<br />If under paragraph 18 hereot the Property ie sold or the Yropert}• is otheraaise acquired b} I,euder, bender
<br />,hall apply, no later than inunediatfl}• Heim, to tht• sale of the 1'rotx=rt}- or its acquisition by l.erder, ;uly Funda-
<br />held by Lender at-the time of spplicstion as s credit against tht' ~utu~ secured b~- 'this >4artgage.
<br />3. Apptfeatian of Pagmenis. Unless applica111f late proeides otherwise, al pa}-menu received by Lender
<br />under the Nome and parsgraplls I sad'2 hereof shall ire a},plied by Lender rirst in , acment of amounts payable to
<br />Lender by Borrower under paragraph ? hereai, t~heu to interest p;IVable oSI the Soto and on Fuhlm Advances, it
<br />any, and then fo the principal of the Note :ux1 [o the priucipal of 1: uhtre :~dvauefs, if any.
<br />4. Charges; Liens. Borrower sha!I pay all rases, assessments and other charges, fines and impositions attrih-
<br />utsble to the Propert}- which ma}- attain a priority over this \fartgage, alld ground rents, if any- at Lender's
<br />ri optior. in rho manner provided under paragrs},h ? herfai or by Borrower tusking payment, when due. directly to
<br />the payee thereof. Barroacer shall promptly furnish u: Lender all notifes of amounts due under this paragraph,
<br />~ and in the evert Borratrer :hall mskf. payment dirartly. Barrotver sila!1 prmnptl~- furnish to I,frder receipt_~ ea•i-
<br />C'~ denting such payments- Borrower steal! promntlc discharge nn}• lies: which has priarin• aver this Mortgage: pto-
<br />v vfded, that Borrower shall slot be required to discharge am- such lien so long as Barmwer shall agree in writing to
<br />-~ the payment of the obligation secured by such life in a manner acceptable to Lender. or shzili in good faith contest
<br />such lien bp, or defend enforcement of swell lien in. legal itrocceriings which operate io hn•acnt the enforcement of
<br />~ the Lien ar forfeiture ai the Yrap,ert}- ar .un Hart thereat.
<br />~ 5. Hazard Insttr¢nee. Borraeer shat'. keen rile itn;,rcvenlc~as haw eslsrng or hereafter erected on the Prop-
<br />erty insured against !ass ba- fire, Ilazanls ircluder. withi:: ti3e term "extfndeti coverage`. and such other hazards ss
<br />Lender Hwy require and in such :,n;aunts anti for su.i. lrcricis as Lcutifr r_si~~ 1-egain~: yrovided, that Itnder shall
<br />not require that the sma;mt of stet: cmersge e~cee,i ti:::: an:oml: of coverage rcyuire<i u: pa}- the sums secured'by
<br />;his ~fongstcf.
<br />The insurance carrier • rovit9irt; t ... ............ ...ail i Lose:; b~ Bornncrr , ,feet to approval bti- Lender;
<br />nmrideti, that sac:: spproral alas 1,., > e u:`reason.:,%,;~- withhe?ti..111 ,.remiums os insumnce paicies steal{ be paid
<br />st Ixnde.* o:,taor::...,..:ra::::er .,...,-......_, r ,- , _ .;ereo or he Rorro,a~er luskine; nacment..chen due.
<br />direetlr w the insursr:ec carrier
<br />In the ea•eni and polio- is not renewed on or before ten dais of its ecpirafion. the Lender, to protect
<br />its interest, may pnxvre insurance on the impraaements, pay Lhe premiums and such sum ,hall become
<br />~-_-~ 3~~~ d„o ~ ix_ pas;al~Ie a:Lh nte?'e__gt of rize ra ir? __vet forth i_n caid natf~ until paid nerd cliall be
<br />secured by this 0lartgage Failure b~ Rorrt>xrr to tromph' may, at aption of Lender, canstitute a default
<br />under the ferrets . f tills \4artgsgf.
