<br />__
<br />That the Mortgagor will pay the indebtedness as hereinbe£ore provided'
<br />r That the Mortgagor is the Awner of said property in frc simple and has god right and lawful authoritc to Belt and
<br />enm•ey the same and that the same is free and clear of any IEen or rrx•umhrancs•; and that Mnrtragor will warrant and defend the
<br />title to said premises against the claims of a!I persons whomsoecrr.
<br />T~ Pay ittrmediately when clue and payable xll general lases; sirecial taxes, special a:.sesvmenf~. ++ater charges, sewer serv-
<br />irr ohsrgrs. sod other fazes anc? chargs agair.-t .aid p ....: all faxes levied en 1!+e drht. .,=cured hereby, and to furnish the
<br />Mortgagee. ulxtn request, with ihr cxig9nal or duPlicatof receipts Ilm-n~,''or The Uortgagnr agrees- that Rtert~ ,hall he addcA in
<br />Pseh monihly payment required h:=n°wtder nr under the .-, ..+n+e• ..,f debt s-=cured h~rrb}- an amount o<tirnated h.- the Mortgagee=
<br />to !,r -audiciant to enah)e the biottgagee to pxy, as thec ! e<ti,mo due, all Laxes, a;:cessments, find ~imihtr rharg.-s u~a the prem-
<br />~s suhtcrt thereto: an}- defirienr) lv=cause of the insof;;cirm:c ,,, such rdditionai pavmentc .hall F-<• Ferih~.+~ith depcnited by the
<br />\i;>rtga€;or +.ith th.- 'ytortga€e.> ngnn demand h; the .'.fort t;:ems :,> Anc deiauli u: d:•r this paragraph sh.nll h,> <irrmrd a default in
<br />~~rayment of taxes- ascrssmrnts, nr similar charges mqu; r<•d hereunder.
<br />The 1te.rf=,agor agm<s ihn: there snail a . n `,.--~ ad<lyd t. arh monthly payment of nrincipa! and interest required here- :
<br />~.~ under arz amount e--,timate:i he ih,- ~h=rtga€e< .- - -.-.,:<•? t<, , nabie t}te 9tnrtgag -. . , ps- , .. it became, due. the insurance
<br />y~pirm:um on arc insurauce P<lic. ,ie!n ervd c, .n, .1= ., -n z .4ni -. 5 ~~ - _, .4 t .:f1S.- - :,f .,. addit;:,na1 pa.
<br />mcnt-, shwa he G,r±t:wtth ue{-, -, t+= t .- Vc, s ~ r ai, ,..< .+a>rtn ~ _ {><,r t n,anS h+ the `.i., rt,a,-re 0.rc default under thic -
<br />parggranh snsll .,e des.^.:rri a 'rfa;d: ~v=e ., .., of L.>ur;n. prrmiutrs. It tl:e fro. :<~.. drpe <ite<I suet; as hn,mc.
<br />owner> c: a}i .:sw }x,L: ie..: ., .:<, '.t -, .: ... ,.< .- + .t: nt i,--, ,.,. th,>r\iortga;.<< :na•• :,pp1 Pee dalx>, ,o
<br />~ psy premium. nn nsks r,uired t„ %w .n.., r<~<? 5c tit;t. m,,, , ,
<br />Pac:r?rnL made 1>+- r,,~ A;:rcgsgor Winder ih- a, rag;aphs ma>-- st the- „peon n£ t1r \1,.rtgagra. bc• h,>k! b_. :t an:!
<br />5mmiar.~ti3 ..a o-_h.z -... _.-,.. ,a_ ..., ..x th .,tent <:f arh itri,-~ :,n. ,, ;tll -,n at^,~G<-1. ~u:h pay~meni-, ar = i.r r; br
<br />pt«i~ri _, se.-uru> to: th,- ;a:`". ._+. +..,< cf ih:- ..., _, .n,,.~F tadnr:.<
<br />.- - - .,. r, .tr t u
<br />renewai.~'hr. <-<f. .<.. < ., ... .<.t., ... - .., . ... i a t ..., , ,. m.. :a t,a~... and ,-thee : rahl<~
<br />lwzards, +-asi;a3ties, and .~:tti =girt _<-s az th,• `,i,~rfra€r _• n _ -ryuire. in :m umoa:tt equal'tc. tha~incleh t.-dose. .scared b}~ this
<br />A`c'eigat;r Ord to .mral•a ...- :<. r. t .:< -., •',.. \: ;..¢<~: ~~. ;, :._ { -tea .-~ rl:r.. ~n .. . { a, •i i. 1~ r{aahL> ro . „ 1Autg,a-
<br />gee- In the event any t ,• .. .<..< . . ... .- ... a.- -, .. ;h,~ \f r _ - - mac rr:•.v -ranee n~t the
<br />imprrn~e-menu, pa: :.,r t. - ... ...... ..... ... .... .». _. .. .::at ...., }et.te ~.ith i.,.. <.t at th;~ rat, 4~t
<br />ti <
<br />£o. 2.t t., sate.::r-: :. :'. .-. ..., t.: -. .. ,. ,.~a . '..~ 'c: .. .:,a_< , a~...r• :,rt t r ,,a r. rf tF,> \icrt~a , .< ... r,: - . u. r ru.nls
<br />ae are herein rgw:ed .: is i_ ~ .. .. .... : .... ..< .hal'• ar *},: :._ \i tt,aeee. cute , ~;>tault
<br />- ....de: t'~x tv-x-- f ..,.> _< .,r .. _ t .-. ,t ;.., .n , +en, :;i ~.r:ow,. ... ,. ,. ,:.<> an -3~ , m«... ,.. thr un-
<br />eamrd premium.
