<br />7s-~ a tf ~ ~ 6 4
<br />(6}To use the lawn evidenced b}• fhe note solely for purposes authorized by the Government.
<br />(7) To pay when due all taxes, liens, judgments, encumbrances, and assessments lawfully attaching to or assessed
<br />against the pmper[y, including all charges and assessments in connection with water, water rights, and water stock
<br />pertaining to or reasonably necessary to the use of [he teat property described above, and all taxes and assessments levied
<br />unon this mortgage or the note of any indebtedness hereby secured or against any legal holder hereof or of the note or of
<br />said indebtedness under the laws of Nebraska, and promptly deliver to the Government without demand receipts evidencing
<br />such payments.
<br />(81 To keep the property- insured as required by and under insurance policies approved by the Government and, at its
<br />request to dellver.suth.poiicies to the Government.
<br />( ~ ~ ' rain improvements in good repair and make repays required by the Government, operate the prop°riy in a good
<br />artd u rrdmanlike manner, com¢ly with such farm conservation practices and farm and home management plans as the
<br />Gov ~` p-i~ time-io~time ma}• prescribe; and not to abandon the property, or cause or permit wasfe, lessening or impair-
<br />ment of the security covered hereby, or, without the written consent o[ the Government, cut remove, or lease any timber,
<br />gravel, oil, gas, coal, or other minerals except as may be necessary for ordinary domestic purposes.
<br />(14) To eompty with alt laws, ordinances, and regulations t ffecting the property.
<br />(11) To pay a reimburse the Government for expenses reasonably necessary or incidental to the protection of the lien
<br />and peiority hereof and to the enforcement of a: the compliance with the provisions hereof and of the note and any supple-
<br />mentary agreement (whether before or after default), including but not limited to costs of evidence of title to and survey of
<br />the property, costs of retarding [hrs and other instruments, attorneys' fees, trustees' tees, court costs, and expenses of
<br />adve2ising, selling, and conveying the property.
<br />(12) Neither tbe property nor any portion thereof or interest therein shalt be leased, assigned, sold, transferted, or encum-
<br />bered, voluntarily or otherwise, without the written consent of [he Grnemment. The Government shall have the sole and
<br />eslusire rights as mortgagee hereunder, including but not limited to the power to grant consents, partial releases, subordina-
<br />tions, and satisfa~ion, and no insured holder shall hate an} right, title of interest in or to the lien o•. env benefits hereof.
<br />(13) At all reasonable trines the Government and its agents ma}'inspect the propert}'to ascertain whether the covenants
<br />attd agreemenfs contained icerein r- in any supplementary agreement are being performed.
<br />ttte me von rrnn:rru ~ ray c- n .. ,. ..,.~ „~~ .,.... .....~ ,,.,.~
<br />ur any ntdebtrdness to the Govenmxnt seeured~hereby, release from liabilty to the Government an} parta a+ liahk~ thereon,
<br />release portions of the preprny tram 2nd subordinate the lien hrrrot, and waive any other rghts hereunder. acrthou[ aifectine
<br />fix lien or prienty herein o; the liability to the Gwentnxnt of Borrower ur any athrr party fur pa} mint of the n.+n~ ++r in-
<br />dehtedrrss secured hereby ex apt as spr;i!`ted by the C.oyrrnntrnt to writing.
<br />(IS) If at any time rt shall appear fo the Government that Borrower may be able to obtain a I own from a production credit
<br />associatiae, a Federal land hank, a other res~nsible cooperatn-e or ¢rivate credit source, at reasonable rates and terms
<br />far ioans tot similar purposes and periods of time, Borrower will, upon the Government's request, apply for and accept such
<br />loan is sufficient amount to pay the Hots and any indebtedness secured hereby and to pay [or any stack necessaryfo be
<br /><<ur#ased is a coaperatnve fending agerrcy in earnection with such loan.
<br />(Ili) Befault hereunder shall constitute default under any other real estate, ar under any personal property or other,
<br />security iastrumeat held or insured by the Goverment and ezecuted a assumed b} Borrower, ar.6 default under arsy such
<br />other security rnstrutxnt shall cansti[ete defaui! hereunder.
<br />_-~ SHQULD DEFAULT occur in the prrformante or dixhargr of one obligation ir. this instrument or secured be [his
<br />iastrumrnx, to should any one of tht pubes named as Borzow•er die or be declared an intompetam, a bankrupt, oz an
<br />insolvent, of make an assignment for the Lxntlit of creditors, the Govanmeni, at its apcino, with or without notice, maa•:
<br />(a': drtlare the entire amount unpaid under xhe Wort and env indebtedness to the Gavrrnment hrrebc secured immediately
<br />due and payable. ~bj ter the account of $arrower incur and pas' reasonable ezprnsts fcr repair or maintenance of and take
<br />pasxssion of, eprntr or rent the property, ;tl upon application by it and production of this instrument, without ether
<br />ryzdenoe and without no;i:e o2 htazing of said ~rpfication, base a receiver appointed far ;he property, with the usual powers
<br />of receivers in like cases, _d) faredosr this that: umert u pravded herein or by lax', and ; e - rntorct any and ail ether rights
<br />and remedies provided herein or by~ prestnt or future law.
<br />tl $) The ~+roctrds of fareclasure salt shall lx applied ir. the tollowin., order to tltr pacment aft :. ;eats and ezpenses
<br />intident to entortm¢ er complying with the provisions hereof, ib; any prior liens required by law or : ~:omprtrnt court tc.
<br />be sa paid. jtj the debt evidenced by t}:r note and all indebtedness to the Gorernmene srtured hereby, d1 inferior liens
<br />of rrcoad rcqused by law ar a competent coon to br sa paid. ;e; at the Gevermnrnt's option, ant other indebtedness
<br />of Harrower awin+ sa o: ;r<•>~td by the Gavernmen*_. and ~f-i any balance to $arawrr. At rarrtiosure or other sate
<br />of all or any gut o~the ptoperh', the Govrrn_meat and its agents mac bid and purchase as a st?anger and man' pay the Goyrn-
<br />ment't short of the purthuc p_-ice be uedir_ng such amount an any debt-, a: Barrawer awing to or insured b} the
<br />Government, in xhe cyder prestribtd aborr-
<br />(]q! Borrower egrets flat the Governrrwnt w-ill nut be to+und by ar,. preszn! ~+i iuturr State law. (a! pruairltng for
<br />valuation. appraisal, hortxstead or rxrmption of the prapr:ty. ibl prohibttmg rnai:ttrnan.~r ~+f an a;tiun lur a deiirizncy
<br />ltragrnrnt or limiting the amount thefrel ar the limy wsthin which such a;tton must br hraueht, {c) prescribing any other
<br />statute of litrutations, {d} allowing an} right of redemption ar pc,ssrsston i~llowing say tnreclasure sale, ar (r) limiting the
<br />axtdtti<~rts whit the Gawrntrreat they by rrgulaitmt tm}vsY, m:luding the inirest rate rt ma} charge, as a condition of
<br />appsavittg a transfer of tlr. property to a new Batrowtr. Burrawrr txprrssly w-aiaes the hrnetit of arty such State laws.
<br />Barr~vtr tmebr~ relingtuslres, wanes. and cunveys all rirJtts, incltoatt or consummate, nt des Yrt, dower, and curtest'.
<br />
<br />J
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