<br />79--1 u~r4500
<br />Lender's written agreement or applicable taw. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional
<br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment. such
<br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall bear interest from the
<br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of
<br />interest at such rate would be contran• to applicable taw. in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate
<br />permissible under applicable taw. Nothing contained io this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />S. Inspection. Lander may make or cause to be made reasonable entries open and inspectiors of tht Property, provided
<br />that Lender shall give Borrow<r notice prior to am' such inspection specifying reasonable cause thertfor related to Lender's
<br />interest in the Property'.
<br />9- Condemnation. The proceeds of am• a+card or claim for damages, direct or constquential, in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Properly. or part thereof, nr for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, arc hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to Lendtr.
<br />In the event of a Yo[al taking of the Property. the proceeds shall l+e applied to the sums secured M• this Mortgage.
<br />with thr escess, if any. paid to Borrower In the event of a partial taking of the Property. unless Borrowcrr and Lender
<br />otherwise agree i~z writing. them shall he applie3 to the Bums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the some secured by [his Mortgage immediately pier m the Batt of
<br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Proptrtc immtdiatclc prior ro the date of tal'ing. with the balance of the proceeds
<br />pasd to Ilorrewer.
<br />IE the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if. after notice by Lender to Borrox~er that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fail. r.~ rtsp:md to Lender within ±o days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed. Lender is authorized to collect and apph' the prnczzds. at Lender's option, either to restoration er repair of the
<br />Properly or to the sums secured by this Mongagz.
<br />Unless Lender and Bermxer otherwise arm in writing. anc etch application of proceeds to principal :hall not extend
<br />or pestpotTt thz dot date of the monthh~ instalimznts re•,re; red to in paragraphs 1 and '_ hereof or change the amount of
<br />curb installments.
<br />ltt_ Botrew~er Nat Released. Extension of tht trine for pacmant or modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by tfiis Mortgage ¢ranied h+ Lender to any succzscor in intrrrq of Borrower chart not oparatr m relzase, in am• manner.
<br />t>e liability of the original Borrower and Borrower'. s: son in intrust. fender ehall not M rrquired to rnmmencz
<br />prct^et lines agai,tst each sac. eca~r or ufusa to cctrnd ~ me f:~r pa+~ment ,~ othen+i:c m. life amortization of tht sums
<br />:~curt3 ry this I+tottgage by rtason of am~ demand made t•+ the orig;n,a Rormurr :,nd Borrowers cucctsaor, in interest.
<br />11. Forbearance be Lender Nat a R'aicer. A^< tortcaran:x M 1 c•ndrr ir, r+enicing any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />:.thervise afforded hr applicable tax~_ shall not he a w~aicer o" or preclude :he e+ercice of any such right or reined}'.
<br />Tfzz procuremenl of imurance or the paymttnt of talcs or .the; Erns or charger M Ltnder <hall not i+r a ++aictr of Lender's
<br />right to acceltraie the maturin' of tht indtlzttdnecc cecnred by this Man cage.
<br />13. ]tetttedses C"trmala8ta Alt remedies pr.~idtd in ?hi< liongagt ar_- distinct and cumulative to arzy other right or
<br />utr-zdc under this Riertgagz nr afforded b+• law or cquite. and mar hs• e+cre:crd concurrentl}~. indel+en3etnh~ or snsecsi+•eh~.
<br />73. Srtresso[s acrd AssiR>a Bound: Joint sad Se+eral S.iabiHh; Caplioas- P.ze covenants and agreements herein
<br />:~+maine3 shall {,in3. ar;d thz ..^:ghts her_undershaii inure t,,.:~•c recprctivt succecs.~rs and assigns of t.tnder and Rom xer.
<br />cubjttt to thz ptmisinnc of paragraph 1- heua?. Att a 'eaants and aerzemrnts of Borrower sha!I be jo€nt and sevtral.
<br />ate captions and freadirgs of the paragrsnhs et this !+9:~n_eaee arc for com'znienct only and are not to he used to
<br />imerprti or defint iht prm:sionc htrrof.
<br />tt. Notice. Ezttpi for any notice required under appii,-ahle law t:' he gi+•en i.^, ano;htr manner, ta? a^}' nrnice to
<br />Sarrox~tr provided for in ibis Aiortgage shall Ile eivrn h}' mailing such notice by crrtifitd mail addresstd to Borrower at
<br />t1TZ Property Addrtss or at such other address as Borroxcr ma}' dt.~gnatr M- notice to Lender as provided herein, and
<br />(b1 cry trotix tc I.tn3tr s1u11 lx gi+tn by cetti$td malt. return uce:pt reyuesttd. to Lender°s addrtc< stated herein or to
<br />su4-h othtr address as Ltnder may designatt 1•y notict t, Born+ver as pro+'ided 'rer zip Any notice providtat for in this
<br />Morgagz shall re domed to ha+'r brtn giytn to Born,wu or I ender when given in the manner dzsi:Hated bruin.
<br />L. L'a8otm ?14orl+tagr Governing Law; SeverabrTrty. T?t;, Corm of monga.r combirrs unifo. n :,-venantc for national
<br />trst and aorT-uniforn ewer anls with limited vanationc by jt:ricdiction to rnnsritntz a unifornt se;ur:7 instrument covtring
<br />rea3 propem. T.tis Moorage shat be go+trned by titz lax e*.' the torts 3iction in which tfir Proprrt+ is located. In the
<br />event that any provision o; clause of this '.tiortgagz .,r the N.~tt confli.-tc with applicable lax, such contlin sha!! not affect
<br />aibtr arovisisvts of this MortPace or the \rnr which can be :;yen rf;rct without tht conflicrirg prn~isicn, and to this
<br />end the pro+isions of the M.rtgagz and the \ote are drelared to ht stveral+le.
