79°;U 0 ~ x'10
<br />" i 203 ~/s-RELEASE ~6f' MORTGAGE-CorpoxsRion Tt+9 zi~~rrn~u~ uo~..a~ v„I,r,tS :,,,,. z. r.,,,~„~~, vetr.
<br />~ IN CONSIDE•R.4TI(7N of tLze fiayment of tLze debt named therein, the F1RST NATIONAL BANK OF
<br />GRAND ISLAND, GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA lsereb_y relz;ases Hie mortgage :nrde tv '
<br />~ by JIM D. NARBER and DON11A R. NARBER, husband
<br />and wife, and REX D. CARPENTER and JCNADYNE A. CARPENTER, husband and wife,
<br />{ on !ke fotloacring described real estate, to-zvit:
<br />A tract pf land in•the N"-~'af th PNW'~ of Section 10, T-il-N, ft-10-W of the 6th P.M.,
<br />in Ha11 County, Nebraska, more.~,Feurately described as €ollows: Commencing at the
<br />NW corner of said Section•I,O,;thence in an easterly direction along the north line
<br />of said Section 10, a dtstancti df••1981.11 ft, to the point of beginning, thence in
<br />a southerly direction parallel to the west line of said Section 10, a distance of
<br />1327.21 ft. to a point on the East/West 1/16 line to the NWT, thence in an easterly
<br />direction along said East/tJest 7./16 Line, a distance of 655.24 feet to a point on
<br />`the east line of said i~Rd~ of Section 10, thence in a northerly direction along said
<br />east tine. of the NWti a distance of 1329.83 ft. to the N~ corner of said Section 10,
<br />thence in a westerly direction along the north line of said Section 10, a distance
<br />of 659.29 ft. to the point of beginning and containing 20. Q6 acres more or less
<br />t~hich includes 0.50 acres of county road right-of-way.
<br />r
<br />of Section %n Tou+csfrip .Ran-qc of the { u P. dl., HALL
<br />i County, State °f NEBRASKA which is recorded ~oe°ument No, ~8-_O~t~'~ate iliartgages, y°ge
<br />_ ' of the records of said Caunty.
<br />IA' TESTILiON}' FJ'H~F.jjj~F_OF„the ~,5'~~11}.~d,+}THE FIRSTNATIONAL BANK OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBR.has caused
<br />- ~x t~vP VIeP_ -
<br />tkese p+resents to be axecutad v'y~s7~~esid"ent a+ed +ts { ~rrv:ste Jest to be axed Ltereto this 2nd 'y
<br />!day of 3uly rg 79 THE FIRST ONAL ANK OF GRAND ISLAND
<br />i 11<'itness. GAANA -IS1;,A~~'-d~~,~ . .
<br />..... .... -- - -- . _ ._ ...--...._ Ey_:.. .~`.. _ _ {'-.~. ~ ~ .. e'~•'9Xi~_Pxessdent
<br />~-
<br />- - --- --- ----- - -- - - - .....- - - --- -- - - - -fittest - - _---- __._..... - ....-... - ~._., Cashier, Secretary
<br />ST.~TE OF __l~B.~S.KA- --- ...- - - - --- -- --- - - ~
<br />i }ss. Un this 2ND ..__dvv vf.-...._._July._- - °---... r9.~9...- f
<br />L _.__County j before me, the undersigned, a 3otary Publu in and fnr said
<br />[o p •~l .------- --------g___KEiTASOHES,_.EXECIITiILE VLCE-- -. ... i'reside+zt of the
<br />i -.i~S gANIC_9E_.[.xANn---TSi.ANDS--.GRAPIIl_ISLALID~_.NEBBASRA_. _ __..- - a Ccrp°rativn
<br />pe:ypyp~y ~nbsc~n o bi~~~2Y~t~xt~-raitd idcnticet person zvbose name i; alnxsd .v 'Jro i~.,•e releasa and i
<br />S9~Ncsfr• n therevf to be his voluntary att and deed as such o~a~r, and bSr 2ohenury act and deed
<br />C '~tzn..
<br />} - ,gysljydz~ A'vtarial Seat ot. --Grand Island, ,firaska __- said Coz:nt} the day and dear
<br />9fy t as .._.-.-DacembQr--30.,---• rq .I-9-- .- l' ~ ~- ~l1~sc-yr-'.t- ?- - `. Votary Pubtrc ~ :.
<br />- i
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