<br />79~ t~U4557
<br />UNteoast Covistv.wrs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />2. Payment of Principal earl Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the Nate, prepayment and late chargzs as pravided in the Note, and tht principal of and interest
<br />oa any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage.
<br />Z. Ftitnds For Tttzts and Insutsece. Subject to applicabte law or to a written waive; by Lender, Borrrnver shall pay
<br />to L.enrier on the da}' monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Mott, until the Note is paid in full,
<br />a sum (herein "Ftmds") tquai to one-twelfth of the pcar(y fazes and assessmerts which may attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the Property, if an}'. phis one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly prtmium installments for martsage insurance, if an}•, all as masonahly estimated initially and from
<br />flint to litrte b}' Leader an iht basis of assessments and bibs and reax,nahic esiima[zs thereo[.
<br />The Funds shall be held in an irstitution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed ht• a Federal or
<br />state agen.-y (including Lender if Lender is such an institution!. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said tales, assessments.
<br />insutartee premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge tar +x? holding and applying the Funds, anah'zing said account,
<br />or verifi'ing and compiling said assessmenu and bills. unleas Lendtr pats Borrower interest on the Funds and applicabte law
<br />permits Lendtr to make such a charge. Harrower and Lendtr mar acres in writing at the tint of z~ecution of this
<br />Mortgage that interest on the FureLs shall he paid to Borrowtr. and anleas such agreemem is made or applicable law
<br />regtura such iniertst to be paid, Lender shall not be required m pay Borrnu~rr anc interest or earnings tm the Funds. lender
<br />shall give to Harrower, w'ithoul charge. an annual -accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />gurpase Ior which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional securin' fee the sums sttiured
<br />by this Mortgage.
<br />If the attwunt of the Funds held by Lender, toeethcr w ith the future monthh~ installments of Funds payablz prior to
<br />the due dates of tares, assessrtxnts, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exczrd the amount reyuired to pay said fazes,
<br />asstssmeau, insutaatt premiums and ground rents as the}' fall dot. such error shall br, at Bormwzr's option, zither
<br />pramp9y repaid to Borrower or crtdited to Horma~u oa monthly installments of Funds. If the amoum of [ire Funds
<br />hdd by L,.ader shall fiat be sttfficieai to pay tatits, assessments, insurance przmitvms and ground tents as they fall due,
<br />$artrnvu steal! pa)• is Lendtr any amotmt ntcessar} to make up the dencizne} within 3o days from the date m,tizc' is mailed
<br />by Leader !o Botr~wtr rtgttating payment thereof.
<br />Upon }sa)'ment in full of all sums acuted br this Maneage. l.rndzr shall promptly rztund to Borrower any Funds
<br />i1eAi in isndrr. if rraa'er paragraph It+ irrrz.,f ahr f'ropenr is said .,r the Ptopzrn is >i herw~isr acyuired b}~ Lendtr, Lendtr
<br />shell apply, no Into than itnmtdiately prior to the .ale of the Pr.,prm or its acymsmon by Lender, any Funds held b}•
<br />t,.endtr a1 the tame of application as a cmdit against rhr sums secured h) this \lortgagr
<br />~. ~-}pdratioe of Pa}'meats. L'niess applicahk lain prnvdts othrruisr, alt pa}mcros rratved be Lender under tht
<br />Noce atxt paragraphs 1 and ? htreoi shall he apphrd h}' Lendtr tint m payment of amounts pa}:rblz to Lender by Borrower
<br />uat~r paragraph ~ treteef, then xo inttt-cst payal,le en t!~ Near, then to thz principal of tl:e Note. and then to interest and
<br />priecipal oa nog- Future Advances,
<br />3. ~ Betas Harrower shai3 nay all rants. assessmems and othzr finites. fines and rmpositrons attributab}z to
<br />the Property which stay anaffi a griority over obis '•lortga~ and 3taschnld paymzms or ground rents. if am', in the manner
<br />pravided under paragtagh ? hetnf at. tf rm pate in steel manru. b} Borrower malmg payment, w}tu? dot, ditecdy to [he
<br />psvet tbtxeot. Bartawu steal? promgth' furnish to Lender all notices of amoum due undtr this paragraph. attd in the evens
<br />Haasovzer shat ttsakt paymtat du~tr`y. boaowtr shall nr.,~t,i:} tumrsh io Lender reczipis t>idtncrng such gaymenu.
