<br />79-sQ~~y~~~ OPEiJ E:ND P+IORT(~AGL
<br />THOMAS C, BEALE ANO MARILYN F. BEALE, husband and wife herein called the
<br />t~agor whether one or more, in ronsideration of TWO HUNDRED SIXTY SIX THOUSAND AND NDl100
<br />_~_>--_---~-------..-------------------------Hollers loaned to said ?mortgagor, does mortgage
<br />,z ;i;)G1E .FEDERAL SAVIiJGS AND LOAiJ ASSOCIATION, its successors and assigns, the following
<br />,- scrifssd real-estate in HALL County, Nebraska:
<br />REtOItDER'S MEMO; icrrsiurr of
<br />1NRITrNG, tYPING OR PREN71N6 -
<br />.; alJ easements and appurtenances together wifih all buildings, improvements, fixtures
<br />:appurtenances now. or hereafter erec#ed thereon, including all apparatus, equipment,
<br />ixtucss or articles, whether in single units or centrally controlled, used to supply-
<br />- gas, air-conditioning, avatar, light, power, refrigeration, ventilation ar other..
<br />=;=ices, and any other thing now or hereafter therein or thereon, the furnishing of
<br />r'. py lessors to assess far err un#ur;ishsd bui-!dine similar to #fSe one now or-here- _-- __
<br />4r an said premises is customary or appropriate, including, but not (imi#ed to, screens,
<br />,. ia1d<3~w -shades, storm doors and windows, carpeting and a#her floor coverings, screen doors, -
<br />..•;;ings, built-in dishwashers, staves, refrigerators, and water heaters and all renewals
<br />z- i-~;~iacaments thereof (ail of which are infended.to be and are hereby declared to be a
<br />i~ t of said real estate whether physically attached thereto or no#.) The Association
<br />_r,ereby subrogated to the rights of al! mortgagees, Jienhoiders and owners paid off by
<br />;, proceeds a# the loan hereby secured.
<br />SCt HA':E Pa:D TO HOLD the s=aid eraperty, with said buildings, ,mpravements, fixtures,
<br />~r7enances, apparatus and equipment, unto said Association, its successors and assigns,
<br />'ei-.
<br />+4~rtgagor hereby covenants with said Association, its successors and-assigns, #hat
<br />.v:~Ua-fir is lawfully seized of said premiss, that they are .free a# encumbrances, and
<br />r~;a .mortgagor will forever warrant and defend the ti#le to said preenises against the
<br />:~.eru} claims of ail persons whomsoever..
<br />T~jS l~%3FtTGAGE 15 GIVE=d TO SE%URE: (1) The paymen# of a Note executed by War#gagor
<br />~::=.e Association bearing oven dais i;;;re~si#h in Etna principal sum as sat forth above,
<br />~:~ ..ote,-nri7+c:i~zl an:i interest, is payable ir. rk;~~+fi!y installments acirarding fp its
<br />'vzr;5, with-a final ma#uri#y, unless sooner paid, c~.n the Ist day e.f Auous# , -_ _
<br />1999 Tbs holder Hereof shall hays the option to accelera#e the ma#urity of the note
<br />which this mortgage is given as security, at any time a#ter the 10#h loan.
<br />r-a#tsr first giving the undersigned or the then owner of the premises described herein
<br />arittsn notice three months in advance of its inten# to do so. ,4ry prspaymen# of
<br />T i3~ipal made by virtue of the exercise of this option shall be wi#hou# prepayment
<br />•~~itus. (?) Any additional advances made by the Associa#ion #a '~ortgagor, ar Nbrfigagor's
<br />_-:~cessors in tltte, for any purpose, at the optior, a# the Association, a# any t'sme iae#are
<br />--:.= release and ca^.catia#ion of trsis '~ortrage, but a~l no time .shall this Mortgage secure
<br />'.rances an account of said aritginaJ Hate and such additional advances in a sum in excess
<br />7ylp yllr}t)RED S i XTY S I X TFIdi.3ASAND lIND N01100-----------------~! i ors; provided that path I ng
<br />::in centai:+aad snail be considered as limiting the amount that shalt be secured fiereby
<br />~x~ advanced: tc protect the secure#y ar in accardanca wi#h covenants-contained in this
<br />~ °~ r . gY.
<br />~rovi:,ird, ne:vertheiess, these prescn#s are, upon the #oilowiny^ conditions: that whereas,
<br />,_ paid ~artgagar is a m~ra,'.ar of said Assaciatian, has executed a note ir, wri#irat #c- said
<br />-aticr: ?o repay su^: f money, witn i^#sres#, in payments as set far#h in said
<br />ar.ci any and ail additional advances, wi#n interest, and has agreed to abide by the
<br />~s#iti,tion-and i#y-laws of .said Association, and-rules and regulations adapted by its
<br />d'~f-i3ir~tors-,-an4 agreed .and da heratry-agree:
<br />_ i-. So gay the i.ndebfedness Hereby secured promptly and in toll compliance with the
<br />~ r~i tf~e aforesaid 1?r~nissory ?dote a+jd any other notes or agreen~nts for additional
<br />;,-c-,~ a"3 pra'vid€ad ;~ered^ and ~# this Wartgags and further agrees fihat at the sots oP#ion
<br />+." ?fartgagae #fle #~tir% rt payiaent of the iridsbtedness hereby secured, or any potion there-
<br />. ~.ay be extandet3 or rQi,aweel,-and arsy porfiion of she promises herein described may,
<br />,ia_•t+u# notic8, DB rcioased from the Jisn. hereof witfiout releasing or affecting the personal
<br />i ~obilFty of tna Mortgagor herein fnr #h9 payment of said indebtedness then remaining
<br />? .;;pQld, ar;d not change in the cwn8rship ol• aaid {irises shall- release, reduce or otherwise
<br />t+. Ct any suCii personal f i obi l i ty ar fihe l lien tcersby created.-
<br />2. Undet-s+gned reserver the right.to prepay #Ci'is Hots in whole or ir. part on any
<br />;,tatlment payment date prior to ~ :years.#rom tfie date hareo# by the payment of ail
<br />.road interest to the date of sue#i prepaymen'~ loge#her with a prepayment fee equal in
<br />,:r;t t.o l00 days intgrrst on the amount so prepaid;-and if prepaid after such date there
<br />.l ~e no prepayment tee. The prepayment fee so charged shall not exceed the maximum
<br />