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<br />79-~(~~4466
<br />MoRTCnceLOANNO. L 23473 MGIC
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Terry J.-Flakus and Mary V. Flakus each in his and her
<br />own right and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, whether orre or moro, is consideration of the sum of
<br />Fnr,y Eight Thousand Six-Hundred and NOl100----------------------------------------DOLLARS
<br />kurted to said tnorigagor by The Equitable Building and Laan Assocration of Grand Islattd, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon r}86 shares of stock of
<br />sa_d ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L Z34~3 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the foIlowing
<br />dewibed real estate, situated in HaIl County, Nebraska:
<br />Lot Eight (S) in Bernhard Voss First 5ubdivisiorl, being a part of Lot
<br />Numbered Cne (1) Voss Subdivision being all that part of the EZ of SW; and
<br />bt'~SE; of Section 11, Township 11 North, Range 9 blest of the 6th P.M., Hall
<br />County, Nebraska.
<br />together with aB the teoemrnts, hereditatnents and appttrtenaaas thereunto belonging, indudirg attadted door coverings, all window snents,
<br />window shares. blinds, storm windows, awnings, tteati;~, air arnditianing, and plmnbing and water egtripment aai awessuries thereto, primps, stoves,
<br />refr5¢raiors, and otYter futures and egrrinment now or hereafter attachrd to or used in connection with said :cal estam.
<br />And wherras the said tttortgpgor ltas agreed and does hereby agree trot the mortgagor sftall and will pay all rues atd a~+~+++'nts levied or
<br />assrsred neon said premises and upon ittis toortgagt and the bond se~~rrrd thereby trfure :he same shall bernme detiagttent; to furnish approved
<br />isr~ ttpon the bm'Idiisns on said premises fltuated is 4te sum of 5 :~$ C00 a~ payabk to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br />A550(:tATfON the potiaes for said irisurantt; and riot to carom[[ ar permit any w•rlsie on or about said premises:
<br />In tear of tfefault in xtrc performance of any of itx er;ms and rn[ditions of this mortgage or the bond secured hereby, the mortgagee shall,
<br />m demand, fx mtitkd to immr.i~tr pos~ssioa of ttx ntorigaged premiscc and the mortgagor }sereby assigns, ttatufers and sets over to the
<br />rsortyagee aB the rents, rrteattes and income so be deritcd from tttr mortgaged premises during sttJ; time as the rttor[gage indebtedms shag rtrmiit
<br />tmpoid: and the mortgage aha{t have ibe power la appoint a_ny agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of repairing said premaes and rmtirtg
<br />the setae and oolkavtg the rtsits, revmties and ittWiae, and it arty pay out of said incoate aB rzpenscs of repairing aid psetoixs and »~3'
<br />ao~oos and expmaes iotatrred ro ictrtusg and ~+,~ ~± ~ the samr and of catkclis~ rentak thtttfrom: the baalanrm remaining, if nay, to be
<br />a~ppdied taa7rd thr disrfurge of said rmngagesndebtednes: ttsew rmhts of the inortgagtt may be cseraxd at nay tirrtc during the ezistence of such
<br />Aefwti, irespcctier of any temporary waiver of cite same.