<br />16. 13arrowtx's Copg. Burrower shall la: furnishes ~ c.mt.~rmrd ropy of the tiotc and of ifiic \{otteaez at the lime
<br />of etstcutitn-t or afTtr recorda>ion htreof.
<br />17. Trar~er of the Psaperty'; Assamptioa- If al: ter any pan , f thz Propcn: or an irtrstct therzin is s. id or transferred
<br />by Borrox~er xitlsnut Lender's prior xritter. concznt. r+cltiding +.~~ thz area*.inn ,mot a lira or tnctamhrance suhxd:natr to
<br />t?Tts Merigagt, ibt tht creation .,f a punhssz m.,nr+ .e:.rrit+ ~nzrust f,~r h.utszhold ap,han_zc. tct a iranstrr by dzvisz.
<br />desreat or h4 c+ptration of lax upon tht death of a r,~rn+. tenant .v rd~ zhz grant of ,ny Iraseha+l3 interest of three +-tars or Its
<br />itei corstaining an option t:, punhasz. I.rn3tr ma}. ar 1 rndrr', .~ptr.+n. de,larr iltl tfir ;wins sr~,nre3 h} this Mortgage to be
<br />tnttntdiatelti due and payehk. I ender shall hs+z u_~~+rd ,.~::^. opts,+r. s,~ a.cekrate =t. prior to tht ,alt .~r transfer, Lender
<br />and thr person to wham tht Propem is to t+e s. ,r tran.izrrcd re:;.h s:rczmrnt rr, wr.t-~ng that the :relit of such ptrcon
<br />is satisfacien to Lender artd that thr interest pa},al•lr or, ihr ,r--r*;..acurzd h} chi: Mortgage shall hr nt wch rate as Lender
<br />stroll rerrrsi. If I~ndzr has waiyzd :hz a'~ption *.,, sc,rtcr.u Aso:i~led :~; tfiic paragraph i'. and if Borrowzr's succt_sor in
<br />itueres? has tz;tcuted a xTinen aL ttmntion agreement a.-ctptz3 in wriu^.r b+' i.rndzr. Lzn tilt shat) release Borrower from alt
<br />oMigatrons under tins Mangage and thr tixt.
<br />If Lender e~crcises s>kh antion is acxlrrstz. Irn.te; sh,l? roof Barrcxtr nods et a,reltration i,-,- azcordaece with
<br />paragraph 1-t hertUf- Such pots:~e shat? provide a peri.,..s ri n:st ies, Char. ?0 days frrm the datz the na~ticc is maned x-ithin
<br />th-h B.'"sre>•~~rr ma+~ ;~i~ i?x <,amc tit; Iart~ due. I; $nrr.,ur. .,ol; +n pay su:fi sums prior t., the c:piretinn of .uch period.
<br />L~tder mas >kitl+nm fttrihtr net-.-t ~'+s c#tmand nn & rr.,uer. ;n+oA; aa: rcmedizs pzrm ~rsed h+~ par,.graoh 1 S hzrzof.
<br />Nt>~-L'ts-tFCast Covt ~tw tt•s- Borrower and Ltnder tunher ;o+tnari and carte as t.dt, xs
<br />fg. Aceeieratliaa: At>etdrm Fserpt as provided in paragraph 17 hereof, upon Borrower's breach of any covenant or
<br />agreese~ of Barrewer b this }(aitgage. iocladirsg the rnveasnts to pay when due any sums stared by then '1lortgage,
<br />Issdei ptwar to acteeietatitaa sled raaB aotite to Barrrrwer u pra.ided in paragraph ii hereof specifrirrg: tli ibe breach;
<br />i2) t!e ataar regttired b rwe earl 6aearh; (1t a data cot less than aft days from the title the notice ~ mailed to Borrower,
<br />3ry which srch beach team be creed; cad (+1} brat faihrre to tore loth breach on ar before the date specifird in the cotice
<br />may tetas3t is aacccefvaR'uma of tlse sawn seratcd by' this 4Rartgage, forecbsure by judicial pmceediag and salt of the Property.
<br />11e taetice shad fttathev iador~ Be[rawtr of the r~ht to rciastale after acceleration and the tight io assert en the foreclosure
<br />ptaceednj tlx ad a defatai ar acs atba defemt of Borrowtr to acceleration and forecMsure. [f [be breach
<br />is rot tamed er or hefete the daft - b tLe ootice, Leader at Lender's option may declare x31 of drr sums secured by
<br />tbis ;41oel~ to k imeditlely doe and payable witheuf further demand cad may foreclose by judicial proceeding. Lender
<br />~ Ire esd b caBett sa arch proeeod}eg ad ezpeeeses of foreclosure, ine3adiag. bu! trot limited lo, ctss[s of dotnmentan~
<br />tvideree, tdretracts cad tint repoAS.
<br />I~. 3lerrwer's RiBld to 8d~ate. Notwit.itsranding Lender> acceleration of the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />13crrttrwer shall i>ave the zigot to bum any' proceedings begun t+}• Lender to enforce this Mcngage discontinued at any time
<br />