<br />' _ , Q
<br />~Il rnsueasn~ rt~ar:e~r tied n`:;ew¢,lr :..~--` - - ._ , e in ions sreeptalrie to Lcr,drr s . n!:ai; uu Lldc a rtandent
<br />3,lont;aze f ~v :. =s ~ .,_... , _!'. ., to Lender. Lender ,hall teal _• +„ r it to ; oat the rolicie. and
<br />renewals thereof. snc Banner =,._. t'rc+;::F,t:_: Tura!-h to Lfndfr ail renewal uozic.^s :in.i : i re.•ei;,t, o: paid pre-
<br />>;uu~. In the ev-=;a :.:~>s- io- ~~RC- -...-_ g•_a•..~ran:pt Notice to d;e in>urance carrier al:d I_rnrier. and Tender
<br />Ia$i IIake pros,, a- :On._ sat I_^.ai_E' :,raYn i?i.a' :,a'~BarrOwer.
<br />L: a?eS5 Lender anti Be._^rall er i.- erM1i"~_ asn-r :.^. ti"n[lll~„ 1n~l1I 3L't'e plVreetl~ _2331, : ; :}lr}?i 3f(i ti'. rest Or aLtan Or
<br />re3x81* a. TLf Prapfrt l' wait Sit'i: . .... .. ...... .t. ,erai3al: ~' rrpsT 1~ et'l~nl l?tit's, .~_ .. ....., .: to^1\- 11
<br />ihu ~tlatTgBoe 1; P,Ot t 1fYt a ] aL _ i. t_.t . l ,- 'epalr L ' e't t,ii a„!.:t .'1 ~:I l,l t' i,.' 1:` tliF Sei'ilrlt\'
<br />of this'linngagf as:~ul-d o.. 3:'sl:e-.: :... .. ... . ~-k~r:. .... , a• ap:~ r „:.... ..., .e. ...tom' t , tl;is \fat2gage.
<br />;Pith theesc~s. li any, r?si,:r.a P Y:-ie,,erta :- ..' st• r.:'y B a ,t•wer a, R.arr+cae. ;sill to respond
<br />to Lender uit3 ir. 3C1 dsa-r suer hones r ....~...o Bormaaer tLst ti3e inst;raner circler ofir:~ to se,t':e a c':aim for
<br />insarance •t,enefits- Lender Sr author~e~ : -i.ee: srti sppi}~ :..r insurnce prart~eir at Lenders option. either t~a
<br />mstorauan ar repair ai rise P:olxny ~~r tc •`.:t -u:nr sre;<rrl =,~ t!;l. \torgage.
<br />IInless Leader sn,l Ber:ewe° of::e-t, :.t a};.ee 3_, r.::r:l;. al:y : _ .: at>l~lla-allot: ~. , mr~^.is to l:rincipsl shall
<br />cot extend or;rartpane the due da*.e t~f :..e .......:::~ l.,rtsau:Ftit- referred :a in psrsgrapiu i au;.i '? hereof er change
<br />the amount ci suet: instalitttent-.
<br />L under }raragral,?3 T$ }:ereai t.,t Y ~~errt+ :_ scq~:r<^,. i,v I.rnder.:,i: nk:.t title and intet~t of Borrau•er in
<br />and to any =ur~nrf poiirlt': _n4 ._. s. . , - tl.t , :nzt'4'..- ,.. ., ., .-. e~ze... .. runs, _erun~i by this \tart-
<br />gage itnmediateia- nrior:o sue. s: tr s ear .. ... _ ..t.1. natl. t,r :o t;.~ Pn,oel-ty 1 :..- to the sate ar
<br />segrsisition shall pSa to Lender.
<br />E. Preservation and Maintenance of Property: Leaseholds: Condominiutss. Borrower shall keep the Prop-
<br />f*tr is egad repair .- _:.^.a?:. t~rt;It or .._ ;mi: haste.: :n .^lent. riars,ian ,,:.hr Propert} and :hall
<br />i-0IItpl~ R'iih i,a }I'Jt.~a ~~ ..' :E2a[ -, ..~. \Ii ..~ 3 :c,~ t.,ar. _ >.v.5 ~i ~h~ C.n .a Cafldai~7nlilm
<br />unit, Borrawer;Ils.l r~erian. s , $~..ow i.:li_ .o:. _..:. .. ,,n a.lt:. a. ~a :dn.nininW:.,r ;Waster deed,
<br />the by-laws snd re~s1_atia.~< ai he candan >.- --- , --,. ~+e3 tithe..- da; utnt-nt..
