}' notice to Borrower prodded for rat this ylorts,e shall he guru b}• mailing sorb notice by
<br />eer-ified mail addressed to Berro~.ver at rise Praperq~ 3tidress suued hcloW'. except for sac no;icr required tinder
<br />paragraph IS hereof to be gh'en to Bm't'ower in rise manner ltrescrihed be spltlieabic i:r.V. 3n?~ satire prot'ided
<br />for in this Mortgage shall be decnx'<1 to haVC been _iVen to Borrmter when KiVrn in tin• u?snner desigrsted herein.
<br />I5. Uniform Mortgage; Governing Law: Severability. 'Chia fora: of m.rt~sge combines nniiurm rorenanr
<br />for national use and non-uniiornt covenants whit limited Variations h}- iurisdiction *.o constitute a unifortu se£u-
<br />riiy instrument corering real property- This ~lortgsge shat? bo gotertted h~• the late of the uris:iiction in which
<br />the Propert.v is 'tacated. Ir. the erc'nt roar arc provision m~ clause ai this \lortgage art rite Sots conflicts with
<br />appiiesbfe' , s ~. .,nSic, sl:' ,, sff^~. -,a,. o_; _.... _ th;- Uorfg._gr or tht \ett~ which can be eicen
<br />affect without the conflicting proV~ision. and to this end the tu'ovisions ai rite \lartgsge sad the Sote arc decla.cd
<br />to be severable.
<br />16. 3loaowet s Copy. Borrower shall he furnished s ; onfonned cop}- of ibis Mortgage at the time of execu-
<br />tion or after recordation iterao*'.
<br />17. Transfer of the Property; Asstrmptioa. Ii ali or stn ;tar of rite Property or an interest therein is sold
<br />or transferred by Borrower wttl:out Letr:er's prior written consent. excluding fat the crestio:t of s ?fen or encum-
<br />brance subordinate to this \lorgage. chi the creation o; ~ trcitase morer security inters for household appli-
<br />ances, ±e) s transfer by derisa.. descent or by operation ai isw upon the death of a joim tenant or ~d? rite grant of
<br />say leasehold interest o: three years x less not containing az option to purchase. Lender rainy, :tt I-ender's option.
<br />declare all the sans secured by rhi= Aortgage to be inm,rdiatch- due and nsyable. Lender shall i:atc W-aiVed sorb
<br />option to arceierate ii. prior to the axle art trsnsier. Lender ami the person to W'l:ont the Property i> to be cold or
<br />sransiermi reach sgrrement in writing that the credit of such person i; satisfsotorc to Lender and that the interest
<br />payable or. the sums secured 6v this \Ior~age shah 'ue st such rate ss Lender shall request. Ii Leader ltss W'ait'ed
<br />the option to ac£rlerate ntvti3ed in this psrs_rsph 1 ~ sad ii Borrower's successor in interest furs executed s writ-
<br />ten assumption agreement accepted ii: writing by lender. Lender shall release Borrower Trout s!i obligations under
<br />thisllortgage and the \ote-
<br />Ii Lender exercises sudt option to accelerate. Lender shai] snail Borrower notice of sceeleration in accordance
<br />with paragraph ld hereof. Eucli nonce shall }?rot'itia• a i,eriod ui not less thsu 30 davs trans rte date the notice is
<br />mailed within W'i:ich Borrower mat pa}' the soma ~iec!,vr:Y't due. ]i Borrower iatis ;~ ;~aV -ue•1: > ...s prior to the
<br />expiration of such ttericxi. Lender ::tac.:rtti:out Atn1e-,•, :;otter or ~?e:nand o:: Borrower. it:cokr are: remedies per-
<br />mitted be paragraph 1S het•zoi-
<br />Scs-I~s:rt,aat t'ocFse~7v. Sorrttwe=.' <tnd Li•ndc-r iurtht•r c~att•nant nail ae'rr,• ss foliaw<:
<br />I& Rcceleration; itemedies tacri~t ... -, . gr:q~ , ,' ..,.a~.. ~i«.. ~--...~.. ..,~ ,-'. of acv
<br />eot•enant or agreement of Borrower v..._- Aioc.~•.+,~~.:..:.`~:itn ~~a,r :vVei:ant> to t=:t1: w~cn -du,~ xut ,,rains =soured
