� _ -�_ - _ ____:�.�_-
<br /> �e: — - - -°
<br /> _�.Si►''..3l�t�.__. >��o�.•,_ ...�� .�_ _....a..__- ----
<br />. W ��y!�{.-�� �e ". . ..
<br /> � I�r�
<br /> ,p J6- �.v��A�� �
<br /> . ' L�+M1�11i�. l5392t �239 �
<br />• � da�to o�the mantNy paym�ni9,whlch aTO rofarred to In Peraflrap��,w cria�nqe the amount o1 auc:h paymar►t�. My '�
<br />� � w::riis p+ua:e�is ov��a►�an�cwni iaq�lr�t�p�y aif autata�in{)Ir�ebt�na�s us�tu the N�t�tu�thb Sacur�y -
<br /> < � InsiN+nent shaU ba pald tottw ontlty t�qalfy ontltied thereto. °_
<br />: � 6.�Y�. Lendar rnay ccsifect f�es atx!chatQas authoriz�ci by tha�rotary. _.
<br /> I o.�rounds tar Acal�tlon o1 D�bt. -
<br /> (p}��+,�u�t. ta+�a�rey,axcapi�Btnk�by te�ttlat�s�.:I:,,;t:�tiy•tha SMs�!�ry!n the c;:e o!�1'me+�t tis�t�4te, --
<br /> r�x;ulra tmmedlste payment In fu1!of�ll sums secursd by thls Security Instrunwni N: -
<br /> (Q Elorrowcu tiafaults by tatitr►�to pay In fu1!�ny ma�lNy paympnt requtrad by thls Sacurityy Inatturnot►t prbr -
<br />" to or on the due dete d thci next rno+itF,ty pay�t,or =
<br /> (il)Barrower detaults 6y faAlnQ,for a par{od d thiRy days,to pe�torm any other ablf�tlons contained tn thls
<br /> . I $eCUPa�►I fl5iriuii8fli.
<br />. (b)S�I�Witt�aut Cnd1t Ap�xav�1. l.ontlet shall,If permitted by appfic.�bia law and wtth the pr{or eipproval of the -
<br /> Sacretary,requl�a Immediato paycnont!n tuU of aU the sunw cecured by this Secwiiyy Iruirumont bf:
<br /> . Q)All or pa�t c�t tJw Pcaperty,or a bono'flcla!tnteresi In a tn�st owning all w pan ot the PropeRy.is soid or _
<br /> When�ise trensr�'urad(other than by doviso or desceot)by tha Barro�ver,and -
<br /> (1�The Propotty Fs nat occupled by the purchaser or prantea as hts or hor princi�af resldnr�co,or iiu�
<br /> ��urchaser ar prantea doa�so occupy tho Property but hl9 cu her crod�has noi baen approved In =
<br /> . �,rr.ordanca w�h the�aqulrements of the St►cratary. _
<br /> (cf Picr kJuSvw.tf rircum�tencas occurthat woo.�d permft Lc�r�derto req�clrQ tmmecilafo{�aymein GT tc�it,L�t�t l.etxi� _
<br /> does not requlre cuch paymants,Lender does not uvaNa fta�i{�hts wlth rps{�ect to suDseqe�t ev�t�F�.
<br /> (d)Rpul�tloos a1 HUD SeC�tPat�v. In many ctccucnstancss ragutatioc��s¢ted bK the Secretsry vy(A fJinit Ler�der's -
<br /> �P�is,i�the casa of paymerts'.dr�faulis,to requlre Immedf�fc��aymont tn fuil anti fa�•ectas+�ff ttic�t pa�d.TQ►Is Sec�rdy
<br />: Insir�lnrent does not authoriza ucr��l�ratbn or fa'edost[re ff i�e permitted by ro�u�tkT+r.�d tha Secrotary. -
<br /> - (e DNAc'�a�s Not Inwred. Borr�rer a�rees tt�at shouid th;s Secu�ity Insiniment an�:ne nate sa.ured there�ay r�ot -
<br /> . ba ei(�le for instuanca under the Natior�al Houstng Act wlihfn s o D A Y S frcxn Lho date here�. _
<br /> it�dc�may,at fts opilon and notwithsTandinp anyth(ng tn Paragraph 9,raqutre Immedlate pay�in ftdl of t3tt� _
<br /> _ s�urn�s��ured hy this Secwiqv Instrurr►ent A wntten statement of any suthorized a�ent of the Secretary daiecf
<br />,__,� suf�r��rant to s o D A Y S from the date her�eof,dedintng to tnsure thts Ss�:ur{ry Inst►ume�t an�fl�`� _
<br /> _ nole�sacured the�eby,shal!be deemod cundushre proof oF such ineli�ibtiity.Notwfthstanding the forego�ncj.tP�'�
<br /> _ option�nay not be�Ye�cised by Lender when the unavaYab,�Uy of Insurance Is sdely due to i.�der'a faUure ta c�a!�� _
<br /> __ a mortgaqe tnsurar�a premlum to t,'re Secretary. -
<br /> t�.RMnstat�marA. �earrower ha$a�ht to be relrutaYed!f lender t�r.+a��;�red trnmedlate pay�re�rr�3 in fWl�
<br />'�� of 8arower's tailure to!�at an amount dae undar the Note or this Sscurityy 4r��'�:+ument.Thts►ight app�i.�t�n atie; ��
<br />'r� (oredoc�ue proceeci�are Inst�uted.To�einstata the SecatcEty fr►stnunerst,f�ower shzifD.tender tn a�anp se�m�d�r '
<br />;�� amo�u�ts r�e�ned to t�ring Bortower�account current tnctudux�.to the ex"�4 they ara c�tai���+u oi�rowe��r�iw;
<br />�*. thi3 Secur�¢rsstrument,�or+edosure costs end teasonal�e and�stomar�'s�f�a.�neys'f�-�.��t�+aperly _.
