<br />I
<br />79-~- €~tl•~533 EXPANDABLE MORTGAGE
<br />ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS Lcan Nn. - 4440-i_____
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BV THESE PRESENTS: That James M. Rea and Arlene H. Rea, husband and wife
<br />(hereina[ter tailed the Mortgagors) m consideration of the sum of
<br />Thirty-Three Thousand Five tlundred and N01100--------------------Doliars(S --33 500.00--)
<br />loaned to Mortgagors. do hereby grant. bargain. sell and com'ey unto COMMERCIAL FEDERAL SAVIiJGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATjON of Omaha.
<br />Nebraska. thereinafter called "Commeraal"). its successors and assigns. the foliow~ng descnbed real estate. situated in the County of,
<br />Hall State of Nebraska. to-wit:
<br />Lot Six (6) in 31ock One (1) in Capital Heights Seccnd
<br />S;indivision, Hall County, Nehrasica
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Th'E SAFE ,uN me acartenanc2s ther?ante 6e!-rrg~r.s. ante Cor^ernai :ts successors and assigns. forever.
<br />Sard tAOStga eors hereby covenant wrth ;r ~ C ~~°?;c~z! s succesmrs and assigns. That ;:+or?gagms a.2 !awfu!!y se!zed of ;aid prem?ses, that
<br />they are tree from enca^bsances aaC that "~ y v,,i~ t„P--es r:a:.ant ant defend the title tc said psem;ses a;a!nst the !awiW da~~s of all persons
<br />w;ho-"tsoever.
<br />,_ r;ev!6ed. nev?rthe ass. these o,esents ........:• the :_,.aw:m ceodiL..ns:
<br />?hat whereas the said Morgagors as r._Tber -` Ga^,a:e;C~. ave this date exec:wted a note evinennng such 'can and agreem; to repay said
<br />sur~ of ?en?y w?C~ interst, io par>ents a, s~. .. sa:d nag art nzv? agreed io a5- ~e ti~ the te•-'s ~f sa c note aid Orarier and By-Laws of
<br />Co,,~eroa!.
<br />T.at whereas th!s Mortgage s- s. ~r2 a a ~o,ir~na ~vae:es, c: ~ a2r?st_ i ^ -- „ban o' C ~:^r?rc?al. b?,lade by Com-
<br />erc?a! to the unbus?, ed i{„'igag~ s c' tr?.' s>: ess;rs n .. ~ a v c rase zt an ~ h_ ,re .ha ,east and cance{iabcn c` this mergzge.
<br />b!;t PROVIDED 401FEVER. at nc _ s:ai' -. _ : .~ _ zr :~t s_: ,. ^, ~•rt; g .g fir _ ~~.:t Cc? at any me en said
<br />:;?nal nCte and any adCibanz~ a~1a,..?s Tac?. ?i.?_..Var, _ t~ !..:. : an~.ur± ~ na' ae, :J..n na _~-ent shat!
<br />Sa'a ?of? eXCeeL ;h? al-!'_, am ,.f? [?;' It?tl ~ aw. anC ~ ,.4 ~ v~Huli_1 ~n ' .th 1~', Ile 2 C_ ..c:n2C S^3 ~? ConS:dared 85 I?Tlfing
<br />i,e ..,..t,.,.. ";at ~ry:~ '~ .,.... :. .... ......... ..... ._ . , ___..... ~_._..... _. ~ ..,._... ..,. t_.. _., n n,p pn,tgage
<br />Naw, if the sa!d Martgagers sham sac o: cans2 t: x : __ - _ _.-_ _- ~ , - .,den C,e. as set ic'Sh ,a sa!d Sete and anv otha! note fer
<br />add?tirn•ai aClances Wade oht,i saro d?~~r ~._?h ,~ ~ +~~:, ._ _> ..~ _ .. s.-.s s^-a x ,::~a 2thern?s? L he acrd ~ema!n m fu!I to!ce antl
<br />effect: vet :': Ceta.......,.,.d t+e rade: .
<br />'.a` !n a, y .. e paw-.ena ?~? ., sage Wale an- .. _ . _.... ~~_ ..aa. __ arc s :..~_..~ ;he'-,n a~?e_ t, be -ad? r,r t7-ez ^~anfhs_ o.
<br />_ a «e_, ^g the ,1e e-'s >_ a _ >_s _ _ s; a> . _. _ ,rta n; and zr. _ : ate..' ,_ ~ ~~ed !. ?atended
<br />cme'ag? -st°a~ _a _ • ~ th_ : ~ _ o ,ga;? va;: ~ n .:ac: c _ ~nr?s act-p?ab'e to Con-
<br />- _ a ".ri$ ._ __ .. __ _ .> .~ b:' _ _4 '...' _._ eGd i :. -O'Iga>_ ,.JS_ ...,3-..,~ t_ S2-? .. .y .' rai.U eS.
<br />.l 'alb ?t ~6:.-"-,ErC:a:: .
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<br />awaF",,.-^'~. t:^.2a~,..3uc"eC> is at^ ,.K', _'T n _ ~ 'h __ _ .~. .,_... .-- _ .. _ _ - ._._ _ _.
<br />L4e 'e`5. ? i5aT1C'n R~!fie` d -_ - i EOpPSS
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<br />u~ Ti?E ?RESl:trcl: a~ jam, ~-`s" ~_ ' ' - ..__
<br />i rte"' ~~T ~ -
<br />y~,,r -~, -- ---- -
<br />---- Arlene H. Rea
<br />` ^~
<br />STATE OF tifSR'~'SK7i
<br />t:dli
<br />0,; th!s -._. /3~-- day ~NC / ,c / ' ..:a y : ~_.. a . 4r >a . C,unq - .. - ~-
<br />:,
<br />the af~va-eased
<br />James !i. Rea and Arlene fi. Rea, iius'~and and wife
<br />tL n_ *c!! 6;vw;, ~ ~ ~ adenb~! tW_rs7; nr ,,2rsors +rn,se ne. ~ _ .... , .. _ e-~aaa _- : . ....:. . .. . .
<br />„r -
<br />,?~~'f. •;i :_ ze~ 5' a~_'yv v.:t;:."., `r~~ jam" +~re~a~~ _
<br />thr cr~~m~ss,:,n ?~p:r2s oa. tr? ~~' % ~.., : ~ L~t/GG_UT - .. ~~. .. ~ .
<br />