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<br />I
<br />~ -__ _
<br />79- 00490 ~ ®~ ~ ~ ~ ~3 E ~
<br />`I~IlisIIidenLure,Madebyandbetweea M 3 L IN:VESTMEPIT CO.
<br />- ana THE o1IERLAND NATIONAL BANK OF GRANO ISLAND, hran~l~rs~'ari~;to~Ieberes~Ca;r~ieeina`~[eraareh°~erred
<br />to as Bank
<br />The Mortgagor forand in consideration of lS 38,5bD. Dye
<br />_...._ _.. ~OIdA}3.5, paid by the bank,
<br />the receipt whereof is herebj• acFnow•led£ed, has granted, bargained, sold and rnnvej~ed, and by the presents, dcea grant,
<br />bargain, sell and convey, unto said bank, the following described real property situated m the Counh• of _...... ... rlal 1
<br />and State of Nebraska, to-avit:
<br />Tract 2, Schcoi District No. ~> consisting of school house and one acre located from
<br />Stuhr and 281, 1 mile west, 1 south and 1/8 west, legally described as: ommenc n
<br />at the southeast corner of the Sout~iwest Quarter of the Southea t Quarter r{SW;SE;~ g
<br />of Section Thirty Five (35), Township Eleven (11) Range Ten (10~, thence north twenty
<br />{20) rods, thence west eight {8) rods, thence south twenty (20) rods, thence east
<br />eight (8) rods, to the place of beginning.
<br />together with ali the tenements, herrditaments and annun=names .. ,..- s„roe :,riongi.^, ~, and sil the estate, title, alsims and
<br />demands what_aorver of the m„rt eagor af, i:: or to sai^ p ^tisrs a,snp nsrt. thrreaf: and said mortgagor does hereby cov-
<br />enant, that :i,e mortga>":r !s la "cIl~ crized .: said pn inters, the! sat: premises are free from incumbrance and mortgagor
<br />sill sarrani a.^.d defend ~e ti~~'te said .rrmaa araitat :he cisims a.... ~e+^.a.^.cs of all Hies.^n= x~hot*isoever.
<br />PROGIDED ALiB.ATS, and these prawn h: are i:Fo.^. t:.esr rcmditors:
<br />V'IiEREAS, the ntnrtgaga has rxerut d and delivered [a the Bank a Certdl n pro i n
<br />dated July S, 1979, for 5~38,560.0~ at an interest rate bf T1.00:;-with payments ut°'~~.°[`~
<br />due on the i0th day of each month commencing August 30, 1979, and with a final payment equal
<br />to the entire unpaid principal balance plus accrued interest on July 10, 198.
<br />and ha_e agreed to maintain tire, winds:.arm anti e~tendev =: ~eras•e i. - :-ance o szid premises ~r amounts required and in
<br />companies approvcti he the l,snk sod a ~:aroar:'_ t^.,rtFS:?-~ cixuses n-}.i; is pclirrs s .. _.e delivered to the bank. and has
<br />agreed m pay all raves and assessments '.zvie~i agair._t seta rrrmise: lu f:,.*e the sarce ?>ern.^.;e rie3inquent and io maintain said
<br />pnenuses.
<br />\aw, therefare, if the martgss;:~- s.`iaL ;< w..:~ ail of the provisi. rs ~:: <aid ooze ar.3 t:e pte.isions hereof, then
<br />[here presents shat: ~ null and a'oid.
<br />However, if tl?e 514 ve note x^d :r:.,. _:, thrrroa or anc pspn:ents ra'.led f~ - *i:•erez~n are not paid avhen due or iP any
<br />of the rocenatitc of this is;rmrrt are notTe,.mpl:rc n., tr.,. ban:, or the h .. f, a; :[ eotian may declarz the re-
<br />maining balance of ssid indebted---~-5= _3ur a-~-d na}~:. `.~i~ a .r ar a:: t-'- at~a. r in'rquitj~ :, rrcocer all amounts
<br />doe and enforce the procivans hrr-e,: f. ', ti:- tern? .,: _...a ^ni\~.*~ ac~i ~.rvapu};or t :raintsia the pr2mtses, or to mazntair.
<br />:n»razfcr as is abnce praa'ided for, or to nac :: xes ..r assess nt e?:*.s, t`.r h.:der hzrc-c=* mac sdcar:ee the sum or sums necessary
<br />zn obtsin campliancr and sure amaonts sham lee nddra to the amrunt au~ _.. ..re ab,.•ce mentioned Hate and bear tntzrest at
<br />the *+R3test legal rate.