<br />~-;, -~_., t ~ - \t .. ,. :.~.... - r {am:a -.. -';'t ~t n;ac `,<- mtain~a t,c ifie \t: meager
<br />,~- as.
<br />and appl+rd ~a.-s ..,. ,=a acne ,. . to <m ,_,:.. ._ ...< <pti:r -- ,._, \}; rezagc-r ...', ;..:,.. ,,.._ ~.t h,die ..r in
<br />;w_. y br ,aud <,- t- -Se M••r _ .' ~ e. .- ~.-h 1 _?in.= , r t --.,. ~- ., burFet n t? <~_. , .are t ,, r anc
<br />of--~- .trlwc,r t. w~}tt't -. :,. - .. .h< . , •t~;.>v ,- _. ..,.. _ .. < ..r . , a 14 ..-rt_a~, r h. :.t. .., r ..<.. ,. .... rr
<br />bs 'xiare such payment ru r ask Plan
<br />To pnnr:pth' arpair. .e•t, n• .. r~hwd .,.:}d;ng- .. -repro:rms.^. i.; rto•+ , : her. a.t<~r on :he ..... k.huh ^ e is=-
<br />comr <L:msged ,x destrv}.rd .< - sa Sd fvr:ns.> ,. - ~. ,,.n,l:Gon and r ~;,atr ao,ils>r fr~-r. a..^.c r..echanic _. lien or ;rthertirrr. or
<br />r3im „f tee- ;Nit eipre~l+ .ut::,; d.,.-,jte-d t,, 'he 1: } ~ ~.,. .,,., ,,.. _,. .r^,it a:: ~. u;t-au ia! u.< , an. nuicanr to rxt>t :,n
<br />- t., - .. .r. _
<br />+
<br />sa:,d pr~,rrtc nor to ;.rrm;t wash an .a,. .. - ., ,- - - •.t.-,- ., x ,r < . ti, -bc n,.. -e, rd shalt tx>cnme
<br />less vat-~lr- arc m dimtnah ..:.:.r a:.:.. a:.. - 3r;g -'<. ,:.,...-~ as - :- . , -`, :~-- .,,. r-._-~. me. .....; ;:n. u-sth r<•aprri =
<br />to the mortgaged psemi-:rs an.~ the ux ....r, .
