<br />;g,. ~{4567 iVIOFiTGAGE
<br />THIS INDENTURE, t»ade this 16th day of July _, 19 ~~ _, by and between
<br />AxZxold H. Foss and Grace Foss, husband and wife, eae'I in his and her awn right and as
<br />spouse of fire other, __
<br />of hall County. Nebraska, aR mortgagor s ,and Gtaad Island Trust Company of Grand Island, a cotpamtioa
<br />genved and eaisting under the laws of Nebraska Ritb its prior;pal office and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as mortgagez;
<br />WIT27ESSETH: That said mortgagor ~_ ,for and in consederatioa of the sum of
<br />^*f3ne Thousand Twa Hundred ::ireteen sad OlJlGnths*~` - ~ ~:f~"
<br />the treoai of which b harsh acknow do _ b these resents mort ~ '
<br />Pt y ledSed, y p gage and warrant unto said mottgtigee, its succeibprs.nnd assigns.
<br />forever, all the fallowing described real estate, situated in the County of lla l 1
<br />a~ State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />Lot Seven (73 in Block Eighty-four (34} in '.,"reeler h Bennett's
<br />Fourth Addition to the Citv of Grand Island, ??all County, `+ehraska.
<br />TageC,ts wht all passing, ev m~itioning, Iigbtityl and Plumbing eeptipmeat sad futures, including sereea5, awnings. storm windows and
<br />doors. std wiadetw shadm or blinds. used oa ~ in ,n:, with said property, whetter the same erne new located oa said property or hereafter
<br />P~ .
<br />TO HAYS AIiD TO HOLD THE S.L1IE, together with aB and singular the ts, herediamen[s and appurteriantes thereutrto b¢-
<br />loaguog. or is anpwine appertainimg. {Dreyer. and wstrani the title to the same. Said morgagors hereby covenant-with said
<br />mortgagee that ? her are. - , at the tWivery hereof, the Lwful owmr_s__ of the premises above conveyed and descrtbed.
<br />nd are aeired of a goad and ;„.t~faaaate estate of inheritance therein. free and clear of nll encumbrnnres, and that L he..~' will
<br />tratram. sad rte title tterero ftrever agaiaat rte r]nims and demamis of ail persons whomsoever.
<br />PROti IDED ALWAYS, card thin insirttment b ezecuted and detvered to satyrs the payment of the sum of
<br />*=one ftousand ilea Hundred yineteen and ~!i"~Ot.:s** DoDarslE I,'1'?.~~1 1
<br />wig ita~t Thereon, together with suet chatgea a~ adeantes es »tay be due sad payable to sold roartgngee ands rte terms and conditions
<br />of ~ posy era's of eta date :.tsex:..h std sec.•zd .~,aay, ezx-ted ty ~1 trarigagar s w said aartbagae. Pavatle as e:pteeaed
<br />ia:ootl cots. sari io seatrc rte pafermance of all the terms attd conditions eanttined tftateia. Tte termv of said cote ate hereby incarponted
<br />hett~ tY ttit rem.
<br />It s the intention std agne~ent of the patties hereto tint fhb mortgage shall also secure any future adrsn~ made to acid mortgagarS-
<br />by said tttntgtytae, sad any std aII indabxadoeas is edditana to the amoant above sated which said mortgagors, or any ~ them, tiny owe tc
<br />acid mutgtiee, however e~vide>soeti, whether by tare, toot atzount or o[herw~se. Thts mortgage stall remnm in fulS force and effect between
<br />fig Patties ttaem sad epee faze. persaml teptesemtatives, successors and as_aigns, uaU7 all amoun~v secured hereunder, inclading fututr
<br />ad*mtas, are paw is fuC with itstsest.
<br />The taertgtt~r~_ herahy aastgo _ w said mortgagee all trees and income arising M any and ell times tom said Property and
<br />hreby wttarise scald mortgagee er its agent, it its Mtut+a, upon default.. to airs charge ai said Property std eaUect all tints std ittcoate
<br />the atad atp~y tie earns w rice Payment of interest, pxiocipal, iaauraace premittma, fatten, aeeeeameatta, repays or impraverttnta
<br />taecmawty to Heap grid PtepastY in teetmable mtdition, or m ether ctarges or paSinmts providod for herein or in the note hereby secured. This
<br />root t tthdl t®tsnue m lease tmid rte unpaid balnnte of said oats is fully paid. The taitutg of possession hereunder shall in no manner
<br />prevent a nwd tviei trrrtpgee ID the oalleccioa d said sums by farec{orue or ot.here~ise_
<br />4be fai}me d tde W assert emy of iin :igtts hetevader at nay time stab cot he nonitrttEd as a waiver of is rigtt to attsert the
<br />reline ai ap Ldw liras, sad to ittriat apoa sad miorte stritt oaatptaatx wah aI3 Cie terms cord pro viers of said Dora std of ttis mortgage.
<br />II said tstQlgsgor s ahta8 aenee to tx paid w said taozt,gsgee the emirs tttttouat due it heteaadar. lard untfc the terms and pmvbions
<br />d tarid rate rush! aerated, ita~ag Intuze advances, asd nay ~tmnoas err resewala thereof ri arcordaace with the farms and provisioaa
<br />tLreeof, asd it said tnoetptgar=aiafi amply with all the ptovia~aae of said tae std d this tmrtgaKc, then these ptmenu ahaFl be void:
<br />atYersise to tea in fib Latcsand sue, sled nsd ~ la etiatted ~ *!:e p~.^ rS s" of serf ~~tr; ts. nerd say, at its api~n.
<br />declare tLs wAakt sI and trots a~ all indehttedaer tee hereby to be immedtaxety due sod payable. std tztay [otec}ose this mortgage
<br />err ts4e tagp earner legd acvm to pestseY Ys ~. Appraiamment waived.
<br />Thfe tao~e stall he hitedstg upon atad stall sears to t8e battePd. of the pelts, etrautors. adatinistrnWrs, auceeesers and assigns of Lhe
<br />> I ~.
<br />IIi WITNS95 iR'IISICEDF, said ltlmt~ger~-]rive _hmenaW set their hand.~_tba day std year fast above
<br />writtem.
<br />7 ~
<br />Grace roes
<br />