<br />79- UU4341
<br />THFSatoxicwcE,madrtl:ix......25th........day+,(....Tune ............................1v..79.._bv ............ ... ..................._._..............
<br />Stevan s, Slnitheram and Fatti J. Snitheram husband anil~'wife
<br />Grand Island . _ ............................................................... .
<br />aF ._._......_....._ ............................_........... County of .._ xall„_._...._............._.......................... and State of Nebraska. hrrzafter refzrzed to
<br />n
<br />as "MoRgtgors." sod BENEFICIAL PlNANCP. CO. Ol~ NEHR:1 '6A, s rp ration ganizai and e~i~ ~ drr the Uwf oC the 5rvc of
<br />a o or t)I•
<br />Nebraska and having an ofPtce and plan of t+usinrsz at _-.-......... ~ 3$ ~ $treet,AtirOra,ne,~ tS1tf
<br />...................... ...........................................................................................
<br />hensfter retcrred to as °Martgagre"
<br />WITNESSETH That the Riart_~tena, in order to x,.~urc the ,,^c.:~ent o(a crttain pn,miswn• non of zren dare hetrwirt in the Amount o(No r
<br />of 5 ................!.._.._.._...........
<br />1+3$© ~d . , receipt n( the pro:zrds tlrrrrof being hereby azknnu~lydcrd, hrtrby morteaer to the 4kutgagce the (olio+' mg
<br />skxrbed real rsiate situatetil in thr Cemth of .......... x811 ......... Star <, 'irt+rvska, m+rre '- iari ~ dex'ribzd a+ Yollows:
<br />.-......_.-..... parh:u ~
<br />Lot Five (3), Block Sight (8), Dill E xustons Addition to the City of Grand island,
<br />Nebraska
<br />SUi37ECT 'Ib:
<br />togrtlser with aH the trtxments, hereu't*.ailmts and appurtenants :s~ the samr br3oreme, sod III tnr rst str. tiilr dou rr ri.ht a,f hemrstead.
<br />claims end drmsn3s r-hstwrver rf thr mntteagars a(, in ++r to ,a:d rr.:rn.rx nr ani put thrrro'.
<br />TU IIA\'E AND TU }iULD ifie atn,rr drs:ri?r,' prrmisrs, u~tth a?7 ~hr prtvikeges and appin trnar::YS t:• ±hr vid \itcrt,';.:re, tta su: aa'zcors arW
<br />asxtaaez- framer:
<br />A\D tax 1l++rtgagor. do CU\'ENANT r-ith the said bongater, its suettssors and 3; enx, chat they arc law+.utlx- srued in err ;,f thr premxsrs;
<br />rhai said prrmi;rs s2 ftre of aH rnrumbranac>. e~xpt ss afosezaid; that they have ~i ,d right to ali acrd .c,mzy the vmr _, ,,.xzefxd; and that
<br />thr>, nerd i9 sr hr¢z siu;! and wiH Gala-arc N _gRRA\; Ati. i) pE EEtiD !hr vox to the mid \f.,rtaere. it. ,u-. cr,~.,r. .rn.i i..~n, t„mart. .agam,t
<br />t!r zaaTU3 Claims aad dmrtndz of aH persons.
<br />7hr a•Srxrod mcmth_# Tarr aC :_harge en the aforzxisd pn,mns.rn notz rs "r? per xon.7 on chat na:t a~ :he unpsrd prtn_rx•sl haianY nc•t in rx-
<br />~ of S;aRi; ?-^-. per mrnih tsn that part .,i tfir unp.ard prm :pat batanrr in cueis of S3lli~ 2`u+ n.,* ra;:•~~~!<n jStMa. i=_-~ per rnenth art that
<br />px^..af rhr snpasd pnacpat fixlaxr x rxxa'vine SS;P+ t*u*, nacr ra:rc~3rne S S,(Hk\; sod S =per month ..- ..... . ..z...._.. , cu;h unpak; tulance.
<br />Llat~ the ~yrntnt in fuH of 8rr prxniszory~ rfaztc rxidrn.irtg this ksaa, a:.~ordine to the terms Cheer.+f. th; Y;,~rtg.,~:.--- , - i O\'EN?17 AND
<br />AG3CEF: i3) 7o gn ill :axes aad assezsrsrcros rw ate psr*nisrs drsn'tTscxl herein ta, rhonr s:x arc tr•aed sxl mvrrd, t ~t T~ k Yp the buildirtgz
<br />ae8 im}uovcr.+srnu uruatrd tlsrrn-ut insared araiast rtrr arzd otarr asurdc N sorb amo;rn; and with w.tr rnsutxnz :arrxr a, 3a1i R a.:zptatsiz
<br />to the liar>~ear: i3} Te tsaistarn Ux ptrm„srz su#>srantrar} m as asa~c9 a:snditi;~n and t_?au ax :?te. n;a .,n der Sate beer,+(, acrd nritlrcr to
<br />rnfamh mru to sidler m3' strip or r~astr Urrmf; and, tii to : nrtmit rri+ breach ai any avarnant hetrct :.,ntatncl.
