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79 OQ4536 pm <br />It is understood and agreed that Landlord shall not enter into any agreements <br />which shall have the effect of limiting any such rights. <br />Real 21. (a) If the general real estate. tales (exctudinl; ail special bene- <br />Estate taxes and special assessments) levied and assessed against rile land and build- <br />Tax togs containing [he leased premises for the year 1981, or fur any tax year there- <br />after during the term, shall. be increased over such taxes fur the year 1480, then <br />and in such event, upon request from Landlord arcampan ieJ by a pa iti tax bill or <br />photocopy thereof, Tenant shall pay to Landlord the amount of ouch increase <br />multiplied by a fracticn the numerator of which shall be Ehe square toot floor <br />area of the leased premises and the denominator of which shall be the square foot <br />fluor arra oC ;ill bulldlnps as shnwu In "i.ondiord 1':u~rol" ou thr i+lan :a[tarhrd <br />hereto. <br />(b) It is understood that any increase in suds [axes by reason <br />of improvements made by anyone other Lhan 'Pen ant in and about said building shall <br />not be chargeable [o Tenant under this paragraph, and it is further understood <br />that any liability hereunder for any pericd in which said tease term shall not <br />cover an entire tax year shall be property prorated to reflect the period of <br />Tenant's possession under said lease. <br />(c) If such taxes fur any tax year are payable prier [o the <br />dale oa vhith additional percentage runt for such tax year are payable, then <br />Tenant shall have the right, and is hereby irrevocably authorized and directed, <br />to deduct amounts payable under the pravisioao~ of this I`araf;ra{alp for such tax <br />year from additianal pertentage rents under Sectior. (b) of :lrticlc° ? of [his <br />lease for such tax year, or, in the alternative, ii such rases for any [ax year <br />are payable after additianal ps~rconta~a rants for such tax v~•ar are payable; then <br />Tenant shall have no iiabiliri• for such tax rear to [he extent [hat TenanE has <br />paid additional percentage rents under Section (b1 of \rticle "_' of this lease for <br />such tax year, <br />Option- ?2. 'I2~e area i00 feet it width and 30 t~~et in d~•pth with a floor area <br />al of 13GU sq~iare fret and indicaLe3 as "Optional l~aigreen ire a" an the attached <br />Area plan, shah be kept available at ail times during the term for the erection, <br />when desired by Tenant, of an addition to the leased pr.°miGe~. such erection <br />shall be sutaiect to availability of building permits because of thz~ land-to~~ <br />building retie requirarx nts of the City of Grand Island an ¢utul a~re~ment <br />vi Eh respect Lo cor.structian and modificatiers of this la as~~ :as to tern:, to <br />rent an3 to other applicable p~ravisior.s. <br />. {a) Tenant arreea tfaat it will, at alt times during the term o£ [hls lease, <br />camp and mata[ain public 13abiiltp insurance against claims for peraonnt ln~uriea <br />iaciuding death in an aaount net less than $1,OOO,OUO.Ot3 with tesnect Co cash <br />persaa and to any one ateurrence causing badilp injury or death, and nropettp <br />damage insurance in an amount not less than $100,000.00. ?eaant shall fu:niah <br />La~lard vfth certificates of such insurance policy ar policies. Tenant shall <br />name Landlord as an additianal insured under all insuzance policies required to <br />be carried Dp Tenant herein. All s3c:.h paliciees shall provide €hat the same map <br />not bt tancelttd ezcepL upon ten (10} days prior written notice to Landlord. <br />{b} landlord shall cazry fire and extended coverage insurance covering <br />Lhe buildings anal improvements ahovn on the attached plan, Lo the extent of not <br />Iran than 80. and not more than 1DD~ of the full insuralxle value, Less foundations, <br />with companies that err authorised to da business in the State of ~~'t;r.„^~~ and are <br />3overned by tht regulatory authority which establishes s~axiaau.a rates ir. the vicinity. <br />Truant shall, Exam time to time, aeon request from Landlord, accompanied by a paid <br />bill therefor, pap to Landlord a pro rata share of the prea:fums for such insurance. <br />Tenaa['s abate shall be eoshputed by n+uitlplying the 611Sa far same by a fraction the <br />numerator of vhicit shall be the equate foot floor area a# the teased premises and <br />the denaainator of which shall be the square foot freer area in all buildings an <br />Laztdlord~e Parcel. If Landlord shall carry such insurance under Landlord's blanket <br />pa?tries, the cant of such insurar,te shall be based on the rate for [he Shopping <br />fienter without deductible, as determined by Landlord's insurance terrier, which <br />ra*_rs sixil not exceed t'ee l.surance Srrvict of ;.... standard rate for auctt <br />cover:ge. <br />-3D- <br />
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