<br />'� �SSOCtated wRh the fore�losure proceeding.Upon reinstatement by Bornowu:�r `°tis SeCw�ty instnun+aN�c��r'�the _
<br /> r�biipatio�s that it secures shaQ rematn In effeci as ff Lendar had not requ�:rc�i!�m.�edlato paymani tn tulA.'Nowenr�� -
<br />� lander Is not requu+ea co pem,u retnsratemenc if:m le�,ae�r�as�cceptea re;r�sieme�rc aRarthe comme�cemena c�
<br />-,�. foredc�sure proceedings wfthin two years tmmedlateiy precedtn�tl�e commencemer�t of��ur�ent toreclosure
<br /> -- ptcceedln�,(U)relnstatement wY!p�edude toredosure on dHferent grounds In the fuWre,or��relnsiatemor�t w�l
<br />� edversely eifec�the prioRty d the Ikn created bythis 5ectuity Insirume+n.
<br /> — . n��...Y���n�����W.c��.b.�«.....��..��w.i�.YM�W�Gr� �v n�ne�Mf�F�fMns M1 nAUnr+aRl L�!
<br /> t t.L�IY�tV7fw��i1�f7w��wY!�MYA�w��V� �M��Mw v.w p�.l"'�•' �
<br />� mod�at+on or amortizatlon of tne sums securea by this secu�idy insirun,enc granted by l.e�,de�to any s�cce�sor tn
<br /> � Intetest of Borrower shall not operate to reiease the l{abairy W the oriylnal Bcnower ot Barower's successor tn!nterest. _
<br /> Lsnder sha�ll nai be required to comrraance proceedings aSalnsi any successot tn tnterest tx refuse to extend time for _
<br />� payrt�eru ar otherwise mod�fy amottlw�tbn of the sums secuted by thls SecWity instrumeni by reason af any demand _
<br /> ° R�le by the original Borrower or Borro�wer's stxcessors tn Interesi.My brbearance by Lender In exea:isirp any right
<br />� or�«�ay�u�,a c�a wah►ero�«rxeaude�,e��o��y�nc a ren,eay.
<br /> — 1Z S�aors and As�qr:s Bouad;JWat�nd Sawnl W .CoSi�rnra. The oave�ants and aQreements af
<br /> — this Secunlc�I�,strument shatl binti�ar�i benetit thg successors ar�d a�ns a 1_ender ar�d Borrower�sublect to the
<br /> '� prov�sia�r�f r�raph 9.h.Borru��r.'a covenants and agreenier►ts shau be joint end severa�.Any B«rower wiw
<br /> = c�-s;�titi�`s�e�}�4�trument twa�oes rxk execuee tne IVoee:(a)Is co-s{gn�ny aas secu�ity Usm,me�t or�iy to
<br /> �e�9�ant anrf��'n��ey that Borra�wer9 tntere�In ttte Property undet the terms o�thts Sectarity insitume�t:(b)ts
<br /> — rnz,�y�ersonaAy obliga.'��s�pay the sums secu�ed by this SecuNty InstrumeM:and(c)agrees that lender and any other
<br />� Botrow�er may ayree to extend.modify�torbear a make any w3ti��esarcl W tlte tertns of this Sscurity
<br /> — lnstrurner�t or tho Note vvithout that Bortu�wer's consent.
