<br />
<br />MORTGAGE ___
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23474
<br />IQJOR/ALLMENBYT[dESEPRESEN1S:That John M. Price and Linda D. Price, each in his and her
<br />own right and as spouse of each ether
<br />Mortgagor, whether one nr mere, in wnsideration of the zttm of
<br />_$j,7Lf~ 'hrpa Thnucanri Twn-Hundred and NO/1~1~---------------------------- DOLLARS
<br />loaned [o said mortgagor by The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 632 shares of stodt of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 234N~4 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />descn'hed real state, situated in Hall County, . ~ehraska:
<br />te$tber with a- the tanernenis, hereditatra_ats and appurtcnanxs thereunto belonging, ixiudirig attached Hoar mverittgs, all window screens,
<br />vriadrrr shadrs, bonds, storm windows, avvntngs, heating, air mnditianing. and plumbing and water equipttunt and accessories thereto, ptttnpz, stoves,
<br />sefrigetatars, and oiler *rztuzes arsd equiprrunt now err hcrratttr attached to or us:d in wnmu:tion with said real estatr.
<br />Acrd w3rrcas ihr said rttrutpegar itas agreed acrd does hereby agm that the mangagor shall and will pny a6 fazes and a>s~ents levied or
<br />asrssrd upon said psemivrs and open this marigatgr and rice bomi srcurrd thereby beforr the acme shall be.~onte delirsgnent; to ttunish approved
<br />inst¢'artrr upon the buiidbtgs an a,d prcmtm sttuate3 m zhr sus of S b 3 , 2DD . DD pa}Bbk ro said ASSOCL4TIOty and to deliver to said
<br />;ISrOClAT10N t}u poki,-ies for card insurance. and M t to Xmmii tx per,;t,+_ any water an w about said grrtnises;
<br />In case of default in the pertarmanx of my of thr :cans and a~nditians of this mortgage or the t+and secured hereby, the ritortgagee shall,
<br />ae deattand, be eutitkd to ~rrmediate pr~man of the rrk rigabrd psm;n.s sad thr mortgagor hrrcby assigns, transicn and sets aver to fire
<br />tnott,grgee afl the ants, rrvrnues and ma~me to b< derived from the mortgaged premiss durirg such tame as thr awngtge indrbiedatea slug remtin
<br />ampatid: serf [lu toon51t5ce rJaJ hero flu paver to apptun[ my agcot or agents rt rmy drvrc tot thr M+t's'~ of rrpaititrg said premises and rcntitrg
<br />the nrsu and wBectang rise rcnu, rcvatues and urwtne, and it msy lay aut of said i>rzytM all rzprrtses of repairvtg said prrmives and rsemsuy
<br />atmmiss~ and ezpettsrs mcrurrd m renting and *n==?mr thr samr aid of .roiki-tine rcnuts rixrefrom: thr batancr renmining, it any, to be
<br />applyd tarred tie d:szltater of said mortggor indebtrd..: ~; tfuse ri(;hu of i.F.e margagte may 6e czercia~'. ai any iitne dttrir~ tltr rsisterke of such
<br />defaatlt, etespnrxiar of an} trmpc ray waiver of thr same.