<br />Thst s-`mould the peen-.i..rm s. _ -,art 2S:rr<.i ;,c iak< :.:r :am agr~.+ } ,-. ,.n ,: - !:-~,.. .mrr:=.rment or :ondemnatian
<br />procxx*ding.::r under ihr right c+.` rmsnen; tiamain- .•r ;n ar} ::thee marnrr. the Ai.-rt.a€.e-,~,!:a!!^}rt- rntit!ert ir, all cumtx•nsaitnns,
<br />at.~a3di a*td any- aitx-r payment <.:- z;-ltef t}t..rvs_ r. an:: sha!i hr enfitlr-? ;t it, , t;t,n tc, r.~.mmra.+. a} j-+rar in noel prtu ~vfr in ifs
<br />ar-.~ r~r..r ' _, s.,. s: e ..e~ {. _:. ... - _ ~ - a-n..-; -- _ .,•. .rt.lr rnr ., _. -,n-vt•, .. tt:^. >u.h ts}:ter; of :;3maee- alt su.-h
<br />txartprataaLiar aw-ards. datnag..-c. ngh`..~t[•actan neat nnx~tcf> arc herPh.~ a>+tt;asrti ::, t?re '.:,,rt€at;rr uhc, may, of/er deducting
<br />thercftwz all its ezprnsrs. release an }' manrys s„ recr:.'r<i i,x tt :,: at.p!. th.- :aT.<~ „r. any an<Ie Me;lnrs~ sravred heret+y. The Mnrt-
<br />g7~pr egrets to rxteute xu.h furt.'rrrr awgnmert> .:f an: r., z.e n,:27,•m a ,..-- ~.a - ~ - urni n;aa. n9 acti.•n and presrrsds as the
<br />47 irtgaget may tequirr
<br />Thai m tas.• tvt fs:iurr t.. l.rri _.rm ar:} .,: ih.-.-.,.grant. hrrr;n tit.• SS:..rt€a;rr msy ;3.:..,r, , ,+~ i3,:ttgaer,r': Ivhal£ e.en thing
<br />so ro+rrsanirri- that the A4,e^.gaf,f,r rr.sv nix, ,?:. as:} act :.. ,r. n. .;<•,ra. i;+ f. ,:.... .-,_ ... -. r. t,e:<-:,I tP,at th.- \S :>rtgagor uitl ~
<br />repay upon demand an}• mt:nei-s ;raid ar d+s!+ssrcc=d by tt,rn'11, .-t€3grr for any ,.` th;ryn...r F+u and wrh mr,nry tagettier uich ~.Y"
<br />iateter4 tlxsec~r at tier rate pre. ^dr3 rn said n='rir -:haiF tu-t~~.:,mr .. much aj:s,t:+,ra3 ,n:3.-ht,K'.s,rc. hrrr?+, ,.--- ur.>±t and may he i - ~`
<br />ciraded in any' decree forwciriag t?hss *.r,:=:tgay,r and t,e paid -ru. •.•! the rent- : r {=r, <-*t: cat . atF ;d aatri r,rrmrsY. tf r.<.i .rthe n.-ise t,,,, -
<br />paid; ct•at et akail not ix ubtigator- .. :, .. e 11<->rtt,aR'e to enquire tr.t:: the +alt,ttE. a,! sn. itrn =, c;,mhrxsx=rs, or claim in ad- ~-
<br />vasrjeg tatmr#•a as ahwr authorirxii. lent nethirrg Irereirx rcntar,s~ shall br cvtatrued as rcqutnng the Mortgagee ko advatx~ any
<br />moneys LM any wdt purptrae rise to do ary act hereunder; sad lire at ?.tortgax c-e shah n:•t :near nn y trrwnal hafidity~ t.ecau+e •~i any--
<br />this; it map do or emit to do t+rtaetrhirt
<br />n tlae a.=ent ;>f thx detault by `.i:.rigag:,r i-^. t3z--y ,er:t of env. tnstall:*.•~nt. s= required hy- the ~•~tr stxured hereby. or
<br />an t}se perfarxnance ~ {tom utiigatr::n in Lhas ^a.,-igats- .,r i,^, th-~nc-ir rsr-,trc-d theri-ht~. thr~\iortgagee chat! hc- ;-nt, t?rrt i„ declare the -
<br />dsd# ae~isrrj ~rr3t} doe and pa~ahie *. ithuat r,.s,xare- a.::rl the Ais+r±cagre s.xail Fx entitled at tis cotinn. ,.-itttnut n ,ise. either by itself
<br />to 'by a receierr to ire appaanfrd tvr the t'sattri t!-,rreof, acrd uithcvk regard` to the ad query cf any aecursty i<,r the indebtedness +t-
<br />care$ hereby, to t.`nfer opens asd take ps~r~sir. ; ei{ Thx rantigagrd Premises, acrd to. eeilt-iY and receive the rents. issues and prnfiis
<br />tlxreed, and apple the »nr, hse cwt±4 of operation arn't e•ollert.ian. upon the indr°tges'fns-as sa~•u red by this mer[gagr: said rents.
<br />lessen and prafita brirq heresy astiFne•A 4o t3se M„r4tagar a: icrther serurit}• for {lic payment of all indebtrdnrss srcun-d hereby.
<br />The Mor•igag+.r sitsaif ha+rr the pex+rr to appoint env agent . r agents tt man desire for the purpose of repairing said prem-
<br />ises; renLrtg ttu tame: t~k+ct>K flu rvaLs, revenues and nnrome- grid it may pay out of said incutrsr all expenses Incurred in rent
<br />rsC srd maaaLisf for same std of v[keting [Ire rentals thrzrirr m. The taiarur remaining, it arty, shat! tx> aPPlied Wward the --
<br />tliacharer of the msxigagr isdaN.etirreas This aacigtrmrnt u is trrmittate and become null and -+cid upon release ut this mortgage.
<br />L
<br />