<br /> � 13.f�kis. My notice 4p Bern'sv:irpr�vided tor tn ti�ls Security Ituinu�t�ent shafl be gh►en by deiNeric�y it ot by
<br /> :� malk�g��ry ftrst dass maY unless apg�iica�le law requires use of another rtseef�d.The natice shatl be dlrected to tt�
<br />�� ? Addross or�n�r cther sddress Borrow��esi�nates by notice to G3r�ader.My notlCe to Len�i!er sttall be�dvon
<br /> — by�dass maY to L.ee�eier's address stated l�tti or any address Lerxie�c£eslgnates by nartice to Barr�er.Arr,y rwtice
<br /> � pr+a�k4sK1 for In this Secrlrity Instnrmaru st�aU tae dasmed to have baen given to Borrawef or Lendes wi�as.g�ve►r a�
<br />;� p��o�u(tted h tfiis parag'd�h.
<br />:`� 11.�cs�wmin�L.�w.�llf.ry,� 'P9ti,s Secwcty Instrttrra�+'rE shall be guve�'tted by Federal law arxf tJ�e t�c!`tlsc�
<br />'.� �fl1 W�S�Ch L�B�f�1'1Z(�ARSI�.S f(S4.'�26f1.�R P1iQ(9VtNlt t�1aL 3tfy1�X�Ot C�IISA Of thI9.SACUf�t�I1fi!]T1tT't9R�Qi4�19
<br /> _ �C011I1fCt8 YYkh 8[5(�I(:fSl�6�W.SUCh CC11flfiC��ISi�U fiOt 8�f�Ot17�p10�1T�If�t1S Of th�S$BCU�Y�itSfiU7TSti/SC Ot 1�i6�10L6
<br />�.,� WI'11C11 C211 b6�MAR HtTilG"f WftF10iJ[1118�1$�t c C R3tIS 6ilti C[5l�.�lt�11iISI0�iiS 07 fu�i3 S6�wa�1�'iT�iiiT'��tti8
<br /> Np�A BiB dAt�8r6d t0 b0 SB'VBfdbi@.
<br /> -;� teF.Bar.e�a Ca�. Sorra�rer s�!!be glven one caMarmed copy of this Sec�Instrumer�t.
<br />,� t��ttccosaer af R�nts. 6orr�►.�er uncanditioRaify assigns and tran�ers to t.erufer afl9ne renes arxi reve�zuc.�nP
<br />,—� the Pnnperty.BaTavrer authorizes l.ender or Le+�der's age�ts tc cdiecx tHe re�s and reverujes an�heretsy di►ects esch
<br /> tenant ef the P�apsity ta pay the rer�s to lers�e�or Le�der's agents.Fiawover.prior to Lender's RcXiice w Borrower of
<br /> earawe►�s breacn ofr any covena,n or agreemena tn tne socurity�nstnunenr,eoROwer shau couecc a�,a rc�ccehre su rencs
<br />- - ettd re�renues of tFie Propo�ty es t,�stee for the benefd af Let�tder and BoRawer.Thta eselgnmetu of rents cort�tJiutes an
<br /> absoltRe sssipne�ent and not a�t ss►si�nrt�eM for addkbnai^,eCwwity only.
<br /> - If l.snder qhres notice of breach to 6orrower(a)a11 rer�ts receive�d by Bon'ower shafJ b+e hetd by Borrower as trustee
<br /> for ber�efit d Lender anty,to t�o applied to th4�ums secured by the Securiry Instrument(b)Lender shal!be entitled to
<br /> coUsct and r�cefve atl of the rents af tlio l'r�;and(c)each tenant d the Property shall pay all rents due and unpaid
<br /> to Lender or I.ender's agetrt on Lcaixia�'s wriiten demand to tl�u tenant.
<br /> Borrowsr has not executed any p�ior assi�nmer�t of tho renis and has no3 end w`�I not perform any aci that would
<br /> preNerrt LeixiBr itom exetcisuq its riqhis under thts Paragraph 16.
<br /> Le�tief shall not be reqt�Ued to enter upon.take contrd oF or rtsainta(n the Property betore or after givin9 noUce d
<br /> txeach to BoROMrer.Howgver,l.ender or a judlclalty appointecf rec�iver may do so a¢any tirtie there ts a breact�.My
<br /> appi�atbn d rents shali not cute or waive any deEautt or frwalidate any other tight or rernedy of Lender.This
<br /> asslpnment of rents of the Property shatl termir�ate wttien the debt secured by the Security Instrument Is paid tn fuU.
<br /> Fw►i�� �t�►o�o oF tausT T . . r,s*• aJ�s
<br /> {SC/FM�TNE//08p1/(6-96}L PA a�C'�30F4
<br />