21. Future Advances. Upon request. of Borrower, Lender, at Lender's option, prior to release of this
<br />Mortgage, may make Future Advances to Borrower. Such Future Advances, with interest thereon, shall
<br />be secured by this Mortgage when evidenced by promicson no'~es stating that said notes are secured hereby
<br />except that the interest rate on the entire unpaid balance and the term of the original loan, to the extent
<br />permitted by law, may be adjusted as the parties hereto may agree. At no time shall the principal amount
<br />of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage, not including sums advanced in accordance herewith to pro-
<br />tect the security of this Mortgage, exceed the original amount of the Note plus US 5.......Z-,.70Q,00.,--._.
<br />PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that prepsyments cf principal, as provided for in paragraph 22 that follows are
<br />returned to Borrower er are made absolute non-withdrawable principal prepayments prior to advancing
<br />sums as permitted within ibis paragraph.
<br />22. Savings Fund. Borrower may make prepayments of prncipai on any installment due date or
<br />immediately preceding said date to be effective on the due date foP.owmg and prepayment shall be applied
<br />to installments last to become due under this mortgage. Upon request of the undersigned or either of
<br />them, provided a default doe, not exist and they or one of them are the owners of the mortgaged property,
<br />the Lender agrees to furnish to the undersigned or either of them One Hundred (100) percent of such prin-
<br />cipal preps}vents and shall pay said amount requested by either party to the party making such request
<br />for said principal prepaymetnts, unless advancement is prohibited by the regulations of chartering and super-
<br />visory authorities then in effect or unless one of the undersigned has requested, in writing, that said funds
<br />not lie disbursed, in which case it wilt require both signatures of the undersigned before a disbursement
<br />can be made or until otherwise ad~~sed in writing by the party making the request fur nondisbutsement
<br />of said funds. All such advancements shall be secured by this mortgage in the same manner and effect as
<br />if no prepayments had been made.
<br />23. Release. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Mortgage, Lende~shal~ 6ljscharge this ~
<br />Mortgage, udthout chazge to Borrower. Borrower shall pay all costs Df ret'ordatioft°if ~}_' V m'
<br />i s= . --t z =~ d ~ ~
<br />r,• -1 ~ N ~, ifl ~ flI
<br />p ~ 3
<br />} s a to
<br />to is--. ~.~ ~
<br />N
<br />Iv W11''y-E~ R'Hr•:stEOF, the Borrower has executed this \iortgage.
<br />-- .
<br />~fictlae C. Cox ~Q~' er
<br />Ann E. Cox -Borrower
<br />Property Addrrss . -_- IR9.3_>i~st-.ok.I.ahoma.>_Grattd. zs.land,--~iehxaska.. 68BQI... _ ..----...- _._..-------
<br />$TeTE ~ Nleav x.c _. ---------_.---- Hall ..............Counh ss:
<br />-- -
<br />On th .... ~... --- _ da}• of .--. --- -. - - 19. ~.g -, before me, the underigned, a lv'otsry
<br />- --
<br />Public in and for said County, personal]_ cam .-...Pli.chael._C. ,.. Ccx- and.,~nn..E,_--Cox, husband-sad
<br />~ 1¢ife... ._ -- __ -.. __ _ _ ---- ---_._ -...
<br />pe_~nall}- known to me tr. be the identical per~ans whose r_ames are alhxed to the above and foregoing
<br />~ instrument, as mortgagors. and each acknowledged said instrument to be his or her voluntaay acr and deed.
<br />~ Witness m hand and notarial sea] ai . .~;and.-Islan~,_ Nebraska -the date Iasi above written.
<br />~ tirs~+~
<br />-~! ~iy Commission espires: ~•'~& ..;01-cs~ - ~ ~'~-~ --.._.....-.
<br />~ CO~~ t~.sfM Notan~ Public
<br />- ... co~~'a°'
<br />STATE OF ---------- . __ - - -.- .?
<br />;S.
<br />t'~OUrtt~ ___...__....... _. _.-_. ____-_-_ .. -....
<br />Entered on n-,tmericai index and tiled for record in the Reg ter of Deeds Office of said County the
<br />..... - -- - day of - -- - - --- - - . 19 .-- = at .. o'clock and _ .. - .minutes -...-- .?~i.,
<br />and recorded in Fool:.-------------__.-.--- of Mortgages at page .-----_..-_..__._, as Instrument tip. _._...._.__--...
<br />Reg. of Deeds
<br />By - ...-- -..-.. - --- ~- .......__......_ . _ Deput}.
<br />When r~ecrorded to be returned to the
<br />Street AdQ+OL YDNIe` TdOress Phone
<br />,,"_, 235 ffo. Canner 13Wd., Lincoln. P.O. Box 5264. LSncotn, Ne. 68505 475-0521
<br />© 2ffi7 So. 42nd St, f3maha P.O. Box 6273, Omaha, Ne. 68766 554-~
<br />^ 1811 Wes! 2nd St., Greed tshrM 1811 Mrest 2nd st., Grend Island, Ne. 68801 384.4433
<br />Q -~..----._--- -- - --- - -
<br />