<br />i
<br />79,E U U ~ •3 F3 rJ 'tQORTG AGE
<br />Tels MoRrcnGE, made mis......3S3.zh........ day at.........~a~.+r ....................... Iv..79...... h> ............_..................................._..................
<br />Ladon H. Zau and Carol J. Zau --Husband an$ Wife
<br />.....................................~8..........................................._€~.........................................................................._....................._.._...., ........_...... .
<br />of .... _~Yand Island...._ ................... County aC ...._....._X11......._....._.............................. and Slate of Nebraska, herrafiu refcaed to
<br />:a "Mortgagors" and BENEFICIAL PINANCri CO. OF NEBRASKA, a corporation organized and existing under the laws nl the State al'
<br />...........................
<br />Nebraska and having an uCfice and place of business at .....~.Z..3..5...~..~.ti~reet ............... AU.TOrasNEbTa3k8_,,..,__,.,68818
<br />hereafter te(erted to as' ;Mortgagee:'
<br />WITNESSETH That the Mortgagors, in order to secure the paynicnt u(a certain promissory note of even date hcrcu idr in the Amount of Notc
<br />at 3.....4143.28,,,,,,,,,,,,,„_, receipt o[ the proceeds thereaC bein__ hereby arknow9edgtd_ hereby ^iortvace to the ]tart€a€ec the following
<br />described real estate situated in the County oL ..............Hall..................... State of Nebraska, more partinaarly deserihai :u fl~llows:
<br />Lot Seven (7), Block Two (2), Wiebea Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska
<br />together with all [he tenemems, heteditamtnts and appurtenances in the same belonging, and alt the estate, ti!ie dower right of hamesiead,
<br />daims and demands whatsoever o(the mort€a°-ors oC, in or to said premises or any part thereof.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises. with afl the privileges and appurtenances to the said Sfort.aeee, Ito- SUCressars and
<br />asY s, forever;
<br />AND the Morigagon do COVENANT with the said Mortgagee, its successors and assis_ms, that they are lawful]} seized in t're a(the premises;
<br />that said promises ate fret of aII encumbrances, except ac aforesaid; that they have g<+ad right to xIl arrd convey rice vmr a> atomraid: attd that
<br />thcv and their hells shat{ and will forever WARRANT ANU DEF-END the same to the said Siurtoasee, its sue.YSSOrs artd assigns forever, against
<br />the lawful rJaims arsd demands of all persons.
<br />The agtted monthly :ate of charge on the aforesaid promissory Harr is ?'.~- per month an that part e+ the unpaid principsl balan a not in tx-
<br />ces of 3?OfF: ~ per manth on that pan of the tmpaid principa_ balance in evens ut 3;00 bur oat e~~erd•.ne 3SiF0: ! is~? per manth on that
<br />part of ttte unpaid grinripal balance exceedhtg 3500 but not tzcredine 35.000; and l+ per month gyn. eny rcmaind,r o; such unpaid balartce.
<br />Untrl the payment Fn full of the promisssry no*.e evidenemg this loan, according to the terms thereat, rite 4lnrtgagors nrxhy COVENANT AND
<br />AGREE: {i? To pay all taxes arul assessments on the premises described herein to whomsrxver Iericd and assessed: t''_I Ta krtp the buildings
<br />~ impra+eTr. sits situated theteos insured agains! fur and other hazards in sudt amount anti with such insurance carrier ss shall be acceptaL+le
<br />W Else Mortgagee; t3} To tttaititain the premises substantfat3y in as gaud corxiiiiun -a+d repair as t:.rp axe on the daL- hen_•a?. aad neither to
<br />ts,IDniir oar to snffu any strip or waste thereof; and, t43 to rnmntit rro breai, t of any cnvcrunt herein rontair+ed.
<br />I'R7VJDED NEVFRTHt1£SS,thst it Mo,-[gagers shat! well and ua3y pati the said loan unto the said Nnrtgagce, a.. arding to its aCommentioned
<br />terms as evidenced by said promissory nose, std shall well and truly perform all ui the- terms and cumJitions oC this moxt~age, then [his mnrt-
<br />pge togethu with the said promissory Hole, shall cease and be void, othttwise to n~main in iuR Core and effect. IC tF.e esrnt oC default as dts-
<br />cri?xd above, then and fram thertce(oRh the Murt~rger. its wcsssozs or assigns, may maintain an srnan at lac ar equity to recover tht unpaid
<br />principal balance of said loan plus soy ac rued unpaid charge:.
<br />!f Doty one martgagot be a parry to ibis instrarneni, all ptura! cords herein relerrine to Mortgaean shrill i.e sunstr ed in the singular.
<br />Lti WITNESS W}{EREOF, tfte said Mortgagors have hereunto a*. [brit hands and seals on the dale atx,+~ written.
<br />Signed,sealed anti delivered by Muncarr~rs
<br />isi :ht~resa~zr'~~ j~ ,~
<br />`~St4~J~~~-~~c~+C ~~ ~ IsEaLI
<br />r
<br />K't?twss ~ H. Lang i "tar Tvpr iforpiagorl
<br />1
<br />t 1J r l 1~ .:z<<-r ~ iSEAL!
<br />I~~ ? ,
<br />- KrM:w's Car01 J. Za/l~ t.f ~'lyrm: cr Tvpr .NwTgrtrcr±
<br />i ss
<br />C4ilN7Y OF .,Lttffi...__.._.__.1
<br />On tltis ..~.>h~3--_, dxy of ._.....~ilII@.__-_.____-_.._.~..., 19 ..Z.g.~.lxEort me, W..~.le~..A t~BBahT-_ ......................................... a
<br />Notary Fabric, t9~Y apprnattd and gtuli5ed for aad tzsdieig in said rounty, personally appeared .. T~~~ R _ -~$Yr__....._...._._......._
<br />aed ~..,;. '~1,{~.~..1LU.~._.-_.-_..___., his wife, io Ire tno`'n to be the idtnti~l perwns described in and alto exewted the within
<br />tRORgage. and QltY aeveraHY arYaovlt~ed The same to he their vditntary act and deed.
<br />IH WTTNFSS WHEAt£4F, i taaae betetmta set mY haad atM otRciai seal at _ i,rrnr>• r>_.SIB//}l//T~T681C8__ ........................_..........._................
<br />' io stdd owmty. tha day and ytat last above trriitw. ~~%` 'W
<br />t ~ ~ Notary Public in and for said County
<br />xr&um~ype Arrant ofJVoray Qesley A. Baehr
<br />- Sty frnnmkoon Expires ~i~ - ~yaefw
<br />V:ESi_EY A: EAEHR
<br />t'"`-`~~~'~' Fig *:cmn. F,n. ;u!y ?.?, 19Efi
<br />l3or 4NE38, Ed..~n. '78
<br />