<br />
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23465
<br />IcvowALt.MENBYTH>sEettFS>;NTS:Tnat Jon P1, Zajicek and Lynn E. Zajicek, each in his and
<br />her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or snore, bt considderation of the arm of
<br />?wenty Thousand Four Hundred and No/100------------------------------------------- ~ttliARs
<br />boned to mid mortgagor by The Equitable Binding artd i.oan Association of Grind Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 204 shares of stork of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certi£uate No. L 23465 , do kreby grant, convey and rtrortgage unto dx said ASS0C7ATION the following
<br />dtssrnTted teal esta'tt, situated in Halt County, Nebraska:
<br />together with alt the tersmeats, hereditamen[s and appuneamces thereunto belong, including attached floor coverings. all window aaeema,
<br />wallow shsda, blinds, storm windows, avvnnrgs, tkatitg, air conditioning, and plumbing and water equipment and arxxswriet thereto. pumps., stoves,
<br />tofrigerators, and other faetrttrs and equipment uow nr trernRer n[tadted to or used ht connection with said real estate.
<br />Aced whereas the seed mortgagor has agreed and saes hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay all hxe: sad ssarsments levied or
<br />asaeaed ups sari premises aml tgroo this mortgage a~ the bond secured stretchy before the sattK slutB became detiaquent; to famish approved
<br />itmeava upon the headings on seta premises situated :n the sum of S 2Q ~ 4QD DO payable to said ASSOCIATION and to daBver [o said
<br />ASSOCIATION the potioes for said insurance; and not to commit or permn stn waste on or about said premises-
<br />la ase of default in Ibe performance of any of the terms and conditions of this mortgage or the bond scared hereby. the mortgagee shag,
<br />0o demurd, be emitted to immediate possession of the rmrtgaged premisrs and ttte mortgagor hereby sss~ns, treaders sad acts over to the
<br />toortgagx all the rents, revenues and income to be derived from the rteortgaged premises during such time as the rtrortgage indsbtedness shag remain
<br />u¢paid; acd the rrtoregagx stall have the power ao appoint my agent or agents it may desire for the purpose aC repsirutg said ptetmses sad tenting
<br />the nine snd colkdmg the rents, revenues a~ inrsmx, and it m.y pay cut of said income sB ezpernes of repairing said promises and pt:amry
<br />and ea'penaes ®cr¢ted m renting and the same and of coBectit{g rrntah therefrom; the balance ff
<br />re,~ my, to be
<br />twad the of said mortgage indebtedness; these rights of the mortgageee my be ezerdsed at my time dur®g the ezutma of sarrh
<br />. irse.+galive of arty temporary waiver of the sarrc_
<br />T'hest present:, Imxver. are upon the Condition, That if the said Mortgagor shag repay said Icon on ru before the mattaity of said share by
<br />pyment; pay m~ihy to std ASSOCIATION of thf sum specdied in the Bond setantd hereby ss ia[aest and ptindpal ~ aid loan, on or before
<br />the Twentieth day of earn and every month, tmL7 mid loan it fully paid; pay all razes amt assessments levied against said premises a~ oa this Matigage
<br />and the Rood secured thereby, before delinqueary; furnish approved itrseuarrte upon the buitdsstga thereon b the sum ~ QO , 400.OD psysble
<br />to Hill !SSOClATION; repay t<: std ASSOCIATION r~ d.-nnaa all taoesey bq it paw far ssclt axes, ass~ats and insurance whir intersai ai
<br />t>w mtzsramn legal na thereon (taro date of payarnt all of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pap; permit no waste oa said pranises; keep and comply
<br />web all the agreements and conditiom of tbs Bond tar s20 , 400. OQ the day given by the ss~ Mortgagor to aid ASS~IATfON, and comply
<br />vriih a8 the regnnessents of the Consiitation and Byt~ws of said ASSOCIATION; thrn these pr®ents shall become Dull end void, otttnw®e thry
<br />titer remain ®fed! fora and may be fotecbxd at the option of the said ASSOCIATION after tenure for three monttn to make atry of aid
<br />paymesta a be three myths b arruurs m matcetg said monthly payments, a to keep and comply with tit agtaments arrd conditions of said Bautd~
<br />roll Mortyagrr agrees to stave a receiver apQaioted forthwith s sru3, foreciosnre proceedings.
<br />If these is any ~ is t>tioaship of the ens estate tmrigage:d herein, by sale er othenviare, then the entvo remaining indeMeaem hereby
<br />aeraaed sha8, at the Dollar of Tho Equitable Bm3dittg and I.osa Assocation of Craad Islmd, Nebramka,hemme iromreriiatety sue and payable without
<br />faihv maiee, and the amount tetoainmg due rmdec said bond, a~ any oi)tee bond for nay additional advancos made therautdsr, shag, firms the
<br />rye of ezerdse of raid op~sa, bcu imcresa at rho mazimrm legal tale, and this mortgage may thin be foreclosed to atisfy the amount sue oa aid
<br />bmd,aed airy athx bid for additional advarrors, tagr4her wish all surm paid b!' ad The F~rsitabk lisadiag attd Loss Asaodstiwt of Grand Irlsad,
<br />Nita for ice, razes sad asaeamenu, snd abrttactiog e**mm,+ charges, with interest tlterean, from date of paytttertt at the maintain
<br />~ tale.
<br />As provided is the Bond reovrred trreby, w}uk this mortgage remains in effect t)r rnort~rgee may hereafter advaaoe additional nrms to the
<br />rsakgs at aid Band, thefr a sttmesaors in asterest, which scam shall be within the security of this mortgage the same ss the funds otigiaaIly
<br />thereby, the of prit~l debt not to exceed at my time the original artrount of this mortgage.
<br />j s~ 2nd ,d•r~ ~ ? ' July A. O., t9 ?9
<br />tt i ~ _
<br />J aJ Ce v
<br />a~it~' G fl
<br />SYA28 OF AIF~RASXA, ~ ~./
<br />Cd7tm o~ 11A1.t, $- on t~ 2nd daY of J u i y 19 79 . before me,
<br />Jost $I. Zajicek and Lynn E. Zajicek, each ~'a Wotuy Pubtie in and for aid County, peroonaBy Dine
<br />in his and her own righ M Dose of each other, who are permnallyknowato
<br />trs to be the ideaRiesi petaon s `y~o c~la~iaagp S'~ affixed to ffie attove instntment u,aortgagor s and they sevorapy
<br />adaoaakdsad the aid . ~ .~i2e' G "Lnf ~~ yry net and decd.
<br />1vflN~rs afweaid.
<br />;~o~ /
<br />tataaaa n ~'~ •~~ f ~. t.,v~ •`r N tart' public
<br />