<br />iT SS FCR1 H£R AGRE£I-+. >.hi> m::-tom>,;e -ha1:: r - -~ : - .. ,...a: t!:is :n„rtiraRt is seeuzity for not anly
<br />the amauai sdru red n=nturrrrLi n~::l: :... ~a-: ::t:..r.:: t,. a::.u?~~_s-s .a.:... whist: n;ay ':: :Wade az the nptian of the
<br />patKS~ a their assig-s a tie t:~:s: an:;•c^: ,_,,. -: i::- .-: t;afr ...'sa:nr ei:ert s_s adva-::es arig?naily made here-
<br />tmder. Fz;rtber naltiCP 1G 't1er21+$ ~iC=^, ti. xt. .2..._ __ ~a::. 17:~r: gage \..::-~ 'rid::`^.'y; tl)r .LIrreS: r$SP. p8a'mrnt- ma[uritj',
<br />peaalt9ea, and niFrz terms she?~ :... _rsenti~p .. .a_r_t:.,:: ~.:. .,.r a ..:. :his ...=ttgagr.
<br />:S FL"ETHER _S;;REEi:. - ..: >s,_ ..,. - .- ,:: ~~ - upan t,~t me•iga[<e or ,ire aebt
<br />see-.red t_~ereb;, together a:~i x .j - :.a3=~ _.. r. n._:.?_ ..-.. r. - - „r,~.. t: r Iaws rt tie.`•ta.,ka, against the
<br />said ddarteagee ... _.e trL-'a.; n. ~.-. ...t:. ~ - ... _... .-.: ,.,.... ... ., r.>.
<br />3'f ;S Ft RTBEA _Ai;REEIt, : .- :_..._. .= rr..~rtgs pe - rfferr and .r note _.. which then mortgage is
<br />given as security, er ar.}" pa^ tb.. arm` '.r s: :~ _..- --_ - ~\!, _ ~ ... enntraa to sell zhe real
<br />,. v. _ z
<br />estate herein deserttrea, ~r anj .~rr.c_. ~~ d... .. :. ~ha _ ::a~. ., . a r .. said rest ec,ate or ary
<br />part there•rf, then and it: an a- .::_ rr:_ ~,,.^ a_.~ .,,ac,a :. .,.;,.. ..... .-:;.-are :.i-a:a r-Helps'. :wtance, and inurest,
<br />of the ante cetirzd beret+j im nxcs:r:j~ ~_. ~. ..e. lc :ter rt.n: e.9....- ~s s:e no*. nou. or should hereaf*_er, not
<br />be oerttpied by ntnrtgag: r :cr. t.'.ts r..t: _~ ... ..~ ::tr >.. a, •t. ^ , :f r - ~. .`sand sera-::r cf a c: pv thzreof upon thz
<br />oceapaat shall be suffi. ten: t. .; .e a:: p _....... .r..,a... ,.» .. :hr ....», after date -.,. earn srmire t:, made to
<br />racrtgagcc
<br />:~,~ +w;. _ _.. 3rd _ say ~f July 1;' ~°
<br />sn pees=-..- ~. M & L I!~1fE-STM
<br />By- s
<br />STATE OF.. f~~J_ _. .,t •'~:tl'a~.~E~_Tf TY3F't7lei5
<br />Beiarf m s nc.ta_'r ^::'3 - .,fir -
<br />lma:a •a mr xo hr .he a cx t:.~- ,_ -.- x .~., _~.. ~ .. ~tne^.•
<br />'~ LC bt h3. Lfr a7r tMF_Y l,.;vr.£r, a.t^x.._ .tx-Z.
<br />Wxiaeaa my ha»d and ratartxl <eal ~ •.
<br />YF commiasim ezgim: .~~~ ,
<br />STATE ilF _..-°-- ............. .._...
<br />CsvatF _.___...__._--------------- -- --
<br />------._._.... ...._--day of...-_.... _.... _ _.. 1€+
<br />sad r,eeorded in Booii..._ .... uf.
<br />i~
<br />1 f1,iil
<br />is ~f/`~ 3h• J(
<br />.. ,sge
<br />Ea:er~d ct numerical index and filed for record
<br />as.
<br />t ,.: -..E s'.e-.;e:er c-.` Deeds O`f':~c of satd Caunty the
<br />a. ., ..c.;t and. minutes .'.1.,
<br />By
<br />.f
<br />x~,
<br />F s 'onl:0~
<br />~~~_,
<br />-` +4^`,
<br />!(
<br />,/j ~rt.::g£N 1 :,,erg
<br />(~'~y Public.
<br />- - - P.eg. of Deeds
<br />Deputy
<br />