<br />Z ProteetioaofLeadet'sSeeuritq. li Borrower'iaii- m t,erfonn the cmrnttras s:;d aereementa captained in
<br />this \iorigage. or ii am sedan ar nrocet'dir,~ is eon:n;rr.cecl a.i leis tusteriaily a^t~-ts Tender; interfst in the Prop-
<br />frty, iaeludirg, but hat :itnite'd to, e..uner.=. dau.sll:.:i:ro;~~:.ncy.:o.ia :.-:tr.•eW3et;t, or arrsngemenis ur proceed-
<br />ings irvalving a bankrupt ar decedent, ii;Fr: Lender :,: 3.er.:ier~s optlor:.:Ipor, notl,•r *.~, Berraccer. n;aa' make such
<br />appea.'•anrfr, disb~*se svcli sums and take such >ctio*n s >rsa;-a -o }-mteit I.en,ter's intettist. including, but
<br />not hmitad ter. ds;bt:nernen*> ai rea_anal,lr sttaruey • let.`- _, elxr~- u_unn tt3e Yro1'+en:- to Snake resales. any
<br />amounts disbursed be Lender pnrsuart to t}lis ;~srsgrap?, :. w{iLl interest iilem,n, steal: become sddihonal indebtc
<br />edt>ea~ of Barrvuer secures by title °,'artgage. Ltaiess Bar?ouer anti Lender agrfe to other temis of payment, such
<br />amounts shall bf paya6if upon natlc_ fra^:, Lender *. c: Borrower ^equfsting paclnenz therfai. sad steal? bear inter-
<br />est from the Late ai disUursfinent st zlle cafe slate: i?, the \Lrte ul:lfss. parntent of imetrst st such rate would be
<br />contrarg u applicable iaa. ir. which erfnt saci: a;naurt.i,sii l,esr irtere>: at th= highfst rate pernl;ssiblf by
<br />applitablz law- tiathing contsia:d in tiffs l,arsgral;!: . arts,; regvilr Lender to int•ur ana ex{terse ar do any act
<br />heretlcaer- -
<br />8. L~sspectiw. lender tuna make a.* cs;L_ to ix` nls'a~ ressonai;.a rntn_r; ulrail and Sr,slsfrtior:s of thf Prop-
<br />erte, prorided that Lender shall give Borrowfr naiirc ;'rtoi :t .t:iv .-uri; inspection specifying rfssorable cause
<br />tharefor relates to Lender's interest iti the Pn,pex,-.
<br />9. Caadet~ation. Tlx pnxefds ai any saran: ar claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection
<br />with ape candemaatiar. ar u=_her tnl:ing of t't:e Ysaru-nr. or j,an tl;rrroi. or for ronreranr~ in lieu ai condemts-
<br />timt, ate: heaeby assigner. and shill l'a paid to Leridfr
<br />In the ertalt of a zotai slang of the Pralzrty. the ;:roceeds -hahl tsf applied :o the runic secured h}• tills _lfort-
<br />gage, aaith the es+nean. if any, psiti to Ronon rr. in the ea ent ai s ]rsrzial zakirg ai the Prapeny, unlee~ Borrou-er
<br />and I,endez otherwise agree in u-riting. there si:all ;x' applied to ti3e runes set•ui-ed by thie ~iongage ouch propor-
<br />ti~ of the proceeds s, is equal to that proporzioa which the amount of the sums secured b;.- this \iorgagf imme-
<br />diate3y prior to the date of taking bears to t;te isle niarkct value of the Yrapeny iurmediateh• prior to the date of
<br />ta3cmjF >3eith #.he bslante of the grocEeds paid So Bon row er.
<br />' If the Property is abandoned by Bazrauer ar it after notire by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offer
<br />to make an award at settle a claim for damage,. Ilarrowfr fat;- tc res}rot;d to Tender within 30 days of the date
<br />of stleh notire, Lender is sirthorizetl to coIlert and apply the proceeds :11 I-endfr'• cap?ion either to restoration or
<br />repair of the Property or w the stuns secured be tills \iartgage.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower othernise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall
<br />