<br />.~
<br />f.t
<br />That-the itfortgager wilt pay the }ndebtedaess as hereinhefare provided ' -" -
<br />That the Mortgagor-is -the dwner of said property in fee simple and has good right and lawful authority to sell and
<br />tunvey the same and that lice sortie isitee and, clea,* o[ any lien or encumbrance; and that M12ortgagor will warrant and defend the
<br />title to said pretn}ses against the'-ctaimsof a1f persons whomsoever.-
<br />- To pay immediately whoa due and lrayabie a[i general-fazes, special !axes, special assessments, water charges, sewer serv-
<br />ice charges, and other tares and charges against said properly. and all taxes levied on the debt secured hereby, and to furnish the
<br />Mortgagee, upon .request, with the original. or dnpii_cate rece}pts itierefvr. -The h2ortgagor agrees that there shalt hx added to
<br />- each monthly payment required hereunder or under [tie eJidence• of deb£ secured hereby an amount estimated by the R2ortgager.
<br />to be suGcieat to enable the Mtutgagee to pay, as they become due, a[I taxes, assessments, and similar chargers u}>nn the prem-
<br />ises sabject-thereto; any deficiency because of the in-ufficiency of such additional p3y'ments shall he forthwith deposited lay the
<br />hfartgegor with the Morigagre ui-rn demand hr tt:e Mortgagee- Any default under this paragraph shall he deemed a default in
<br />payment of.taxes, asssessmenis, nr similar charges required hereunder. -
<br />The Biortgagor agrees that Chrre shall ahn he added fo each mouthiy payment of pri^ tips! and interest zegrtirect here-
<br />under an amtwnt estimated by the Mortgagee to he stifficieni to enable the Mortgagee to pay, as it becomes doe, the tasurance
<br />premium nn soy insurance policy delivered to the 3ortgagee. An}~ deficit-ncy because of the insufficicnry of such additional Pay-
<br />.J ntiFnts .hail br forthwith depmited by the 2artgagor with the Mortga~,ee u}xm demand by the Mortgagee. Any default urzder this
<br />paragraph shalt be deemed a default in the Payment of imuranm premiums. 7f the policy nr poEcies deposited are sash as home-
<br />owmrs nr all risk twlicirs. and the dapasils err insufficient to pay the entire premium, the Mar±gagee may apply the depo,-t! to
<br />pay premiums nn risk, requered to be insured by this mortgage
<br />(~. Faymenta made by the Siortgagar under the a}x+ce paragraphs may, at the option of the Mortgagee, £w held by i; and
<br />ntmmingied with other wch fursds or iL oleo turds for the parrs e•nt n( such items, any'. troll! so applied, such pay mints are hereby
<br />pierlged as security for the unpaid balance of the m„rt;;ar indeb[edm•=s.
<br />To pn•cure. deliver to, and maintain for the henet;E „f the l2nrt gagee during the life of this mortgage original pohc~es and
<br />renewals-epees-•ei. deiivrra at least ten da.~s iwfor_a -26e expkrauon of any <¢ch Paiicie~s, insuring against =ire ann`other imurahie
<br />- hszan}s, .-asuatties, and vntingencies as the Mortgagee may require, in an amount egos} to the indebtedness secured by this
<br />Mortgage, and ir. ccmpanies acceptable :n ±he :tlongagee, with los> pacabio clause in favor of and m form acceptable to the \Inrtga-
<br />gee. Ia the event any }xdicy is not renewed on or t+rfiur ten clays of it_. expiration, the 9lurtgage.• may prose rr insurnn r on the
<br />improvements, pay the premium EherrCor, and such sum shall lac?me inunediatrly due and payable with interest a[ the rate set
<br />Ferfla in said note until paid and shah ~• srcvred b.~ thU mortgage" FaIlure ort the part of the Mortgagor h> furni_ch sueh renewals
<br />- as are herein requimd ur failure [a pay any sums actvancecl hereunder :hall. at the aptton of the '-lt ~>rtgagee, cc+nsututr a default
<br />ender the terms of th*s mortgage. The delivery of such }rt+ticies shall. rn the event of default. constitute an asxtgnment of the un~
<br />. earned premium.
<br />Any sums received by the ltnrtgagre• hr reaa~n nt loss ~~a damage inw red againsE ma} tr retained Fy the 91.,rtgagea
<br />and applied toward the payment of the debt hereby se~currd, or. at the option of the \Snrtgagee, such sums rather wholly ur in
<br />part map 3>e paid rn•er to the Mortgagor [n its= used to repatr arch buildings ar to build"new buildtngs rn thole ,:r fc- any
<br />other purpose or object saiisiactoty to the Murt~ager withnnt affecting the lien nr. the mortgage for the full amt,;ntt --rcure,! here
<br />by before sack pacmen[ ever look Place.
