<br />39®'~~r4552
<br />MORTGAGE _ ___ __
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. ~ 23476
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BYTHESF.PRESENTS:That Howard W. Legg and Lorene I. Legg, each in his and
<br />her own right and as spouse ofi each other
<br />Mort~gor, wheilrrr ox or rnor, in consideratbat of the sum of
<br />;fifty One Thousand and N01100------------------------------------------------------DOLLARS
<br />lowed [o sixi tffirtgagor by The Egssitabk Btnldirtg and Lwn Association of Grand island, Nebraska, Moctgagee, upon 510 shares of stodt of
<br />rid Aa"SOCFATION, Certifaate No. L 23476 , do hereby grant, cenxy and mortgage unto cite said ASSOC1ATiON the following
<br />desai6a[ cal estate, situated in Flap Couety, Nebrasts:
<br />tot Eleven (11 ), Westwood Park Subdivision, Nall County, Nebraska.
<br />rich ~ the tenemenu, trreditanrnt: =ad apEwerteoamcrs 2heremtto tsekn4-it:g,,. incitdng attached fbor ooverasgs, a6 r~daw ~~aas,
<br />ta~dcnr ahadts, b5nds, s3orm rindova, artsittg, hazxtg, air ;xmtliticxuag, oral pltstrtbatg cad water egttipuaent and acaaories therew, pampa, staves,
<br />teLilis:ratars,z~l other fiztsnu and equiprsteat ccw ~ hereafiea Htadted to or used a: wnmiion with acid cal estate.
<br />And a'heaeas the said matgsFcr has :greed and noes hercby aprcc Lha! tM tnartgagcsr shad and will pay a7! taxes and -~~nts levied M
<br />asaessd upon said ptrcmaes and upon this mortgage and use t and sr vow tircrchl~ heforc the same shall become deFiognent; to ftunislt approved
<br />amaawe ttpan the bmldetgs oa recd ,~r*etrtises vtaatcd m the sw-n of S 51 , t~j~0. ~~ payable to said ASSOCFA710N and to delire'r to said
<br />ASS<3CtAT}tkV the policies far aid :..s,nfi.M; a-td a t t.~ asmmit ur permit any caste an or abuui sad paemisrs;
<br />Fn me of ddaedt in the pcr[~mstmce of any of the terms and ttwditsosu of tba tmvtgage cx the Mad teetered hereby, tat matgagae shall,
<br />rte da®d, br estitYd w immediue ptssvrsvioa d the rntxtpgeti pmancs and the t:sortEttt~or hereby ttssigns, tru~sfets and secs ovp w the
<br />.t~d aB tar a®tx, resenues sad inmene :a be deriseQ from the mortptged premers dtnvtE such time as tix tnurtgige iodebtafnea: ahaK team
<br />~"'1'~"`; IDd tie > iba4 hoe the pour io appnust atry agen9 t# age111S il tmy d"9R fla the pmpoae of reptsirieg aid ptemses acrd renties
<br />the La1! aMd miatmg the mats, te'se'nnes and itsmme, and u may pay oxtt of slid inenese ill expea7er sa ecpsuiemg aid ptemiaes find ~Y
<br />and eapratrs imm~d b rtnttsg trd the tame trod of onikctiog rennFs ihevefrtmt; the bnistsm . ~ any, to be
<br />to+sasd Ilse dacfmge ai stud tsaortgape indeFsttdxss; there rtgltts at tftc tnortpgee >m be cxerctiacd ai my time dtcitg the enste~ of atrrA
<br />~, sserperlise oS aey [emposary ttraisrr of th sune_
<br />These Pre'ttnsts, btsaener, arc tgsan the Candttian, That u the awl Mart.gaTcx shall trryy sad Gnr, m rn brSmc [hc ?tatsrnty of said sbms b>
<br />ptsytateat; pg mbnt}dy to said ASSC1t'LaaT'iON of the st>m sgtraitied in iht Fssmd >ertued hereby as mtcrest and prm:.ips 3n said bats, oa or before