<br />~~Erffit=•f3 !dEY£RTEIft£i,th5t & ivl~: rr~Ga tY 5h3:i nfr 3t4~'.^3tl i11' the 53Mj h'-at3 1ti`- L!:c't3~ ~il:3Cai~~. 3_ +tti-U I'V r.e 3t, ataUt.?nn1R>rffd
<br />macs as emidusa~(S ~• ~! pmmicx+n ntstr, and slraii re`s' ofd t; rrh~ pr*.fcv-n: -xll :,~ the :rotes and :and^.a,ns .,f ?hrs mavtvaga•., tlsen this mort-
<br />1~ lo¢rther frttlt tar raid pttanssw rv Ware, shsH xati- and !>;• void. ,+thrrx3se :o trmaia to iuil force s+rd rftret. If the event of drlau~t as drs-
<br />cn~hed aE«~ae. then and from ihrn+etarth itr M:+r:rafrr, tiz w:ax as,vs a,t azs~n,. mxi matn?a!a an xrrµa at lau ,.r a;uity t.= rrcacee the unpaid
<br />grlncigal halaarz n; said lean plus an}~ s:avrd urpatid i}:argrs.
<br />Lf a+dy~ ace mcrrigagar tx a parry m this sastrtunznt. all ptura5 w,;da nrrrm retirrstL t., \!-.,st.a.a,n. malt t,a- r;.n.tr ue.l ui the sm,:ular.
<br />Qi R'35ZriE~SS O'E1ERfflE, the mi:! hiarieagots hire rrrrunA. vet thrs' hands arrr< uul; ..n the dax at>t:ar w
<br />d.+raleei aid at3itarx-d L+a~ Morganors
<br />It~f IYtT
<br />` ~1 ~
<br />ltSr~rxs
<br />'tl 'a -a
<br />,~~'*.+ GT1 ~vt..L~d1.0~7ti tSE aL1
<br />Steven S . Smithesaet rYn,tr ;,, r,.y„, va; x:sra.;
<br />`~r~''~
<br />Tr~if~,,,.-, tSt.Ail
<br />Ott ~,. ID~ 2r31a .z}y(rr ar Tv~ 1;orrBCe~i
<br />~~~~ ~~; t ACKNONLEDG!1iENT
<br />t :~
<br />txxa~rrs of .~_...~.~J
<br />[7rfl ®s _..i}~.-. fag n5--...~#iG.~_~.___._~___... 7 J.~tt.._. bcfor: mc. _..~..........______.~.,._-...__.._.~-__~_._...,__...... a
<br />Aintaar 4Lhiir4 adr ap~toistefa,w~a 9+~i~d tart trm is s~ ment> . Perstrna~ ~tpcsca .. Steven &, Smi theran._..._._._
<br />i~d •..-~ir.~...ef.t_.~+~._.___.__, his ~$e., to ~r kan,Ftt to bs the idn~rVCSi pe!sons desrriL+ed in a~ fia :xecutrd We x•ithan
<br />>, a@ peg' mseea#Y tdtnoySeAStd i6e saaor m be t~ swtuntttay >urt cad ihxd~ _
<br />/ t ,per ~/
<br />~rl Vfi1'!!~5 III', S hoc hotasmBp an tay hamt and offacial tsa+ at _.._.~.S.e.~ ~.~.L-~.J_._r~ ._...~...C ~~`~ ~'~.,/~II-`XfJ1fL _ 1
<br />~ t~ c,~ ~'~ y~ Iaat alas wsttm. ,~ ~77~• 1)t TAV
<br />Noiar}' Pnbiir in and for said County
<br />- Pratt a lj~pr?Vgmnt~a{, Xa3~r Psr3vx
<br />#p Coat®i~m Ex.~" cs _7~~'s~e~,-.__ , 19 c~ ~ ,~ CAFLi R4SARY= Shat ei ~tfsif
<br />tt~ Yy fnmm. fr~p. SWi' "-1' a Lti81.
<br />Ew tNE-3S, Ed. Jyr. 78
<br />