<br />79-- ~G4 ~Sfi MORTtsAGE
<br />THIS INDENTURE, made this 16th day of ~ u l° 19 7 R by and between
<br />?'.ichael J. Galvan and Harilvn J. Galvan, husband and wife,. each in leers and her own
<br />right and as spouse of the other _ __
<br />of lEall County, Nebraska, as mortgagor s ,and Grand Island Trust Company of Grand Island, a corporation
<br />rganirad sad eziating under tare laws of Nebreska with its principal office and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as mortgagee;
<br />W ITNESSETH: Thst said mortgagor s _ ,for and in consideration of the sum of _
<br />**=fifteen Thousand `'even hundred :i;:hty-three and r,oll0~ttts*llollarsl$ 15,783.00 l
<br />the receipt o[ which is hereby acknowledged, do _ by these present mortgage and warrant unto said mortgagee, its successors and ass;gns,
<br />Ha11
<br />forever, all the falbwing d~cribsd reel estate. situated in the Caurty of __ _
<br />sad State of Nebraska, to-wit: ~hP G.~ut'.ierl•: Forty-save.^. and ')?te-half .set (C
<br />In rioCi: ;our (w} in ::rssui >lhec'cr'~ .,..~.ition to t!:e ~.it~• of ~:r:an<1
<br />:ebraska.
<br />a ~ ~ )
<br />47, 5') of i.ot (?tae (1) ,
<br />?sland, 13x11 %ounty,
<br />Lot Sis;teen (ice) and Seventeen (17) in Deer Supdivision, of i.c~t tii~: ({; ), seven {7), and
<br />.~i;~i,t {8? in Garre[t's Su~di cis ion of fart of tap Last 'ialf (F-li'l of Bettie.*, 'dine (9),
<br />in Township ::ie~en (ll) North, i:ange ::fine (°i i<est of the rti; P.~±„ in Grand Isla^d, kall
<br />Count}•, :+ebraska, :acentint; a Certain Tract of Ground ..eeded to the ~'itv of (:rand island
<br />'recorded is Book 138, Page 351, .11 so 1:~:ce~tint^ ?1;err:fror; a Trace of ,:round -leaded to the
<br />City of brand Zsland Recorded in Roo;: 16~ F3~e 37I, of "lead Lecerds in ^ riser of Deeds
<br />Hall County, :ehraska.
<br />Together with ay heating, air wnditioning, lighting. and plumbing equipment and fixtures, including screens. awnings, storm windows and
<br />doors. and window sltsd® ar blinds, used oa or ~ comneRion with said property, whether the same are ~w located on said property or her~her
<br />pLeed thereon.
<br />TO HAFE AND TO HOLD THE S.3ldE, togeihe: with all and singular the tenement, hereditament and appurtemncas thereunto be-
<br />Sosg~g, ~ is aaytrise appertaining. fotea~, a~ warrmc the Citla LO the same. Said morgagor ~ hereby covenant --with said
<br />mwtga~e chat -~ he v are _ , ai the delivery hereof, the lawful ow-aer~_ of the premises above conveyed and dexribed,
<br />std are _ ~ a good alt,: =-'-rasihle estate of iaheritaae chaein. fns and r.1~r of n}1 encumbrances, attd that ~ he y will
<br />warrant and deEead the title tbanto foreser against the claims and demsnds of all persons whomvcever.
<br />PROYID£D ALWAYS, attd this instn:ment i9 ezavted and delivered to secure the payment of the sum of __
<br />**Fifteen ?"nnusard Seven l=tv.dred ?'ightc-three and :;o/130ihs~~arets 13,i33.1t3 I.
<br />with inteeeat thereon, together wish such ~ sad advanras as may be due and payable to said mortgagee under the tenors and conditions
<br />d the pramiseors rota of even data henrrrith sad secured hereby, ezenrted by said mortgagors w said tmrtgagee. payable as expressed
<br />ID acid cote. sad to aeerrre the pafarmanoe of all the terms and ro++~;r;aas contained therein. The tizn of said note are hereby iacorpoteted
<br />ilerela bl' this tetereece.
<br />It is the iatantion sad apwment of the parties brseto that this ma*tgage shall oleo secure my future advances made to said mwtgagar~
<br />by said marig;gee, a~ any and sll iadebtedaess in addition to the amount above stated whicL said mortgagors, or my of them. may owe to
<br />said mortgagee. however evidenced, whether by note, book account or otherwise. This mortgage shall remain in full fm;-e and effert between
<br />the paaQies herew and their heirs, peraomf representai:ves. successors and assign.. until all amounts secured hereunder. including future
<br />advantas, are paid in call with intaeat.
<br />Tbe ~_ hereby assign to said marsgagee all ma*_s and income arising at any and all Limas fmm said property a~
<br />hQebp authorae said mortgagee or its agent st :tor optim, upon default, to take rFa.ge of said p-ropatY sad cotl~:i s!1 rents end income
<br />xhaedrom s~ app3y the same to the paymaot o3 inteteet, principal.:nom ..~ premiums, lazes, asafa•.meat, repairs or improvements
<br />tteroasarY to keep ~ grop®Yy in tensntahk condition, or to othQ charges er W}meat provibed fo,- herein or in the note hereby secured. This
<br />tm[ asaigam®t shall rffitlnae is farce natal the unpaid balance of said cote is fuL'a• paid- The taking of possession hereunder shall in no manner
<br />prevent a< naard said mortga~se m the miieetinm of said soma by {enecloatne or otlffi.vise.
<br />The faittae nd the mortgagee w assert ear of its rigtua hesettvdez at any time shat' not be construed es a waiver of its right to assert the
<br />same at asp ta3rr tip sad to ia®ti upon sad eafortx stria camptio~ with all the tarns sad provisions of ssid note sad of this mortgage.
<br />Zf said taortg>tgar s shall rassaa to he paid m said mortgagee the entire atnonnt due it Fteteuader, and user the terms sad provisions
<br />of °~ ztote ~S aeWred. indudsg Itrtaue advsnres. aed my eztaassioas ~ renewals thetaeF is accatdenee with the terms and provisions
<br />ihseod, and if arr~ mortgagor s shay comply wick all the prm•inions of said awe and of this mortgage. then these present stall be void:
<br />to remain a $ag 5oroe and egeor, sad said mortgagee shall be entitled to the pwaessian of all of said property. and rosy, at it option.
<br />declare Ma erhsia o6 aridd robe sad ay iadahbedneas ragtesemtad thereby to be immediatdp due and payable, and may foreclose Lois tmrtgaga
<br />or ta3ts aa+y ot8er ~ aszYm fo pterect its tight. Appraimmeat waived.
<br />'Ills atmtpge shay he 1>~g epos and shall emm to tta bmeeLt of the heirs, ezenrrors, admirdstretot, successors sad assign of the
<br />raspatxiva 9~sa hecetn.
<br />IN WYiY~lt33S WHSRE~€. acid ya~gWS ha vehamtatu sal their _ hand s the day and year first shove
<br />wriitm.
<br />,ti e. •a v
<br />i+y'% J. Galvar.
<br />