_ _ -, _
<br />_. .~
<br />il~Iilir, _ _ - _ -- - - _ --:~'_
<br />,'~(~ ~ Date June 28, 1D79
<br />~'
<br />u
<br />~f~ This is to eert' that there is endin !n the Counh Court o HALL Count ~ ~'„~
<br />; (~i Fit dTg P 9 J f g.
<br />~~4
<br />ftI[ Nebraska, a proceeding entitled:
<br />I'~ rn? mH~ I~gAmmRR OF THE ESTATE CF GESIir'A GRAF, Deceased ~
<br />r - -- - - ---- -- ---- -
<br />ti ~~~~ -- ~~ ~~
<br />~~
<br />~ , 37-35 37 35 ~
<br />No. Doc.- Page.
<br />;~ which is a proceeding ingofuing ~
<br />(prohafe of milt, odminisfrafion of esfale. determination of heirs, ddermination
<br />1 Ii~
<br />-, in which proceeding the following described real ~ ~l
<br />of inlrcritance tar, guardianship, o: conseroa[ership -
<br />t.
<br />estate is ingotced, to-wit:
<br />~.
<br />~ The tlorthviest quarter (rdl9,';) of Section Thirteen (13), Township Nine (9) !~
<br />tdorth, Range Ten (1O ). i.'est of the 6th P.Pi., Hall County, iQebraska.
<br />,t' The Southwest quarter (Slv;,) of Section Thirteen (13), To~•;nship PJine (9)
<br />worth, Range Ten (lO) la'est of the 6th ?.M., Hall County, I~Iebraska.
<br />House and lot located or_ part of Lot Ter. {?0) of the County Subdivision
<br />of apart of the South Ha1i' {S) of Section Five (5), in ToV'nship Nine i
<br />i°) :`worth, mange idine (9), ii'est of the oth ?.Aj., Hall county, Nebraska,
<br />'!,$ _ more particularly described as follo~:s: Commencing at the Pdorthirest '~
<br />corner cf Lot Ten (10), thence in an easterly direction along and upon
<br />the North Line of Lot Ten (l0) a distance ofThree Hundred TtiYenty-one and ';
<br />_ Five Tenths Feet (321.5')to the point of beoinnirg, ~herce southerly, ~'
<br />i : r'
<br />~~-c one Hundred Thirty-two Feet (132') thence easterly One Hundred Eighty
<br />and rive i'enths (180.5') thence northerly Cne-Hundred Thirty-tiro feet
<br />'` {132'), thence westerly Cne Hundred Eighty and Five tenths feet (18C.r') ;, ,'
<br />to the place of beginning, _and part of Lot Eleven (_11 :~f 'he County ~ati~rrt~i;x
<br />Subdivision of a part of the South Half t5-z) o=' Section. .e (5) in TCkn -
<br />ship ?Dine (9) I~ortti, Range :line (°) :Jest of the oth r ~l County,
<br />~, icebraska, *~ore particul any described as fol_o~.rs: ~eT..en~i _, at the
<br />Northeast corner of Lot r'zver, (11), thence '.b'est On_ .?un'red Five .and i~:
<br />= une-half feet {105',x') thence South Fift" Feet t~~ t}:ence East One
<br />'. Hundred Five and One_Half Feet {10~~' ), then~_ '!c_ ..h ... :22.. ~.0') - .
<br />~~ tV
<br />- the place of b~Jinning.
<br />1, _?; -
<br />_ Lot Cne {1), Graf Subdivision in, the Viila,;z of _~r::pha^, Hall
<br />Tdebraska
<br />f.
<br />~i
<br />~~
<br />t ~N4Y cove
<br />~, ~~ ~` Richard L. DeBacs:e-r
<br />~~~[J ~ Counlg Judge of said countg
<br />~ ~7~"~ t
<br />S ~
<br />` ~~` ¢r By jY ,
<br />r, ~'O(~T+{, CI k o he ountg Court
<br />~i~}c, ,: ~ ~ Section 2d-SS9. "In ang psecreding in rte awn7g mart inaolainp (1) the probate of mitts under the praaisioas of Chaptu 31J, arlide
<br />.`,;. ~Ej: y,(y}ItradminiatretiareojrstafuundufheprooisionsojChapfu30,anticle8,(3)lhedduminationoJheiraundutheprooiaionaof
<br />lE 4 azn.30, adide 12, (d} i!¢ ddermination aj inl+erila'ree laz under the prooisions of Chapter i7, artlde 2P, (5) guardianships
<br />yi w preoisioaa of Chaptu 3tt, ariirle 1, 2, 3, or d, or (ti) tonseraa/orshipa under the prooisiona of Chaplu 38. ar[icte 9, where
<br />rmt E,Hak is ang par!_oJ the asses of the estate or procmting, tht countg jadpe before mtmm the prottedinp is pending shat! issue a
<br />"artifade adcii$ shvN bt Jited ariih the registu dseds o the Coats
<br />~ ~ of - J gin which the real estate is located within ten bays alter the
<br />,~
<br />. ~° . duuipdion of the real elate is filed tot the prY^mlirp." ................ .......,......
<br />~~`l "
<br />i
<br />~~! -'
<br />County,
<br />