<br />liarrwsrr stsall ptomptl}' discharge any lie w}rah has p:~ar;t} o,er this 1Sortga~r: ; mr,ded. that Borrower shall not be
<br />tequirtd to di~bargt any such lira sn lone as & rrawer shall agter to u rising to flee par afros of ttw obtirtaxir,n secured !>)-
<br />sttch ties in a manner uoeptabde to lsnder, or shall m good faith comet such lien bv, er dtfend eniarcemrnt of such lien nt,
<br />legal }auceedings which operate to prevent the rni"or-ttrrtnt ;,i the Irtn or farfe:turr of the Ptapr,^.} . r any pars ihtreaf.
<br />5. H0t'd Itettt~ta & rrvwu shall kelp [hz urptE arttren2, now rvrtrng v itrrraittr tires-d vt the Pr.,lxrty insured
<br />a$airt;*. Sass by fire, ttazar3+ in;lu3ed within tht term -rrtenieS ;,>rrrngr... an.? srr:h >,thcr haaat3s as Lendtr ma}' require
<br />aed m su-h amotrau and far sw'h ptrhds as Len~rr m.: rryu,rr. pi.~,rdrd_ that I.rtrSrr s!taii eat require that thz amoum of
<br />s.+tlt a.vagagt cu^ecd t.#at atnauni of :oa eragt r,-7u:r Y! to pa. the ,un:. st, aril h, ih,s '•Soneaee.
<br />The rttsutaaro caner providing tht tnsuranx shall ix ~hax~n hr Bonowrt suhFCCt to approval i,v Lendtr provided.
<br />ffiai urn. aggtoval shall n~-vt br urtttassnahh~ wi:itiu-td ASi ;-rmtttrtx .vr irtsurarczr g,,hcrrz shall tk p<.d m tht manna
<br />provxied ender paragraph .'_ htrrrl ar..f nv yard rn s;-.-!+. manrx.r n} B.&rrouts tnal:rsg pa}mrnt_ whzn ,i.:e- drrtsth to tht
<br />;asuraetr ~.
<br />Aa iasutam-•t ;+aLc><s and Itntwals s~rtc,t steal: br a, ?.-~m parts=nie tc: k_en.;,r- snd shat] m;ludt a >tandard manga~
<br />tdstsse zit favor of and m farm a:Yptahir t:+ Lendtr itndrr ,°ta<; i..-.e the erg i'r: t.~ tr.+id =hr z oh.tte an.l srrwwats iltrreol.
<br />ant! He+r'rawtr shat! prompth fru><nh k Lendtr all renew al n.,t,; r` yn-~ ail rc:rrpts .,? ; art nrzmi.rm, In the t,rnt of loss.
<br />Barrowu shah give proms notiet r~ tht :nsursnr :arr~c sou i.rndzr L.eo.irt tit., n:a4 pit,;? .,i lass :~+. n.,t merle promptly
<br />n}' tlart'ats'er_
<br />Utt}tss L.~du snd &irrnuu atberwtk agree in wr~t~ng. ;nsuratr,r nr,<'r.-.t. sits}; t+r a! phtd to rr>toration .,r rtpair of
<br />the Ptoprry damaged. grovrdtd aactr int. rarr.,n :~: rras~r i> r,: ;romr: min tr..,thie snd tht` srcurm of th,s \torigagt r,
<br />Eaat titcrebv tatpaucd_ If stnft rr.+.otat,.,n or ;rtu;r : .,.. ,..,?z.~trte. oi!; , t•!c , t the st ur:t~ of this Al ortgage w.*uId
<br />lx impairv~d, the tasuraocr pra,aa3s shall LK applied t.+ ter sums sr; ,:rr.+. ~n. thr.TAlongsgr w,th tht zv: its. if any, yard
<br />to $-sna~s^rr- Lf iht Ps aptrn n aF.and.~nei A, 33;,r::.w:*. ,: H.er;.•v tr tu.;, i,='tap.,n.i t.~ L.rn ire w~rtlun ;t! days teem ttte
<br />date slot ,r m mailtd b} I.enJt; =.a S::rrr,utr .fiat th; s;z>urmn.Y :zrton erirr> t., ,trait a c;a~m ter msuranx benetiis. I_tnder