<br />by this llorigage. Lend!-> ,nor to a.~riirr>n.s~ >i;a!: u.~a::~:.nice t,, Rurrrnrr :. -a.;d.-.i :. patagrap!: 13 atereoi
<br />speeiiv~g: ilt the hrtat•?:: ,2t tier :,riion r«-yutro..i t. ,,.. -uri; hresrie. ,3e ..~~tia:c- rain 1es- than ti:irt' days
<br />from the date the notice :- t,lai!rd to llurn:•:~cr i,t- n _.:,~.: .., :. hn<rrl; anal i.r ;u:,,i- :,n. ~ ~: [ n;,t iaiit;rc a: cure
<br />sorb branch on ~~r beiort- rte date ,,K-ciiir~: m rise noose u;av iesuit in arerkranon ni t. ~nu~- -c-cun•~l bt' this
<br />\furtgrige and sale of the Property. If ti,e ;,ra-ac: t~ sot rur~c „n or brimr t?ic .t,t,~ ~ ,r,~:?a_i to t:a~ aatirr. Lender
<br />at Lender's option rose der'isrr sli v. t?;~~ >ras .erase: ht • ..- Alortgsge to ix uiun~ti?ct*ch due and navahle
<br />without further demand and ma}~ i~_r_~:.o~e'ia Mortasi•,r `g n;di,°ial patc~t°°edsn~- 3.en:?cr .i;a1 he rnthled to eoilert
<br />;n cll£tl proeAettmg 31i Pxpen~~ i. .+. F,'C'.t~~ll;-i- 1'IC'. t:=ti ivy 1~i:1 '.:,. .,-1,:t ~~i7 til- t-tt~t~ 0' ~_i)+'liilie'lli8,'\' a'l'l.1PnCe.
<br />sbsira£ts and title reports
<br />19. Sortower's Right to Reinstate. \atw;ti:,t:;n,in:_ Lrrder> acceleration of rise stuns astute-d ;,~' this
<br />Mortgage, Borrower shall have tine right to hate am 1~rtxeedine> hzgun by 1-ender !,~ cniorct rhi- Mortgage dis-
<br />continued at any time prior to entry of a iudgntent t-r,io7cin tlti- \larcagc it: tai Borroater pays bender sli
<br />sums which would be then due under this \Iortxaec. tl~e \atP and note- -ecurint Future .4dVaucr~. ii sat'. hsu no
<br />acceleration occurred: !bt Borrower cure: all br2at•hrs of any other t•oten:tnts or :rs;r~•tmrnts ni Borrower con-
<br />tained in t.his?tiortgaee; +et Borrower psis ail rtes-anal,h~ cxper:ses utcurnd by I.en,ie.* in ~~ntorcing t}te cotenants
<br />and agreements of Borrower £ontained ir- this Mon gage and in ariorcmg I-cadet's remedies a- pratided in para-
<br />graph 18 her~i, including, but not limited to, reasnnahir attarnet-s fee`s and edc Borrower takes such action a,
<br />Letsder may reasonably require to assure that the lien of rhi- \lortgagc, I-rnder's interest in the Ymlxry and
<br />Borrower's obligation to pay the sutra srtured Icy tiiia ~{ortgace ~itall romitmt• unimpaired. I'poit such payment
<br />and stirs by Borrower, this 33origage and rite obifg;ations secumi hereby sltsli remain in fu!1 force and effect as if
<br />no saelera2ion had acettrred.
<br />2Q. ~ Rwta: Rpposntment of Receiver; Lender is Possesaoa 3, additional security bere-
<br />undet, Borrower hereby assigns to Lender the rears of the Property, protidnl that Borrower shall, prior to acceler-
<br />ation under paragraph 1$ hereof or abandonment of the Property, irate the right to collect and retain such rents
<br />as they became due and payable.
<br />Upon ae-toleration tinder paragraph I$ herof or abandonment o' the Property. bender. in person. by spent
<br />art by judicially appointed receiver shall he entitled to enter upon, take possession of and manage the Property
<br />and t4 collect the rents of the Property, including these past due. 311 rent, collected ht Lender or the receiver
<br />shall be applied $rs~ fro payment of the £osts of management of the Propc~ry and collertior, of rents. including. but
<br />not limited to, meeiver's fees, premiums on trreiver's bonds and reasonable attorney's ices, and then to the sum>
<br />secured by this Siottgage. Lender and the receiver shall he liable to atruunt onlt for those rents acwsll}' rc•reiVed
<br />