<br />Thrsr t4rsenu, however, are upan itu ::udit;on, i hat d t_hr aid Mongagnr sha!1 repay said lean an err br`xe tM maturity of seed shoes by
<br />payatrnt: pay moathh~ to sad ASSOCIATION of the sum sprrafaed m the Band se vrrd herby ss arutnst and pnn,~;>sl on said least, on of before
<br />thr T~iirzh der} of rash atn9 rser} rwnth, untl said loan is fuih paid: pay all taxes and assessments kried sgaiart aid prrmixs aid os this Martpge
<br />and the Bmd secured thctrby: bcfnrc drlingrracv: i urnish approved vtsuraas ttpan the buibiings t}ureon m the sum of S 63 , 200.OD pa>able
<br />to sad ASSOCIA'ff0\: repay tc said :tiSSOC'IATlO!::rp~rn d^.nand a4t tnorx} b} n laid tar sr~ taxes, ~~m»ttts and insaraa:r with interest st
<br />:~ tarz~a,t~r.. ~ rate ti-xrr.;s ivy.,=~ :.air of lay~t a.~ ._, wta~, k;s.,-~~ ;. t;<,~-. agta~s u. pas: persit oc ..rite rn said premises; trrp and wmply
<br />stifle s0 the ag+eeeeents arxi madrtxrrss cxf the Bnnd for S 6 e {~ ta}~ ties der} green by ttu sad Murtbtgw to aui ASSOCIATION, astd wmpM
<br />atith a8 the requirrrrrr$u of the C.vnstitvtrcm and By-i.awy a~ sa>~AS'SOCL47101:; thra tlsesr presents shall brwvrrx null acrd vod, uilterwere they
<br />shat rermus s~ foil rcx;x and nib}- be f:.ur..icsae,x at the apttan of thr sans ASSOCI.4TSflN after failwr tot thher etortths to matt any of said
<br />payrttrnts or be duce mtx:ths m arrrars ~. II~mg card tr,aethl} laynxnu, .sr io kerp tmd :amph~ watt tiK agtrrments and vnditiora of sail Bond:
<br />and tlavtg~.v spar is havr a reerrarr appointrd fo,-.ha~th m ste:.h f.xr,~nsur prw-tzdt~s.
<br />`f these is fey ' m uwartshio of thr read rs;a;c m:sngagrd herrin, by ale err athcnisr, tlsrn thr rntuc rrnuirtsog irsdebtedrsess hereby
<br />secta~ s)rt6, at the option of Thr t.gwubk BuSdang and Lrsan Asosaticx v Grand Intend, Net,rasl.a, brwme immediatet} dvr asst payable without
<br />further rwtirr, said the azrcnunt rcmasnmg Sue to:dra sas txx~al, and an} other bond for any s.iiruanal advanr~s mute therrrusder. ~~u irom tltr
<br />date of etrr~ ai sad opticsn, bur intrrera ai tie tnzzamum legs! rat: , an.'. tkrs mru tp~ rru. thrn br fa:closed sa ntisf} the attwtmt due oat said
<br />bond, and say cste:r hshrasd fm sddsa-rtsal adnncs, tc~etYarr wath ail sums pad by ~ "flu Etta:iat+ir Bufidmg and Loan Asso~Ratirrn of Crand island.
<br />kbbgsint for iatassnce_ tuts and asaesutr-.:,. a?d aist_ys.2 ~ -sae:.~sn rhnrprs. a~:LR nurttt ~turrrn. tia;ti- =!str ut ~yrxnt ai tl:e rrrxitnutn
<br />~ ~~-
<br />As prrx~s'ed g flu $mad sx~xsrei hereby, wisik tdrn marteapc rrmuns u: erica tru ttwngagcr rrtay i+e: eat ter adsance ad3itiatut sttrttz to the
<br />mates of said Bond, tbrir asvg¢s a: sss:sssars ;n snrrrrs! . war,; .. sums shat? br w3ttztn t.:r secuniy of ttus martgagr thr samr as the ftmds ori;inaBy
<br />tweed fLerade}~, thr total aan>vnt of ptin:-ipai drt+t tr.<t t,. rs~- <S ai an. ts*u ihr osrgx^al a.~tx~unt ut ttus :rn*.~gage.
<br />- ~ j~'~h `yay."rj vli'lY fir. D.;e f'~
<br />r i Ce~ ~ ~ .-
<br />nda Fr3ce
<br />STALE t7F XES,RASKA, ~ n Oa: this ~ 2th dxy of J 11I V 19 ~ 9 . beiarr me,
<br />COl.iW1Y OE I1ALt
<br />thr urdetvassed, a Notar}~ Public m and for said County, persossally onr
<br />John M. Price and Linda D, Fr- ch in his and her own right and as spouse of e~h
<br />other _a ~ ., ~ wb° are ~'°°'~ty wn w
<br />me to he the idcatid pusaa 5 j.,'""8,1te' ~~ to the above instrutnrnt u monytgar S and they severally
<br />aekaotr4edBEd the clad iasrruttratn xo Ir ~ ;•'~'. vavatary decd.
<br />wnrlFSS mY berm a~1_sprxt;t~a±e afpreza~.
<br />!i ;
<br />MyCom~inaespire}~._]~•~;t~_ _
<br />raasat at - , ,. _ Notary Public
<br />:.4
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