<br />To promptly repair, restore ur rebuild arc buildings t:r imprrn~ements paw or hereafter on the premi.r-s which mar be-
<br />come damaged or destroyed; [o keep said premises in good condition and repair and free from any mechanic's hen ur other lien or
<br />claim of lien not ezpt+-~Iy sutxudinatrd to the lien hereof, nut to suiTer or permit any unlawful use of cr any nuisanrr to exL<t on
<br />slid protxrty nor to permit waste nn said pzemiss. nor to do any ether act whereby the property hereby rnm•eyed shall become
<br />coca .alvahfe, am to dirninis}t er impair its value by any act or emission to set-. to comply with all r-qutrrmrnts of raw with respell
<br />-- to the mortgaged premises and the use therx~t+f.
<br />- That should the premises or any part the n•of be taken nr damaged by reawn of any public impr~',sement er anndem nation
<br />proae.eding, nr under the right of eminent domain, or in any other manner, tF \iartgagre shall b:- ertitied to all tnmpensatiuru.
<br />awards, and say ocher payment or retie[ there(ar, and shall be entitled, at it option, to mmtnencr, appear in amt prosecute }n its
<br />o+vn rrarae any action ar proocetttng. ar to make any comprranisr cr settlement in cinnrction with wch taking or damage. AN svth
<br />- competatQ..ion, awards, damages, right of action and ptocaexts are hereby assigned to the Mortgagee, who may. after deducting
<br />lbereftma ad: its ezpenaes, release any moneys so rc-solved by if or apply the same on any indebtedness secured threby. The Mort-
<br />, gagat aurae-ta eatatnte sueh further assignments of any ~ tmpenwtion, awards, damages, end rights of action and proceeds e; the
<br />Mxrz}tagee maY require.
<br />- That is nsae of failure to perform any at the .vvenants herein, the Mortgagee may do on the Mortgagor's beha2t everything
<br />- zm coveaanfrd; that the Mortgagee may also do any act it may deem nrcxssa:y to protect the tier, the rrof: that the Mortgagor will
<br />- i'eParY upon dEaisnfd any rnonevs paid or di_s>»trsed by Lhe Mortgagee far any of the above putpnses. and such moneys ioRet}ier with
<br />- interest iherron tat the rate provided in said note shall baxomr so much additional indebtedness hereby secured and maybe in-
<br />dt~ed lit nay decree fnreelaatng this mortgage and t+e paid out of the mots ar proceeds of sate of said premises if oat otherwise
<br />paid; that it shaft not lse ttt+figator}' u=urn ibe Mortgagor tr. inquire into the validity ut any lien. encumt,ranms, ar claim in ad- -
<br />eaaaag tadztegs ad abtrt2 saithurized, but ru,#hirg herein crrniriined s#sai} }x r:onatrtted as requiting the Mortgagee fo advantr any -
<br />mmpsa.for nap sueh ptripere art 3a, do any act heicurider; sad that Mortgagee shell not incur any pett,cutal liability because of any- `'
<br />i~ittt it toll! do or omit fo do hereunder. "- _.
<br />-~ .c
<br />- In the event d the detain! by M,:stgator in the payment o{ any installment, as required by the Nate secured hereby. or '---
<br />- to the prrfarinamx- of tlsr abiipaUOn in this mortgage nr itt the note secured thereby, the Mortgagee shall be entitled to declare the '_,
<br />d~R atxurad Y". dt~ amt payable wAthw-t aaticr• and the Mortgagee s?aa}} be entitlcal et iLa epiian. wifhaui rwtice, either by itself
<br />r ar by it i!et;tivrr to lie appointed try ttr emR thereot_ and without regard to the adequacy of any security for the }itdebledness se~
<br />child hereby. fs eater upon end take }xisaesaioa a7 the mortgaged Pretnisea, aru3 to collect and rereive the rents- issues end profits
<br />tieteof, acrd aiiP79 the came, 3esa caeb of operation and mlleetion, upon the iadehtadrteas secured by ibis mortgage: said rents,
<br />ierstaes'a+d jetc6b be:irrg hereby aatritired to the Mortgages as farther security for the payment of ail indebtedness secured hereby-
<br />Tbe Masrtta~ee dull havoc the poaet to appoint any agent ar agent= it may desire for the Purpose of repairing said prem-
<br />ises; reaiiag the slat: tni}eg4-tot khe rtnta,, trveatus and income, and it may pay out of said income a}i expenses inarred in rent-
<br />alt sad aianrntiat the soar •ad of tnEkctnnt the rentals therefrom. Tire balance remaining, it anY. shall be applied toward the
<br />dta~aWe-af the es, This aasitttatetit is to terminate and became null and void upon release of this mortgage.
<br />
<br />