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<br />I~BTY)R: Mrz~? & FAIIv'E -- Page 2
<br />on Debtor's premises located at 13th & "0" Streets, Lincoln, Nebraska,
<br />Lincoln Gateway Shoppi.~g Center, Lincoln, Nebraska and Conestoga Mall
<br />Supping Center, Grand Zsland, Nebraska (such realty as more fully
<br />described below,•including.but not limited to; •
<br />All fixtures, machinery, appazatus, installations, equipmrent, and tangible
<br />property of every kind or descrigtion including, without limitation, all
<br />office furniture, finnishirSgs, shelves, shelving equipment and brackets,
<br />display counters, kitchan equipment, beauty shoe equipsrnnt, partitions,
<br />stock bins, time clocks, removable light fixtures, display and merchandise
<br />signs, intercom equipment, harrhaare, mirrars, bookkeeping equipment, cash
<br />registers, sound systems, antennae, fire extinC~uishers, hangers, safes,
<br />ashtrays, wastebaskets, dollieu, scales, wiseelers, rolling racks, carts,
<br />strollers, cash drawers and boxes, typewritters and all substitutions
<br />therefor, replacemnusts thereof and additions thereto, it beirsg the intent
<br />of G'•se Debtor to mortgage the entire plant, equipment, machinery,
<br />f~;imishings and fumiture and fixtures now or hereafter located at
<br />the fallowii,g premases at which such property may be located or to which
<br />such fixtures may crow or may become attached:
<br />1, I.ot, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 ar_d the Nom`s 67 feat of Lots 27 and 18, all
<br />in Block 57 of the Original Plat of Lincoln, Nebraska;
<br />2. Approximately 80,000 square feet of grosrsd floor leased space in the
<br />Conestoga Mall Shoppi9 Center located cal a tract of land tronprising
<br />a part of the Fast Half of the South East Quarter of Section 1tre1~~
<br />(l2), Tovaiship Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M.
<br />i31 Fall Canty, Nebraska oontaiTj 956.413 acres more er less;
<br />3. :ceased space in the Lincoln Gateway Shopping Center located on a
<br />portion of Land in t~ South West comer of the South East Quarter of
<br />the South tJest Quarter of the South ~~*est Quarter of 5ecticai ?t~zty
<br />One (21), Township Ten (10) North, Ramie Seven (7) East of the 6th
<br />P. M., LincoL-s, La-scaster County, Nebra_~ca and in the North East
<br />Quarter of the South Walt Qsaarter of Section 1t~nty {kit (21), Tawn-
<br />ship Ten (10) North, Range Seven (7} East of the fith P.M_, Lincoln,
<br />Iaz'n=aster Co~-3~r. l~r~xaar~ t'~a South 3in'i feet of Block tree (3}
<br />ext~pt the West Fnrty"(40} feet thereof and vacated Taylor, 62nd
<br />and Hazel Streets adjacent thereto, all in Taylor Hei.~sts, an addi=
<br />tine t~ Lincoln, Lancaster Cosasty, Nebraska.
<br />All of the foregoing is derived firm a more detailed discs>,ssion curtained
<br />its a Mortgage and Deed of Trssst betw~s Debtor and Secsned Party filed
<br />o$f~ ~ pt 9~ /C.i~~.ff1. at Hall County, Nebraska at
<br />
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