<br />4.2 Revised 1978
<br />Huttmu and Fe!t~n & Wolf, WaiCen. Ne. &8467
<br />79-- t,t~44~~
<br />J4I~1T T`~iIAIV~Y ~T.4~2I2A~ITY LEES
<br />Steven L. Schug and Barbara E. Schug, husband & Wife, each in his and
<br />her awn right and as spouse of each other
<br />..................................................................................... Grantor, whether one or more.
<br />in consideration of .$~4.,.Q.Q~..0,0„.{Fifty, four.,thousand and no/100---------------}
<br />.............................................
<br />.......................................................... receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, conveys to
<br />,_T,~rry„3,,,. rlakus_ and ,Mary,.V .__Flakus,,__Husband & 41ife „Grantees,
<br />as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, the following described real estate (as defined
<br />in Neb. Rev. S±at. 9 76-2011 in .......... H211,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„_,,,,._, County, \ebraska:
<br />Lot Fight (8) in Bernhard Voss First Subdivision, being apart of Lot
<br />Nuvnbered One (1) Vass Subdivision being all that part of the E~ of
<br />Sk'~ and W'~SE~ of Section 11, Township 11 Narth, Range 9 West of the
<br />6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska
<br />~~~ STA?..., T,::,x,
<br />~ ~iiV .i ~ I~.'''
<br />~P~
<br />~,~.~ BY
<br />Grantor covenants {jointly and severally, if more t r t Grantor:
<br />{ 11 is lawfuIly seised of such real estate and that it is free froze ercumbra^.ces .....................
<br />exc;zpt. easzmerts„ and..rest.^ictigns...°... retard ..................................................
<br />{ 2) has legal power and lawful authority to convey the same;
<br />{ 3) sarrants and will defend the title to the real estate against the lawful claims of all persons.
<br />-,
<br />,, ,
<br />Y' ~ y
<br />S:.even ~. ~chu
<br /> T
<br />~~!! ~
<br />BaI"b2ra ~ . SCllll~
<br />'State of P3ehraska
<br />~t)91n`.i* Of ...~3ii
<br />The foregoing instrsment t«as acknowledged before me on ..........~.;~w:s..la..~.7.(~a.' ...............
<br />~y ..$>t.~.~er. L. Sehuz and Barr,o_ G = S~ hug, Husband & Wi fe, each ir. his.....
<br />.....
<br />arld her et~n right anr3 as srous~ CI e ~ dt~.i`r... ~ 1 r
<br />~,...~
<br />s~ra~rs o>< rIEaRASiC?.
<br />County af .................................
<br />Fiied for record acrd entered in Numerical Index on ..........................................
<br />at ..... o'ciock .....)~., and recv,ded in Deed Record ......................... Pagr ...............,..
<br />Sy : ..................................................................
<br />County or Depuiy Counts' Clerk
<br />Register of Deeds or ileputy Kegister of Deeds
<br />