~ 79-°'©~4~702
<br />i
<br />- 2113Ya-RELEASE OF MORTGAGE-Coryorafioa Toe x n r<.~,-.,i to„+,n~r n,,,,c,,, L„~~!,,, t,ebr. i
<br />___.,.. 1- -__-..._ ._.._..__. _...... _---
<br />t 1 ~_' _..._. _- _..-__.. ____. ....__. __~.._._
<br />IN CONSIDLR.4TIO.V of the pag~ment of the debt na»+ed therein, the FIRST NATIONAL BANK CF
<br />1 GRAND ISLAND, GRAND IST.AND, .7EBRASKA kereby releases tke rttartaayn made to '
<br />by Jim D. Narber and Donna R. Narber and
<br />Rex E. Carpenter and Jonadyne A, Carpenter
<br />on !k¢ follouang descrdbzd read estate, to-uaF:
<br />A tract 9f lead in•the N'~'bf th 'N4AE of Section 10, T-11-N, R-10-W of the 6th P.M.,
<br />in Haii County, Nebraska, more.~¢eurately described as follows: Commencing at the
<br />NW corner of said Section•I,O,;thence in an easterly direction along the north line
<br />of said Section 10, a distancb oE..1981.11 ft. to the point of beginning, thence in
<br />a southerly direction parallel to the west line of said Section 10, a distance of
<br />1327,21 ft. to a point on the East/West 1116 line to the NWZ, thence in an easterly
<br />direction along said East/West 1/1.6 Line, a distance of 656,24 feet to a point on
<br />` the east line of said N;J'~ of Section 10, thence in a northerly direction along said
<br />east line of the NW's a distance of 1329.83 ft. to the N''-t corner of said Section 10,
<br />thence in a westerly direction along the Werth line of said Section 10, a distance
<br />of 654.24 ft. to the point of beginning and containing 20.06 acres more or less
<br />which includes 0.50 acres of county road right-of-way.
<br />,. ,
<br />of Sertian ex Taznnsbdp Rangz a; the P. 37-, Hall
<br />~: County, State of Nebraska .uhi:'h is rtrordcd in Book f Rrod Estate ~iortyages, page ,
<br />of the records of said C o+txt}•. Document No. 79-002995
<br />Ii' TEST/3f0.1'}' ;i'AF_ RrOF, the said THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GRAND ISL_AND,NEB has caused
<br />lhzse presenfs to be executed ~t'~•F}G~sYdrx~'k~n~ tfs Corporate Sead to be atfised hzrato this 2nd
<br />". day of July ,x979 rt11'. rtxsr Natlu'riAI. t5.41VK Vt' GiCAl~tll 1JLti1VlJ
<br />Witness: GRAND ISLt1~]yDf~AEB~iASK~` ;-~ Executive
<br />---.... _..- . -... -. __ _ _ - - -. - ..-..._. Sy-... _ _k' x r _Z,~ . t . C'~ ~ ~:~r, d President
<br />,
<br />,
<br />,
<br />~ _ -- -----.-... _ - _ _ -... _..... _..._ - - -..-..ditzst -- _..--_._....... ~ - - '<_ * - ~ Cashizr, Sztrefary
<br />ST.1TE OF .--.._*TESAASKA--.---.--._........--------...--------~ r th' 2nd d~ ~ t ,7 1 q~Q
<br />1 ~-------- ~-- -- 5:-
<br />f ~ ~}°x~'~C'~
<br />Naxza'~,'
<br />to a pfr
<br />at g~-s¢i
<br />i of r~ratsan. $p •e
<br />S~'''AY.~ l~•
<br />tasf a ~gRp'
<br />4 Mj, EDntTn s-_..
<br />_- -- ---- --.---Cauntl. ) before toe, titi undersigrzd, a 3'otar~~ Public in and for said
<br />--_-.--.--R._KEITH--JOBES.,-....-_------._-------..-°-.-.-.Executive--Vice-.-. President of the i
<br />_G£~3&'V'A ~Si.AttP,._GitAtQA -151..9~CD, I3EARASKA_... c Carperation
<br />ec ive zt ce
<br />tQ e lra rcrdrn> and d,•rtieal person ukase naru+ a ajTi_rrd , ~ i:; ;'•.,;•e release and
<br />3T llar.ot to br kis ~otnnfary act and deed as sudt o_airer, and ti:a zvtenaary ae't and deed i
<br /><
<br />. "atmia2 S<al ~._G;ana Island Y "raska - eo Counti thz dot! and year ;
<br />Aes:etuber - 3t?.., , q 80. , ~i~-~.'~'v ,~ f~ ~ " ~,"'"'""} ... \'atary Public
<br />
<br />
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