<br />tlr T9estieth day of eac3s sad cse:ry ma~.snt :, unti3 said k~san s fully peed: pay elf ta,:es and assrsaoatts Sr:ieai agama said premaes and m iFtis Matt~ge
<br />aed the Brsnd tt~ thereby, btiorc deFmgtrac.~: tnruisE apptrned tnsxans uR~ the burllrep tlsuetm m the sum of S 51 , 000.00 payt~le
<br />tb srd ASSOCII[iTOFs'; rr{say to sad AS.SOCtAflON upm drnsaad:P mtxr> by n pad fur sneL nxa, anesarneatz srsd i»sutseese ribs IDteraSl ii
<br />toe >m Feral sate ifscrean froth date of partttent all of wluctt Marttaax Fkreby sescc~ [ts W+-, pettmt rtes caste an sad ysemsas; keep and comply
<br />rcb a'4 the ageeoaeats rx! aonditresz of Ilse &u+d far S 51 ,1200. `t)s~~ da)` ~n te.~ the sand aicxttaa~pu to sad +-S,SOCFA71tN`, sad m~siy
<br />wiffi ai tie tegpaxmrnts ~ the C'.ottscr[vti<m sad H}-Laws zd sasd ASSOCLSTFON; chess three prxets shaD become null tend void, othetretr they
<br />aFtai ream a ful! force and may br foresdtmi at the n}stiae a the seal A~SOCL4Tt0\ afire fa,Lttc fee thrx months to sake arty of raid
<br />ptrymeais ur be throe moetths in a[trats b tnakiag ad maethiy prymenu. u w keep and a>rrs{dy rich the sgreements sad nsnduinm of aid Bmd;
<br />aced Mangtpor ogees w have a searsssr appr»nud fortarttM m sswa3 f:xcr.Assurc proaxdtan.
<br />Ff e>;es s acv ahmpr s orartaiup of the cal eaue tmigagd besets, !» sale w cthrswss, tlsen the eniisc resttabiatg iodebaedaraa hereby
<br />aerated aial. tr tar aptitte of The E~t:ble 9t:ildbtg and L,ait e.~~-~,.tn cd Gsasd ts?aod. \kbrasta. berme mennii:trly dtx oral payable vithont
<br />fustier tatxax- and the aauwet res>astrnrA due nndea axl band, and m7' cuhn baud far any addttistsal adaisaes made tlsetermder, Slott. 6a® the
<br />Bate at ex~r ~ seed opti n-Dell esitorse st the taesiaszm >~ tatc,;~ acct ametcs~ tray then Ise f to satisfy tl>: atoouet due ~ sed
<br />heed.atad any niter hood Ern addiaio~ advazza, tetg2ier rius aB suss paid l'J said The Ea2stitabk t3uetdbg std laaa Attaatiatine oCGrmd Idmd,
<br />Frtatsa s`tr aomaaooe, taaes sed n:taments, ~ absttsc..mg cxttvwetn asargts, r;sh mtasra thtamn, from date uF itayvrnt at itg maxaoum
<br />~ ~'.
<br />As prowidnd H tic Band snnsrod hcretry, mohair thss tmutgasr eels m etTect the taartgsgee may heraf[rr tdrmoe addttitmal sums to the
<br />aaaYcn ~ and Boed, rhea a~ m tasctrnars n mtrsee, what teases shat kr nrihes use scanty of [his rtrangage the ame as the funds origvtaFly
<br />reared tieeaoby. ~e toast tsmatffit of psmoptei debt not to czcYCd u say tame the urigmd ttrtxaunt of this .
<br />r~md cis ~ 3th say x>i Jii1 y A. D., to 77
<br />~'
<br />-~ -
<br />~: ;. Ley~a
<br />4}J~
<br />~~ ~ ~. on tar 13th yy ~ July 19 ' 9 , hefbee me,
<br />the tmdataigned, a Notssy Public in and for aid County, pelstsaFly nme
<br />litr>Itaa'd li. Legg and Lor>~sa d. Legg, each in his and her awn right ans~as sdpornuse o~cE~ontoer
<br />~ m ~ ~ ideet+d 1~ rhnc s~ are affnted to tlse ab~ie ^iaar~tnrnf a: mortgayzst s a>~ t heY aese'oly
<br />adtaosAe~ed tae tali i~at m he their .,,~,y ut and dtxd. `f l-- r, /'
<br />1VtiAtPSS my nand sstd Nat~t SnF the date afostaid. '' ~ ` ;- /C~ ;
<br />My Cts~oe ~ --~ ~ r %~
<br />/' ~-- Notary Public
<br />aNaAt Itl kERAt tcpiAtty - date at tfehr.
<br />3AMcS w_ zt ~~
<br />tt, i:amm. Erb. ktm. 12, 1431
<br />