<br />52--.REAE. ESTATE MORTGAGE ({9itL Tax Clause) Hutlman and Felton 8 Wo!t, Walton, tte. 68461
<br />7~- U1-4589
<br />KNOW ALL MEN 1?Y THESE PRESENTS: That Wesley D. Johnston and Pearle M. Johnston
<br />of Hall County, and Stale of Nebraska ,tin constideraticn of the sum of
<br />1 Eighteen Thousand Twn Hundred Forty One and 92/100----------------------------DOLLARS
<br />in hand Raid da hereby SELL and CONVEY unto FIVE POINTS BANK, 2015 N. Broadwell, Grand
<br />j Island, AfE
<br />~ ~f Hall County, State of Nebraska the following d¢scribed premises situattd
<br />py Hall County, and State of Nebraska , to-wit:
<br />I.at i, Block 1, Dickey's Third Sub. to City of Grand Island,
<br />NE 68801
<br />The intention being to com~cy iureby an absaInta titlt in fee simple, inclsding all ihr rights of hosnasttad and doaxr.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises shots dcsrss3ed, a+th adi tltt appnrtenanres thersnnto balanging,
<br />meta the said mortgagee(s) and to his, hrr or ihrir heirs and assigns fortvar, proeidcd always, and there prsssnts ara
<br />span the esprus condition that if the said mortgagor(s), his her or thsir heirs, tsacrtars, admaasfsntors ~ assigtat
<br />sliaA pay os carts io br paid to thz sold rnartgagte(sJ, his, her or their bras, rszcrtors, administrators ar atsiryns, !ha
<br />¢maip~ctl saaw a# ai8,241.42 payable as #allotar, toxeit:
<br />with interest arcordeng to the irnor and r#frrt of the mortgagors ttsittsn promissory note bracing rnsn date uitk !hats
<br />prr3efsts and shaft pay aIt tats! and assessrntnts treird upon said real €staie, and al! atkrr taws, !avian and assetstnents
<br />ltxdtd span this mortgage ac the note which this mortgaga is giorn to tacwe, before the some beronaas dstingrent, wed
<br />!Yep flu bst7dengs an .mid prsmists iasYrrd for t1u srm of S i$,2L1.42 loss, if any, payable to the agid
<br />~9a9a, this il~rsr pretests to br void, ethsrtrise to bt and remain in felt forte.
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED (s) That if Uts xdd mortgogor shat! fm7 to pay such tares or procwr srch in-
<br />sw+ones, tha .mid aFOrtgagrt a!cay pay sa!ch tams sand proesra srrlt iasvranca; mrid the stns so odo~aerad, roit6 istarest
<br />~ 12 ~r r-~nt, ~ r; by ~ r:astg~a., and ilsr iz..,rsy.~a s~~il s*~ad ar aarxrih~ for the same.
<br />{a) Tlt~ a faslsrs is pap wsy ~ said aEOtaey, sitkar prnstipt or interest, risen tht salsa bsranur dse, or a fdtlsrs to
<br />roaply ~ asy of tha ~ gpFStanests, s1mlt casts t4s adiofs arm of money hnein trrrrrd to become dra and
<br />ra~sch~rle st enra at flu optics of tllr atortyogae.
<br />Siysad ~ £+tlt day of duly ry j9
<br />Is prrsasca of .+~ '~ _.._......-.--------__._____.
<br />L'
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