<br />_ ,
<br />- - _ - l . -.
<br />7~3`~/a-RELEASE OF AS ~RSGAGE~Cozporation._ i` Huffman and Felton 8 Wolf, Walton, Ne. 68461
<br />---• i! Ci `A Y it V
<br />IN CONSIDERATION of the payment of the debt named therein, the C~rcial National Bank & !t
<br />Trust Cottgaany hereby r„leases the mortgage made to ; ;
<br />Imercial National Bank & Trust Cot~any by Castle Estates I~velopmxlt Catg~any, A
<br />Partnership
<br />the following described real estate, to-wit:
<br />(see attached)
<br />of Seetian , in Township , Range of the P. M.,
<br />County, State of which is recorded ix Book of Real Estate Mortgages, page ,
<br />of tka records of said County. Doetanent No. 78-003139
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHERF~F~ the said Cantpreial National Bank 5 Trust Cottony has caused
<br />these presents to be esecuted by its resident and its Corporate Seal to be afj+xed hereto Skis 9111
<br />day of July , r9 79 % ~
<br />Witness: Canresei~3 -National &-. Trust Cat~lany
<br />~ ~ Vice
<br />_ ..
<br />-°- ----------- ----....--°--- --- - - ---- - ._.._.-... - ---_-- -- --- $}'-~':..~. - ----------..., President
<br />attest _L... -. .~ JJ Cashier, Secretary
<br />..--
<br />Si`ATE OF .......Nebraska........... , County of .. lk?ll . ................... :
<br />I ~ _ ,o ~o
<br />'tae >oregoulg 1na%rument waa ac';snowieagea befoFe tree ......~~Y. °}...h ...................... ~~ . ~ r. .
<br />s
<br />r-
<br />by.-Rick~rbau~Ti~-Vice. President Oommscial National Bank & Trust
<br />.................. of ...........................................nY
<br />3 i~u^;F a:-d. o~i;:',-~•~.~ l~nn,e e; ~~~„-aorac;~nl
<br />. ,,
<br />`r a .. a5ka .... AL:..~:........... corporation, on behalf of the corporatiflrl. _
<br />~ -
<br />lpµN
<br />RQpkP S PR`( i ~.~ ~ .
<br />-R_ ._ .~
<br />i ~... GE o~ P1¢bC 5..,~,re e: ~ c 1a~. g a~ }. ~¢U nt
<br />I,ot Flirty-eight (48} t%3stie tat.s:,'.i~:i=.i~~r,, fail ~~;~~:.t-, t~br~;ka,
<br />lying ut:
<br />a tract of lark ,xatt~l'isiny a psrt of the East !ia12 of t;x° 4>utheast
<br />~~*'ter t~sE}; of Secticx; c~ntt• Six {25i, ibr:shipc:lc~'est tll)
<br />Pbrth, e 'ihn {i0) :~st of ~ 6th r'.45. i. hall Co~~.t~', Nehraska,
<br />:inr2 garticularll- descrzb~ asufollcrras: Begitlring at t!1e southeast
<br />corner of said Section Taint.: ~iti i26? ; ta'letx'e hesterl, aloslg the
<br />sa.1t21 li=-ie of said Section .~,~.n'_•. SiX a distance cf !~i:ie iltul:lra3 Nirtc>t•.-
<br />(990.O1 feet; thence def lest lr,:; : ic;ht 9fl° lb' 20" atxi t,autinq
<br />northerly, a distance of '.'t~.rc~ f;::n-3r~i Si::t, `fisee a.^Ki ;^.~,r~,' S~•a-:
<br />:lsali?.*edths {353.37} fe?t; *h~sx-e ~eflxtir.:: ri~:ht ~?° 10" atxl n-outing
<br />rar~~..2assterly, a listarx:e of i~x• 3lunirYsi .-_xt~; t1F:~.C? ~,~~t, tlz<:nce
<br />3Eflect.ttg left 900 '?0' ~~: ntn,i;~y r,ort2~.eau•r1y ,1 ~i,.-rar;~c of 1`hree
<br />litincir+~3 T?n (330.0} _`~~ t; t_hes:ce:~fiecti:-H,~ right 4 x> 0`a' a:.d rurnin:,
<br />northeasterly, a distar>`e o: ~i.^e itl:n3ra9 'r'ent}~ i>i~: aa: ".`~.r•'e Tenths
<br />{94b.3} feet; ti~ence deflecti:l~; right ;60 13' lo" atx'. :- L ~:' nq easterl ,
<br />a 3istaxe of Eour Ht_nireca :. _. _• Five { r~~t; tc 3 r•^rnt an the east
<br />line of said x~:tio:t T~~nt_- ~ `.2b; • tierce sour%;;._ i ,,nnq the -1st
<br />li*te of said ~;tion `Iw~nt-.°- "< 2bi; a r,istince c ?x• 'i~,asarul '?'tires
<br />Htlr:clred Sixt}' ~~~ n aril ~ xa 13.s.~ait ~~ths i. f ; - ~+t : ~ t_, tc t_he
<br />Mace of ixuinnlr~ e:~tt-ut ..r ° i,: a~ ~r<a~~. i tir_,rtst i;' (':.('1 f~x~t ~?E thc:
<br />scxltherly Forty !-10.0) ~t~.*_ :.. +1ar :~trt•e• ::~~scri.~.l .~.x•r, 1~>acinu a
<br />not ac,:a3te of 27.4=32 acres r,-. - cn .css, all in !la:;. ,°o,::.t~; ...,ate _,. w
<br />'raska.
<br />
<br />
<br />