<br />zs atrthvirrrsd to ntsila't turd apply rhr insurance prcnxc3s ~t l.tn3tt-> op1 ~,r; t.dxc to into aunt; ar repair ai rhr Propeny
<br />oc sit the Wmc st.-urea bt- this ld artgaer
<br />L.:rri~ izm$cz and ikvsi,w~tr .,*_F,t:'u:s.^ ugr~ ,r. u;:rrng, ar,, >.,.f, appit:ate.=r..'t pt.4rids ic, prin,;rpa; shalt mt oozed
<br />ter ~isdptmr t~ due daft of fire m, nt*,3} uts±a±tmzttts rcftrrt3 to :.; paragraph S ~d _° brine or chargt the sm:,un[ of
<br />sash iastalimmts. If undo paragraph t8 hereof fire Propzn} :s a.,;uued t,} Leader. al? nght, lisle and inttrtst of &,rsower
<br />to and to aa} insiiran.-e palicies and in and to tht nrn,c~is ihrrrot rrsuL';ag iron damagz to rhr Proreni prior to tht .vtir
<br />~ ata}tusitaan slxali piss to t.tader ro the tsu^t ai zisr >-i:_*trs, st: rrrr.'..^} tft:s 31.,. tgagr imrrxdraiei} peat ;.~ ,u.h salt .+t
<br />~. Ts'esra'stins aid llssttasacr ~ Prvprrta: Leads: €- Plaeatd lei IJevekhtmrers. Borrou zr
<br />spelt the Pmgetxy is g~nd rtgav and slsau txt :pmmi: w nuc c:: pzr zut :ntpatrzest nr :~trrh ,2u..n ,,f ~h< Pr.:€,rn,
<br />sad shwa caiapti w~3 the prtovisraas of any ie~ase ri ttvs t<f cmcgagr ;..n :, ltasrhold. h the 'tlottgaer r, c,n ~ :r•.n is .,
<br />mum ar a plaaetd fete dtvc{npmcn:. &~rrawer finis perform <li ;+? Barr~~wrr s .,hi;azt,ons r; itdrr t^.r :.~-i>rat,.~n
<br />to covtaants ~eatia& of govsrnmg the cYV'rdnmurrtrm at plsnnrd urn dtvrispmtnt, rhr hr-laws and erg:ilatinr„ n! the
<br />amdomieittta or pLutned unt1 tieveh>paunt, and cnnstit urn*. dck umrni; ti a :on,3.,mmiu.n :,~ pl.,nnrd ,~.:.i :tr,ri:,pmrr,i
<br />rider is eaxtnrd by Bturowea asd rcc:,rded iog<.xittc w,ir. ifrn M:*ngagr. tht .orrrutts >nd agtetmrnts ..t =t4": rider
<br />slsil !re iamtposued rota and shall amend and supglen~rst tiu co,enants and agrzeatrnts of this Iviongagr as .t :nr rider
<br />writ a pair itvont
<br />7. at I.endar5t Ser~rit~.. tf ~~t w~tr far9s tv perform tau ~vrnants nerd bgrttrrrratc c~,nta,ned tr, this
<br />lll~lgijC, or if any stun as eg is commeastd which materiaae affnis i.eatteri mierrst in the Proprm~.
<br />lrirt nttQ liatiild t[x eainav tltaseias insolvent}', ciuit ens: -<xatcnt, ar arrargrratnts cr -~~etdings involving a
<br />Lantrupa La dtxt:d~st, then 1~ at trader's option, up,m natict to $osrcnstr ma) tusks such appearances. a;sburse such
<br />ttt~a snd lake etch arxian as is aeressa,y to prtuect Leader's =nterrst. ;nrludrng but not ]sm;trd ta. disbursement of
<br />tsssoe~ sttaraey's fns std entry rrptm the Pmpeny to male rt-nairz. It Lendtr required mnngage insurance as a
<br />t n# tnsti$g the loin SORii7~ by this Giaitgagt, Batrawtr shall pay tht premmms rrgvired to maintain such
<br />i im tffect tmfil such time as the regtitrement fat strclr insurance terminates in accordance with Bnrrowzr's and
<br />