<br />52-A-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-(With Tax Clause) (Revised 19621 Tl,e Hu&nun Gencrul Supply }i~x+se, Lincoln, Nebr.
<br />7g_ ul~444 i
<br />KNOW ALL MEN 13X THESE PRESENTS: That Robert E, and Bonnie J, McCormick Il~sband & Wife
<br />of Oma2ta, DOnglas County, and State o[ Neb rask8 , in consideration of the sum of
<br />- -S>'VENTBEN THOUSAND FZVE HUNDRED AND NO/100 - ($17,500.00) - - - - - - - - - - DOLLARS
<br />in Nana paid, an hereby sELL Ana CONVEY nnto gash Otto and Zrene Otto, Husband and Wife, as joint
<br />tenants and not as tenants in cattrmon, with right of survivorship
<br />' - of H811 County, State o[ Nebraska [Y,e follow;ng described premises situated
<br />in Hall County, and state of Nebraska , to-wiz:
<br />1411 our right, title and interest in and to our undivided one-half (1/2) interest in:
<br />The Southeast Quarter (SEly) of Section Fourteen (14), Township Nine (9), North,
<br />Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska
<br />Tate intention being t,.i trnvey herehc an absolute title in fee simple, including all the rights of homestead and dower.
<br />'I'O 11.4~'E AtiD T'O I{OLD the premises above described. with all the appurtenances thereunto belanging, unto the said '
<br />mortga.~ee (sl and to his, her or their heirs and a>;i.^t>,s fnrece r, provided always, and these presents are upon the ezpress
<br />r?edition that it the said mortgagurtsl. his, her or their heirs, executers, administrators or assigns shall pay or cause to be -'
<br />psid to the _said morteagee(sl, his, het or :heir heirs, executors, administrators or assigns. the principal sum of $
<br />payable as tnIIows. to w;r IT ZS U9l3ERSTOOD that Mortgagors have placed a deed Lo Mortgagees in
<br />escrow with the law office of F.. Merle McDermott, to be delivered to mortgagees in
<br />the evmL of elefault and failure to pay to mortgagees by mortgagors, afLez Lhe written
<br />ten-lay demmand a~ notice of the mortgage default
<br />with interest s^cordurg to the tenor amf eSect of the mortgagors written promissory note bearing ever, Gate with these presents
<br />and sttaIl pay all faxes and assessmenu let°ied upon said real estate, and all other fazes, levies and assessments levied upon this :
<br />mortgage ar the Holz -x~hich iF:s mar'.gage is given to secure, before the same becomes delinquent, end keep the buildings an -
<br />said premises insured for the sum of S ,foss, if any, }aavable to the said morKgagee, then these presents
<br />is ba void, otherwise :o be and remain in loft fon-•e.
<br />I'i' IS FL"RTHER AGREED (lt That i3 the said mortgagor shall fail to pay such razes or procure such insurance, the `
<br />said tnortgagoe may pay such taxes and procttre such insurance; sad the sum so advanced, with irtterest at per ~'
<br />cent, shall be repaid by >aid mortgagor, and this mortgage shall stand as security fur the same. (2) That a failure to pay amp -
<br />of said money, either principal or interest. when the same ber omen due, cr a [allure to comply with any of the foregoing
<br />agreements, shall cause the whale sum of money herein secured to becrome due attd colkrtible at onre at the option of the
<br />tnorigagee-
<br />signedthis 21st day of MAY 1979 / f '
<br />In press-nr cf - ` ~,y !, Y ~. ( ~ - L~ L-i , t.G`-~`'~..~;
<br />r _ ....
<br />_.,
<br />__ ..__. _
<br />STATE OE_..---.--.-' . -- . _ -- -----._._... County of - -
<br />Before tee, a aotary public qualified for said rnun[y, personalty e e
<br />riz v . A9ttCo.~", "r;
<br />knr;wm to tae to be the identical person or persons who signed t re g }nsctvment and acknowledged the ezewtion
<br />thereof - a~ deed- i A ~ _,
<br />._ !Sy - ~Oa.tt fM?. ._ ..__. [ .. .~t.. __Notary Public
<br />i 1a f,
<br />.: &PATE OF..._.__...._._._.........--`.°-_.--_-..___..--.--~ 1 Ehte `on nuiperical indez and filed Por record
<br />- q ....... - \1L4>s
<br />1
<br />• Csuaty -_._-._-._._....__..__ ................_-..-...., ....._....._-.., rim a of Deeds OtSce of said County the '
<br />- -~-----`------...-dap of...._-------._-......-------~--....-• lg-----.._.., at-..--._.--..-_...--....o'clock and._--~------........_.....minutes _.-.......-_.......-hi.,
<br />and recorded in Boo}L------------"-'---..._.-of------._..---.._-..-....-_--at age-------'---_.-..-..._ ..............
<br />._._.... -----__..-----.._......__.._..__ ..._. _.. _..._Reg. of Deeds
<br />By-_.-._..._......... _....._... _ ................_..... _...........-'-..--......Deputy
<br />