<br />Thcae Presrnts, ixwrettr, are upon the Catdrtion. Trsat u itte card Mrn~tgagor shall rrpay ad loan on cr before ~e maturity of aid shoes by
<br />prywait; pay monthly to raid ASSOCIATION of thr sum sprcitird m the Bond srcured hereby as interest and principal on said loan, on or before
<br />the Tweatinh day of cad[ and every momh, untt7 aid loan 5 ftdly paaf; pay aL uses and asrss:rteats kited agaiau aid premises and on this Mortgage
<br />and tlx Bond aectrrrd thrreby, before deliayuenc} ; Irsrairh approsed mars 7 tr,asn ihr truildmgs ihtreon in the sum of S ~ 6~~ ~ payable
<br />to siw Arr'~` IATION; :rpay to r.:d :,SS.~`i;,; SON :y,or, drrttand ai; sr~mry br rt paid for as.~ lazes, :stss~acais and inm'satsce wrth intacat ai
<br />tlar ttuavm~ kgai rate tlscrwa from day- of payrarat elf of wtssds Marteaga:s ixrrbt- agrm to pay: permit na aaue on said prtmists-keep and catttpty
<br />veith aB [be agreements and moditions of the Bond far S ~$,aQO. jj~ the day givra by [he aid Mortgagor to sod ASSOCIATION, srd comply
<br />with aIl the requaeraertu of thr Constitution and By-liwz of said ASSOCIATION; t}sen thew presents dull bccoase nuIl and void, otlsetwiae they
<br />sbaS rrata®m Full fora and mey ar foreclosed at the opnna of thr ad ASSOt'fATlO1 after fn0ure for thrrr months to stake airy of said
<br />payinrns of be three months d anrm in makii~ said m..at$ty paytvenes, v< w kctp ana comply r•tth the sgreettxnts and conditions of aid Bond;
<br />and Yatiga6et agrees to have a rrceiver appointed fo-rtltwith in sts.:h f'orrrknmt prorrrdatgs.
<br />If there s a~ dta.~age its awacrship of thr rut rsiatr taortgtrg-d herein, by ak of otherwise, then the entire ixrmining indebtedness hereby
<br />sLVred shaIl, a the option of T3tr Eauitabk Buildirg ant Loan Asociation of C,rasd Isfaad,Nebraaka, become inmsediatety disc and payable witttrwi
<br />fathrr cotter, and rte umturn *~~=+>a;~ dtte ~r said Boni. arai nay ocher bead for eat additional advamrs [Wade therrvndet, shsB. from the
<br />dare of rz,^rase of sae optima, bear inta-rst at tM muaoum legal rate, ant the arortptge rim- [.tree ix fured~d to atisfy the amomt due oa said
<br />bond.asu! nay ether bond for additional au.~nrrs, tagcther with 1 °,.,.: paid by ad T~ EG~_sbk t3rs~ing and Lon Azscreatian of Grand Istsrtsl,
<br />Nebrsata fx iavaana, toes astd a~~+~nu, and aiastractiag rxieatiort d-urgrs, wn}: isterzsi tlstrreott, ftam date of paytamt at the taaxitnum
<br />~~
<br />,C3 provided is the Sand arcnred .hereby, while thss tttostgage remains in effect thr mortgagte troy lteresfter advaaoe additioail soma to tht
<br />aedcsts of said Bead, tEtta a or sasctrta¢us in snxrrrst, tafisch atirrs shall br within itre sectaity of this tttortgtge the roam as tlu f»ada origiruHy
<br />segued rhaciy. the tool amatmt of princrpat dsbt rot ie rzcetd >t any tiro ttx original atnormt of this martgage_
<br />~~ 12th ~ of JUi Y A. D.. ly ]~
<br />Mary 'V. Flakus
<br />SFATE OF kEBRASYA, ~ a Oa this 12th day of J U 1 y 19 ~ 4 , befott rne,
<br />cxxn~rrY of e_at,
<br />the uadersigoed, a Notary Pub}ic in and far said Couary. persarull ratoe
<br />Terry J. Flakus and Mary Y. Flakus, each in fits and her own right and as spouse of eac~i other
<br />- ~`hO are personally [:sawn to
<br />me to be the idemial pesaon S whoz t»;ae S are atiucd to Ur above irrsirtanent as mortygar5 and they ~,ily
<br />admoe~d the and;mtn~aat to be their volnmary act arsd deed.
<br />R"ftNESS ray hand and Notarial Seal tIu date afoteaid. _ _ f .
<br />~ Comm ~ Q fllflTiY -Slats ai ttabnsG _~! J-"r ' ~ _ ~~~~ ~ ~ ik ~'
<br />/~ ,SQY Af. 3E6AFY Notary P hc~ .
<br />twat v Wy Comm. tic. Salt. t.13S;
<br />